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Saving the Cows, Starving the Children

First, not eating dead human beings and endangered species have its own reasons, but those reasons do not apply to eating beef or egg or other non-veg food like fish, crab, prawn, chicken, mutton, lamb, pork, etc. these are widely accepted foods. Those who don't want to eat...it is their choice. But those who want to...it is their choice too.

Besides, our NE people (and many other Mongoloid countries) eat dog, cat, monkey, etc. We as a country has grown and became stronger and more united by respecting the choices and cultures of different regions and different people.

Second, government's job is to ensure that our people, our children are not malnurished, not to ban food. With so many malnurished children around, it is rather cruel to deprive the children of a nutrition rich food like egg. Again, those who don't want tl eat egg, it's their choice, why should everybody be deprived of it?

Replying to your second post later.

What ever the reason, the fact rubbishes your assertion that govt. has no role to play in determining the food choices. It has been conclusively proven that they do have a role in that.

Have the integrity and the grace to admit you were wrong.

Your lecture on diversity has no relevance to the topic, so I am dismissing it as a straw-man and a red herring.

Govt. has a job to ensure equal opportunity and healthcare, not to ensure no one is malnourished. That is one's individual choice. Many people choose to be malnourished too, especially in religious orders.

Finally considering there is No ban on Eggs in MP, your Rant about "cruelty" is laughable and foolish. Those who want to eat eggs is free to pay for it and buy it and eat it.

What says who? Cow slaughter is banned in states like Mahatashtra or Haryana for decades, the recent ban on slaughter of bulls and bullocks is just stretching the argument.

Who says life of bulls and bullocks has no religious significance ?

First, meat also contain Omega 3, though not as much as fish.

Second, vegetarian foods provide Omega 3-ALA, and you can get Omega 3 - EPA & DHA from non-veg sources only, and EPA & DHA has distinct benefits that cannot be fulfilled by ALA, some veg sources have very high Omega 3, but not EPA & DHA.

Nature has designed us to be omnivorous for a reason.

Rubbish Again. Omega 3 is present in eggs, Vegetable oils; Nuts and Leafy vegetables, Soya bean etc.

ALA is an essential nutrient. DHA and EPA, are not considered essential nutrients because humans can synthesize these fats from ALA.

Pretty much everything you have said is wrong and ignorant.

Apart from being untrue, that doesn't nullify the 4 points mentioned in my previous post.

Economic reason d not justify unethical practices. That is why you cannot become an international drug merchant, how ever lucrative it is. Same for "flesh trade".

India has been feeding it people and raising cattle and has evolved the principle of cow protection for thousands of years, all of which went hand in hand and made us one of the greatest civilizations in the world.
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Yes. Cow meat will not be allowed. End of story.

Alternatively one can go to Maharashtra, sell it in public and get a 5 year vacation with free food and lodging at state expense.

Eggs shouldn't be an issue, if not, soyabean is a good source of proteins.
Eggs must not be an issue. Eggs were considers a living source before, but almost all unfertilized eggs in broilers today are not. Only MP has done this. It needs to be reversed, at least until soybean and milk are in proper supply.
This thread is the prime example of how much threat organised religions poses to the society and the entire humanity as a whole!!In fact religious bigotry is many times bigger a threat than racial bigotry!! Someone very rightly said, "Where there is religion,there is no place for logic and truth;and where there is logic and truth,there is simply no need of religion"!! Sums everything up pretty well.
This thread is the prime example of how much threat organised religions poses to the society and the entire humanity as a whole!!In fact religious bigotry is many times bigger a threat than racial bigotry!! Someone very rightly said, "Where there is religion,there is no place for logic and truth;and where there is logic and truth,there is simply no need of religion"!! Sums everything up pretty well.

Organized religion like christianity and Islam ?

Hinduism has one of the OLDEST school of logic and reasoning in the world. :crazy: Carvaka, Bauddha, Jaina, Sankhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, Nyaya and Vaisesika are some of the philosophies that has logic and reasoning and seeking the truth as its fundamental principles.

Anyone with even a basic understanding of Hindu Philosophy will not say such rubbish. :disagree:
What ever the reason, the fact rubbishes your assertion that govt. has no role to play in determining the food choices. It has been conclusively proven that they do have a role in that.

Have the integrity and the grace to admit you were wrong.

Your lecture on diversity has no relevance to the topic, so I am dismissing it as a straw-man and a red herring.

Govt. has a job to ensure equal opportunity and healthcare, not to ensure no one is malnourished. That is one's individual choice. Many people choose to be malnourished too, especially in religious orders.

Finally considering there is No ban on Eggs in MP, your Rant about "cruelty" is laughable and foolish. Those who want to eat eggs is free to pay for it and buy it and eat it.

All rubbish arguments, besides, mid-day meal was implemented for the very reason that their beneficieries can't pay for good food.

Who says life of bulls and bullocks has no religious significance ?

You can attach religious significance to anything and everything, but that should not apply to the rest of the population. The real reason behind the recent ban on slaughter of bulls and bullocks is anything but religious sensitivities.

Rubbish Again. Omega 3 is present in eggs, Vegetable oils; Nuts and Leafy vegetables, Soya bean etc.

ALA is an essential nutrient. DHA and EPA, are not considered essential nutrients because humans can synthesize these fats from ALA.

Pretty much everything you have said is wrong and ignorant.

Read more, a healthy digestive system is supposed to synthesize EPA & DHA from ALA, but the process is not optimal, and not guaranteed to be effective, especially when the digestive system is not in best condition. Those vegan sites sell you half truth.

Economic reason d not justify unethical practices. That is why you cannot become an international drug merchant, how ever lucrative it is. Same for "flesh trade".

India has been feeding it people and raising cattle and has evolved the principle of cow protection for thousands of years, all of which went hand in hand and made us one of the greatest civilizations in the world.

The 4 points I have mentioned previously confirms that you are living in delusion, and the cattle owners are selling their cattle for a practical use.

Btw, did Modi govt. banned beef export? :)
All rubbish arguments, besides, mid-day meal was implemented for the very reason that their beneficieries can't pay for good food.

LOL. Calling it rubbish will not do, you have to prove it.

Mid Day meal was implemented to get more students into school. Good food do not being and end with "eggs" :cheesy:

You can attach religious significance to anything and everything, but that should not apply to the rest of the population. The real reason behind the recent ban on slaughter of bulls and bullocks is anything but religious sensitivities.

You can assign "conspiracy theories" to anything too. Good luck with your "real reason". ................. No doubt a sinister agenda and ending with the coming of Hilter.

Read more, a healthy digestive system is supposed to synthesize EPA & DHA from ALA, but the process is not optimal, and guaranteed to be effective, especially when the digestive system is not in best condition. Those vegan sites sell you half truth.

LOL. So now the argument has sifted to "non optimal" digestive system ? So what you are basically saying is that sick people cannot produce DHA and EPA from ALA :cheesy:

Non optimal "pancreas" do not produce insulin either :lol: ... gives people diabetes......... non optimal heart, gives you heart attack ..... cool "logic".

The 4 points I have mentioned previously confirms that you are living in delusion, and the cattle owners are selling their cattle for a practical use.

Btw, did Modi govt. banned beef export? :)

The cattle owners are free to sell their cattle. The same was true in the past too.

Modi govt. has Cow banned slaughter where it can. So the export is from congress ruled states. I agree Modi should put a stop to Beef Export. We should only allow export of live bovines.
Eggs shouldn't be an issue, if not, soyabean is a good source of proteins.

:P kids dont like soyabean and BTW soyabean is expensive these days.

BTW whats with egg now? what would follow?

How many Hindus eat eggs? is there a national ban on eggs in the offing ?

There are 2 type of eggs..... One is normal.... The other one is Veg........ :)

:laugh: which one is veg?
Organized religion like christianity and Islam ?

Hinduism has one of the OLDEST school of logic and reasoning in the world. :crazy: Carvaka, Bauddha, Jaina, Sankhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, Nyaya and Vaisesika are some of the philosophies that has logic and reasoning and seeking the truth as its fundamental principles.

Anyone with even a basic understanding of Hindu Philosophy will not say such rubbish. :disagree:

So according to you,the Hinduism is not an organised religion!!Too bad the GoI,quite rightly so, doesn't adhere to such pile of shit!!
And please,hang your Naya,Yoga bs,whatever they might have been,those are hardly followed by the modern age Hindus.Today,Hinduism has been attached with all sorts of bells and whistles of various dogmatic rituals and superstitions,which do not make an iota of sense, the same as that of those two you mentioned.

And by the way,the man whom I quoted was a Hindu!!

All rubbish arguments, besides, mid-day meal was implemented for the very reason that their beneficieries can't pay for good food.

You can attach religious significance to anything and everything, but that should not apply to the rest of the population. The real reason behind the recent ban on slaughter of bulls and bullocks is anything but religious sensitivities.

Read more, a healthy digestive system is supposed to synthesize EPA & DHA from ALA, but the process is not optimal, and not guaranteed to be effective, especially when the digestive system is not in best condition. Those vegan sites sell you half truth.

The 4 points I have mentioned previously confirms that you are living in delusion, and the cattle owners are selling their cattle for a practical use.

Btw, did Modi govt. banned beef export? :)

Dude,just give it a rest.Anatomy is something which can be understood by these relitards. Let them continue with their shit fest.If the BJP continues with this sort of nonsensical practices,then their days would be numbered.
If not egg, then government should provide daily 500ml of pure cow milk to students atleast.
So according to you,the Hinduism is not an organised religion!!Too bad the GoI,quite rightly so, doesn't adhere to such pile of shit!!
And please,hang your Naya,Yoga bs,whatever they might have been,those are hardly followed by the modern age Hindus.Today,Hinduism has been attached with all sorts of bells and whistles of various dogmatic rituals and superstitions,which do not make an iota of sense, the same as that of those two you mentioned.

And by the way,the man whom I quoted was a Hindu!!

That will depend on your definition of Organized religion you retard.

GoI has no religion you dumb $hit. The people who MAN the GoI however are practising Hindus :lol: The PM is a Hindu and so is his council of Ministers.

Your ignorance and stupidity do not extend to the rest of the world. Your inability to comprehend Hinduism is a demonstration of your limited intellect. The rest of the Hindus are very comfortable with all the bells and whistles and no one really give a fcuk to what you think of Hinduism or your opinion for that matter.

Ravan was a Hindu too so if you are going to quote him and expect me or anyone to take your seriously, you would be wrong. :lol: ........... not every Hindu is expected to demonstrate intelligence and knowledge. You being my example.

Dude,just give it a rest.Anatomy is something which can be understood by these relitards. Let them continue with their shit fest.If the BJP continues with this sort of nonsensical practices,then their days would be numbered.

Good that you gave him an escape route. Hope he does the same for you, else your humiliation will be bloody. Your empty threats are noted and laughed at :lol:

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