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Security beefed up in Islamabad as Lal Masjid cleric vows to restart 'Sharia Law' campaign

When it comes to killing nation's soft power, clerics and saffrons stand first in queue.
Why not just accept Shariah law? It'll significantly reduce terrorism, crime, corruption, and thousands of other Problems Pakistan faces.
Forget Swat already?

You have no Idea what Shariah Law is and what a Khalifa is...

A state shariah law; like Iran will be effective.

It'll create short term problems; but will pay off later on.
Secular state is the future of Pakistan.
And it will also create its own set of huge problems too. Sharia law is no panacea.

Oh, so you're a Pakistani non-Muslim. Your previous comments now make sense.

The question is what type of Sharia ? Unlike Iran and Saudi Arabia, the religious community in pakistan is immensely polarized. What type of Islamic jurisprudence should we look to ? Brailvi ? Shia ? Ahle Hadees ?

Pakistan already has a "Council of Islamic Idealogy" , who's duty is to guide the Parliament over Islamic legislation. The fact that it faces internal divisions and is largely indecisive tell you about the future of sharia in Pakistan. We cant even get all the muslims to celebrate eid on one day, how on earth are we gonna agree on the same sharia principles ?

Please first study Islam before commenting. I follow the Braveli thareeka and it is not a jurisprudence! Please educate yourself. Bhai jaan what you are doing is condemning yourself before Allah az'wajal. You are not debating the specs of JF-17 and Tejas, but the ruling system of Allah.
How is this mosque and its molvi still open?

What a mockery of the state of Pakistan.
Yehi tou Rona hai:sad: if Riyasat is so serious to clean up the old mess why we need to have this open threat on our necks. I strongly believe this molvie was a bigger supplier of sucide bombers for Taliban or any other terrorist org.
How is this mosque and its molvi still open?

What a mockery of the state of Pakistan.

How? Seriously! Yeh ISI Ka madrassah. Tthere is no way can any madrassa remain open if it was a threat. The beggers in power need to remind the diplomatic community of the dangers of not supporting Pakistan. Shameful people have no shame!
Yehi tou Rona hai:sad: if Riyasat is so serious to clean up the old mess why we need to have this open threat on our necks. I strongly believe this molvie was a bigger supplier of sucide bombers for Taliban or any other terrorist org.
And what is this BS about security being increased?

Send 50 soldiers inside, shoot anyone who blocks your way and drag this hate preaching backward thinking subhuman outside.

Our state is a joke and so are our security agencies. This mosque should have been razed to the ground during Mushi's time.
Oh, so you're a Pakistani non-Muslim. Your previous comments now make sense.

How so? Can you name one country that has been able to implement Sharia Law in modern times without creating more problems?
Apart from sending it back to the dark ages :tup:

Jinnah would turn in his grave.
The first thing that Jinnah would suffer after a Sharia Law is that his grave would be desecrated. A Mausoleum for Quaid e Azam is against the Deobandi/Ahl e Hadith/Salafi ideology, which is most likely to be implemented in Pakistan, just like ISIL, if Sharia Law is implemented.
پڑھنے کی ضرورت آپکو ہے جناب ۔ جو نظام آپ تجویز کر رہے ہیں اسی نظام کے تحت صحابہ کرام میں خانہ جنگی ہوئی - اسی شریعہ کے ہوتے ہوئے جنگ صفین جنگ جمل ہوئیں تھی اسی شریعہ کے پہلے پہل ماننے والے صحابہ کرام تابعین کے دور میں حکومت کٓے لیے وہ خون خرابہ ہوا کہ الامان ۔ مسلم امہ اسی طرز حکومت کے دوران ہے نبی پاک کے سارے خاندان کا قتل عام ہوا تھا ۔ اگر یہ نظام اتنا ہی اچھا تھا تو حضرت عمر حضرت عثمان حضرت علی حضرت حیسن حضرت عبداللہ بن زبیر کا قتل نا ہوتا ۔ ام المومنین حضرت عائشہ اور حضرت علی کی فوجیں ایک دوسرے کا خون پانی کی طرح نا بہاتی ۔ اسلامی نظام حکومت ایک ناکام طرز حکومت ہے ہمیشہ سے خونریزی اور قتل و غارت کا سبب بنا ہے اور آج بھی بن رہا ہے پچھلے ایک ہفتے سے طالبان نے ایک دوسرے پر شریعت کے لیے نہیں بلکہ حق حکومت کے لیے ھملے کیے ہیں ۔ نبی پاک کی وفات کے بعد سے ہی یہ نظام حکومت ناکام ہو گیا تھا جب صحابہ کرام کی مجلس سقیفہ بنی ساعدہ میں اختلافات نے سر اٹھا لیے تھے ۔ جو آگے چل کر بنو ہاشم اور بنو امیہ کی خآنہ جنگی کا موجب بنے ۔ آپکو خؤد پڑھنا چاہیے نا کہ مجھے تلقین کرنی چاہیے ۔ اب جبکہ اختلافات صرف اختلافات نہیں رہے خانہ جنگیاں تفرقے بازیاں خؤن کی ندیاں پار کر چکی ہیں پاکستان میں گزشتہ 30 سالوں میں کتنے احمدی شعیہ سنی بریلوی وہابی دیوبندی مارے گئے ہیں ؟ وہ سب پاکستان یا دفاع پاکستان کے لیے نہیں آپس کی تفرقہ بازیوں میں قتل ہوئے ہیں آپ انکو یکجا کرنے کی بات کر رہے ہیں جو سن10 ہجری سے باہم پیکار ہیں؟ بچگانہ خواہش ہے آپکی بس اور کیا ،

Translation please.

You are the one who needs to study. The system you are suggesting, was the exact system that caused rifts and wars/bloodshed between Companions of Prophet Mohammad PBUH (Sahaba Karam) While this system (Sharia) existed, The war of Sif'feen and Jamal were fought. During the governance/tenure, of the first ever Companions of the Prophet (Sahaba Karam) who believed in this system (Sharia) there was so much bloodshed which can't be imagined. While this system (Sharia) was in place, the entire family of Prophet Muhammad was martyred. Had this system (Sharia) been so good, Hazrat to all- Umar, Usman, Ali, Hussain, Abdullah bi Zubair would not have been murdered (or martyred). The mother of muslims, Hazrat Ayesha and Hazrat Ali's armies wouldn't have shed each other's blood like water. Islamic System of Governance is a failed system of governance. It has always been a reason for bloodshed, murder and violence and it still today is. Since during the last week, (I don't know why the author wrote week) Taliban attacked each other not due to the Islamic System of Governance (Shariat), but fighting for power and authority. After the death of Prophet Muhammad, this system of governance was a complete failure, when Parliament of Saqifa bani Sa'idah was formed and disputes arose between Companions of the Prophet (Sahaba Karam). That later on was the cause of bloodshed between Banu Hashim and Banu Umayyah. You should read yourself, instead of me suggesting you to. Now that the disputes aren't just disputes and they're the reason for bloodshed, diversion of sects, and has caused (innocent) blood to flow on the streets. During the past 30 years, how many Ahmedi, Shia, Sunni, Barelvi, Barelvi, Wahhabi, Deobandi have been killed? They all weren't just killed for Pakistan or while defending Pakistan, they were murdered due to the divisions of sects. You are talking about uniting these people? Those who have been fighting since 10 Hijri? This is just a childish (immature) wish, nothing else.

Just a translation of the actual post linked above. Mostly agree with the author's words. Wish some immature people would actually see that!

Author @Imran Khan
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Individual opinions don't represent will of nation. Last time Hameed gull tried to protest with his followers hardly more than 100 people showed up. It doesnt kill to do some research or in other case you are just an indian sterotype.
Sharia law is a concept that orignated from saudi model of governance so in short a whabi and salafi model. In pakistan except some mullahs you wont find many wahabi philosphy followers. Religious parties have never been able to secure more than 10 seats in parliament which should tell you what we want.

Interesting. Then get it OUT of your constitution.
Amendments to the Constitution of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Legal age of consent in vetican is 12..in south korea is 13. in germany austria hungary and serbia is 14....

Minimum Legal Age of Consent - Female

Whats your point??
I never heard in Sharia Law any kind of consent exists for girls? It's just forced marriage. Most girls even over 18, 20, 22, 25 are married forcefully, i.e without their own free will and sometimes without even knowing or seeing the one who they're about to marry until they consummate the marriage.

Don't tell us the age of s3x. Marriage, especially forcefully arranged marriage is something different, and marriage between Mullah Burqa at the age of 55 and a girl aged 12, 13 or 14 would be shameful, and I doubt he'd ever want the girl to be consented, even at the time he's consummating his marriage.

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