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Saudi Ambassador give aid to Korea Muslim Federation

So do the christian, the only problems with them is they usualy ignore they law when built a church

All hogwash. When you want to persecute someone you come up with any excuse. When there is will there is way. In Pakistan we falsely accuse Christians of blasphemy before burning their Churches down, in Indonesia it’s another excuse. None of this happened before wahabism took control in Indonesia (or Pakistan) and people of all religions and sects lived largely peacefully alongside each other.

Wahabism is not always apparent in its own form as it often works with other extremist groups, such as Doebandis in Pakistan. Don’t think we are fools or not well versed in these tactics. If anything Pakistanis know it very well being at the receiving end of Wahabi inspired terrorism for so long.
All hogwash. When you want to persecute someone you come up with any excuse. When there is will there is way. In Pakistan we falsely accuse Christians of blasphemy before burning their Churches downs, in Indonesia it’s another excuse. None of this happened before wahabism took control in Indonesia (or Pakistan) and people of all religions and sects lived largely peacefully alongside each other. Wahabism is not always apparent in its own form as it often works with other extremist groups, such as Doebandis in Pakistan. Don’t think we are fools or not well versed in these tactics. If anything Pakistanis know it very well being at the receiving end of Wahabi inspired terrorism for so long.

No, I speaking the truth you can see it on news
Actually before the Reformation, Media has been supressed by Military backed Regime and no such news can pass the sensor
So that's why no such news or only few news like that before the Reformation

Why did you act like you know everything in Indonesia?
No, I speaking the truth you can see it on news
Actually before the Reformation, Media has been supressed by Military backed Regime and no such news can pass the sensor
So that's why no such news or only few news like that before the Reformation

Why did you act like you know averything in Indonesia?

No you are not. Mainstream media is under wahabi influence just like mainstream media in Pakistan and other Muslim countries is. They dare not speak the truth and are often actually following the wahabi agenda of fuelling the hatred. It’s the same story everywhere, be it Pakistan or Indonesia, or most other Muslim countries.

I know about Indonesia because it’s the age of information in case you haven't noticed. Indonesia is being criticised all over the world for its recently acquired wahabis mind-set, and the violence and human rights abuses that have followed.
No you are not. Mainstream media is under wahabi influence just like mainstream media in Pakistan and other Muslim countries is. They dare not speak the truth and are often actually following the wahabi agenda of fuelling the hatred. It’s the same story everywhere, be it Pakistan or Indonesia, or most other Muslim countries.

I know about Indonesia because it’s the age of information in case you haven't noticed. Indonesia is being criticises all over the world for its recently acquired wahabis mind-set.

Funny isn't it?
@madokafc you said Indonesia is secular
And this guy say Indonesia is wahabbi

Both of you are the same, only saying baseless thing
Sama-sama ngawur, Haha
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No those who attacking Shia in sampang are local people their own neighbor, not Wahhabi

How come neighbours have suddenly started killing each other since wahabis came to Indonesia? This is what wahabism does to societies; wahabi inspired preachers come and instil hatred against other sects and that’s when the problem begins. People who were living happily side by side for century are suddenly on each other’s throats. This is the same story in Pakistan, Indonesia and most other Muslim countries who have come under wahabi petro-dollar influence.

Funny isn't it?
@madokafc you said Indonesia is secular
And this guy say Indonesia is wahabbi

Both of you are the same, only saying baseless thing
Sama-sama ngawur, Haha

Indonesia was secular but now its wahabi effectively. I don’t think anyone is officially calling it secular anymore. A lot has happened since Indonesia was secular a long time ago. Some people still have memories from then.
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How come neighbours have suddenly started killing each other since wahabis came to Indonesia? This is what wahabism does to societies; wahabi inspired preachers come and instil hatred against other sects and that’s when the problem begins. People who were living happily side by side for century are suddenly on each other’s throats. This is the same story in Pakistan, Indonesia and most other Muslim countries who have come under wahabi petro-dollar influence.

Like I said read the news, each grup is lead by people from the same family a BROTHERS, not just neighbor
How can you expected no clash when shia using Different Adzan and cursing Aisha?

Indonesia was NOT SECULAR, there's no official source about that
Funny isn't it?
@madokafc you said Indonesia is secular
And this guy say Indonesia is wahabbi

Both of you are the same, only saying baseless thing
Sama-sama ngawur, Haha

I stand corrected, Indonesia is not a secular countries neither religions based ones!!
Kalau bisa milih mendingan tetap sekular di tingkat eksekutif, legislatif dan hukum tapi tetap agamis di beberapa sektor masyarakat seperti yang terjadi di Indonesia sekarang kok :P
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Why do you care what we Arabs do? You are not a Muslim or an Arab but you are probably belonging to a minority sect and now crying that you only have the fake wannabe Arab Mullah Majoos that can sponsor you and your little sect. Besides you know nothing about Indonesia nor about KSA or this project. So cut the crap and find another hobby. We as the cradle of Islam will always support it and try to spread Islam as commanded to us by Allah (SWT) and there is nothing you or anybody else here can do about it.
How come neighbours have suddenly started killing each other since wahabis came to Indonesia? This is what wahabism does to societies; wahabi inspired preachers come and instil hatred against other sects and that’s when the problem begins. People who were living happily side by side for century are suddenly on each other’s throats. This is the same story in Pakistan, Indonesia and most other Muslim countries who have come under wahabi petro-dollar influence.

Indonesia was secular but now its wahabi effectively. I don’t think anyone is officially calling it secular anymore. A lot has happened since Indonesia was secular a long time ago. Some people still have memories from then.

As long as i know,

Sorry to say, we are not pets of Saudian troll princes or under any influence of some country even though it is China or USA. The Majority of Indonesian peoples will say he/she will be more to loving his country rather than their religion, will loving his/her country more than his heritage lineage, this expression can be seen when Indonesia confronted the Malaysian in some recent teritory dispute or over historical rhetorics and the sacrifices of Indonesian Tiong Hoa during Indonesian history.
Like I said read the news, each grup is lead by people from the same family a BROTHERS, not just neighbor
How can you expected no clash when shia using Different Adzan and cursing Aisha?

Indonesia was NOT SECULAR, there's no official source about that

Oh iya, why are you not taking Tarawih praying, altough it is sunnah still better than doing some propaganda at here. I am woman and i got my monthly turn so i don't take the fasting right now, and i kinda of pissed of :pissed:
As long as i know,

Sorry to say, we are not pets of Saudian troll princes or under any influence of some country even though it is China or USA. The Majority of Indonesian peoples will say he/she will be more to loving his country rather than their religion, will loving his/her country more than his heritage lineage, this expression can be seen when Indonesia confronted the Malaysian in some recent teritory dispute or over historical rhetorics and the sacrifices of Indonesian Tiong Hoa during Indonesian history.

Oh Realy? Why I didn't know that?
Oh yes I remember, I was only some false flaggers from a midle of nowhere like @nufix said

It's Ramadhan, try to look at Masjid, you will know the truth
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Why is it so that KSA gives aid specifically for Islam to any country? If they really want to help, do they not want to help the Non-Muslims of that particular country? Probably a better analogy will be if other countries give aid to Shias of Saudi Arabia. That will work out pretty well as did in Bahrain.
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