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Serviceability of Su-30, helicopter fleet have risen over 60 per cent: Manohar Parrikar

i never knew the dhruvs has serviceability issues, and im surprised as hal should be delivering the parts on time, theres not exactly far away are they?
Well it's a international forum just like others.You are the one having verbal flux..Go through the comment section from first & nobody had mentioned Pakistan or asked Pakistanis.
Elite members talk here like having some Facebook brawl..
I guess you have lost your self so let me refresh your memory.....you see certain individual have hard time accepting certain realities, since they live in oblivion, it's convenient for their tiny egos to deny some realities thus sometimes they need a clip around the ears.....alas as i said learn to walk before aiming to run. If you still don't understand, read the third post to comprehend as not to always behave in a knee jerk fashion.

I guess you have lost your self so let me refresh your memory.....you see certain individual have hard time accepting certain realities, since they live in oblivion, it's convenient for their tiny egos to deny some realities thus sometimes they need a clip around the ears.....alas as i said learn to walk before aiming to run. If you still don't understand, read the third post to comprehend as not to always behave in a knee jerk fashion.


It is fake news as he isn't a soldier but from industrial police. Well we can expect better from your media, right ?
Beef is freely available in many states of India. And BTW, several international organizations have also declare us as the fastest growing world economy. So good luck with the CPEC & 'dollars will flow through the drains' nonsense.

CNN : India's economic growth is still the envy of the world

False equivalence. Despite any beef lynching crime, India is still a secular democracy whereas your country is still a theocracy which constitutionally discriminates & persecutes minorities.

And here is what the world thinks of Indian democracy.

The Democracy Index is an index compiled by the UK based Economist Intelligence Unit, that measures the state of democracy in 167 countries, of which 166 are sovereign states and 165 are UN member states. The index is based on 60 indicators grouped in five different categories measuring pluralism, civil liberties, and political culture. In addition to a numeric score and a ranking, the index categorizes countries as one of four regime types full democracies, flawed democracies, hybrid regimes and authoritarian regimes.


Last time I checked Om Puri didn't have to leave India like several Pakistani authors.

And I wonder which idiot talks about pigeons in this thread. Oh, one from a country where leading nuclear scientist believe non sense like water car.

Meh... what is this ? And when will we see a Pakistani developed microlight ?

And this ?


Chinese help ? More like Chinese doing everything for you. With 5 aerospace vendors, I'm sure than you can make an F 22 raptor all by yourself.


Yeah right. A Pakistani troll on pdf knows more than our defense minister on serviceability of the MKI. I wonder who gave you that information- ISI or MI6 ?

Is that a description of you yourself ? Or the populace of your motherland in general ?
No that's your family tree along with one plus billion indiots who barks a lot and reminds us what they are.
Yeah, you only need to raise your doubts without an iota of evidence. Just to feel good.

A Pakistani talking about accountability is the biggest irony of them all :lol:
As i said before, if you were a chocolate you would eat your self.
An Indian proving his worth is like cat guarding a pint of milk. :rofl:
As i said before, if you were a chocolate you would eat your self.
An Indian proving his worth is like cat guarding a pint of milk. :rofl:

Tell that to your retarded journalists who can't identify a policeman from a soldier.

Nothing better can be expected from a country where the leading nuclear scientist gets fooled from claims of a water car.
They have only few points left to grind on.
In only internal politics of India beef & such c$raps are relevant..Even part of Hindus consume beef & are sold in India openly.Nowhere beef is banned.Even Muslims in India are well aware about that..
It's funny to see specially on Facebook & Twitter these sab ka thekadar Pakistanis try to incite Muslims in India & in response they get their wind jammed in back..:lol:24*7 busy justifying how superior they are.
Says who ...an indiot where majority of you fart openly.

Tell that to your retarded journalists who can't identify a policeman from a soldier.

Nothing better can be expected from a country where the leading nuclear scientist gets fooled from claims of a water car.
I know our nuclear triad is giving you sleepless nights, we know indiots can fart and bark without restrictions...us this the moto of your motherland.
It is fake news as he isn't a soldier but from industrial police. Well we can expect better from your media, right ?
Oh yea, Indian media is the gospel truth and more over, no Indian soldier has ever turned the gun on his colleagues. :lol:
I know our nuclear triad is giving you sleepless nights, we know indiots can fart and bark without restrictions...us this the moto of your motherland.

Lol, nuclear triad with as 450 km range missile. This is what a sea based deterrent looks like.

Nah more like the family tree of your jehadi brethren.

Now go whine elsewhere
Hat can't face the truth...
Jehadi or not I am not bothered but I am happy you are running away with your tail between your legs just like you should do..what can I expect from an hybrid.
Lol, nuclear triad with as 450 km range missile. This is what a sea based deterrent looks like.

Imagine 450 km is giving you indiots sleepless nights...all your media is hell bend to prove it fake...when you canoe to know the actual range what will happen then...the best you can do what you are best at is go into a doggie position...
Imagine 450 km is giving you indiots sleepless nights...all your media is hell bend to prove it fake...when you canoe to know the actual range what will happen then...the best you can do what you are best at is go into a doggie position...

Haha, giving sleepless nights ? Is that the term used in Pakistan for exposing your lies ?

What you're best at is surrendering en masse.
Another one

Running away as in 1971 ?
Is this the best you can come up with.....always come up with same thing...no wonder why whatever a dogs says...it looks like barking all the time....mr. Hybrid.

Haha, giving sleepless nights ? Is that the term used in Pakistan for exposing your lies ?

What you're best at is surrendering en masse.
So what happened to your fake surgical strike like your fake hanuman.
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