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Saudi Ambassador give aid to Korea Muslim Federation

I dont understand how you can even use these statements as logic.

1. Yes, KSA is important when it comes to India.

2. It is completely different that KSA has been at the forefront of sponsoring wahhabi madrassas and funded terrorist organizations. There is a reason why Fahd was stopped in his funding to many Islamic organizations by USA

A- If KSA poses a real threat to the Indian nation, your Gov't shouldn't have worked with us over the last 50 years, because if they do, by your logic, they might put the safety of their people in jeopardy, or it could mean that the Indian Gov't applies double standards.

B- King Fahad never stopped funding KSA's projects in the US, each and every single institution is being monitored by the Fedral Government, under title VI. Currently, KSA has 13 Arabian and Islamic cultural studies centers located in Universities across the US, aside from other charity and scientific research centers.

All you need to go is google. Let me give you a push...try googling the world islamic conference held in 1980's and where KSA started pumping in money after that.

Actually, the OIC was founded in 1969 by KSA, and we have been funding it ever since.

You must have misunderstood my question, I was asking you about having a materialistic proof in which it indicated that KSA was involved in terror activities, I'm positively sure you will failed to provide any, don't worry, I can speak with the authority on that.

Simple reason - AQ does not support monarchies. And the only reason that AQ got this powerful in the first place is because KSA has directly or indirectly supported them earlier.
Its the same reason KSA was happy that MB was removed from Egypt and rushed to give money to egypt.

Now I'm beginning to question your English skills. You just told us that we created terror to consolidate the primarly power in Saudi Arabi, and then I confrontated you with a bit of an evidence to refute your argument, and now you're telling us that Al-Qaida doesn't support monarchies? Seriously??

You believe that others are not aware of KSA's history or that other countries/countrymen fawn over KSA like Pakistan. That is not the case.

Yes, KSA and Pakistan created the Taliban to counter post-Shah Iran and the flux of 12er Shiaism, as for Al-Qaida, the Arab Afghan - who later became known to be Al Qaida - didn't need a damn help, a guy like Bin laden with a net worth of a $20 billion or at least a part of it needs no help from a damn country or intelligence agency.

I will leave it here, I'm dropping the stick since the debate began to become more and more dulls.

Adios :wave:

@Yzd Khalifa hindus know all about Islam.. they have been ruled for 500 years by my ancestors and there low casts had been pulled out of atrocities committed by high class brahmins & kayshatars. They work in Saudi Arabia and mid-east and enjoy living under Islamic laws more than hindu laws. He's just trolling.

Point taken, many nations are mad at us, for some reasons…
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A- If KSA poses a real threat to the Indian nation, your Gov't shouldn't have worked with us over the last 50 years, because if they do, by your logic, they might put the safety of their people in jeopardy, or it could mean that the Indian Gov't applies double standards.
KSA does not post a threat to the Indian nation per se.
What KSA does is spread its brand of Islam which produces terrorists not just in India or Pakistan, but globally.

And had zero influence over KSA till the 2000's, and even today, we have little. But its growing with time, as India's economy and military are growing.

B- King Fahad never stopped funding KSA's projects in the US, each and every single institution is being monitored by the Fedral Government, under title VI. Currently, KSA has 13 Arabian and Islamic cultural studies centers located in Universities across the US, aside from other charity and scientific research centers.
I am beginning to question your english skills mate.
I said USA stopped Fahd from funding of various organizations - Islamic charitable organizations. I didnt say cultural studies centers in US.

Actually, the OIC was founded in 1969 by KSA, and we have been funding it ever since.
And I wasnt talking of OIC, else I would have mentioned OIC.
I am speaking specifically of the Global Islamic Conference held in the 1980's and its participants.

You must have misunderstood my question, I was asking you about having a materialistic proof in which it indicated that KSA was involved in terror activities, I'm positively sure you will failed to provide any, don't worry, I can speak with the authority on that.
There is a plethora of evidence...over many decades.
Let me post something recent to jog your memory.
WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists | World news | The Guardian
"More needs to be done since Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups," says a secret December 2009 paper signed by the US secretary of state. Her memo urged US diplomats to redouble their efforts to stop Gulf money reaching extremists in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Now I'm beginning to question your English skills. You just told us that we created terror to consolidate the primarly power in Saudi Arabi, and then I confrontated you with a bit of an evidence to refute your argument, and now you're telling us that Al-Qaida doesn't support monarchies? Seriously??
Yes, it does not.
Al Qaida is useful till a certain extent. But just like Muslim Brotherhood, if they grow too powerful, they threaten the basis and legitimacy of monarchy in Saudi Arabia.

That is one of the prime reasons why KSA rushed to give money to Egypt as soon as its Army toppled MB.

Yes, KSA and Pakistan created the Taliban to counter post-Shah Iran and the flux of 12er Shiaism, as for Al-Qaida, the Arab Afghan - who later became known to be Al Qaida - didn't need a damn help, a guy like Bin laden with a net worth of a $20 billion or at least a part of it needs no help from a damn country or intelligence agency.

I will leave it here, I'm dropping the stick since the debate began to become more and more dulls.

Adios :wave:
I gave a simple example of a quote from the US Secretary of State.

As I said, there is a plethora of intelligence about this.
The only reason nothing is or can be done about it except for constantly pushing the Saud family is because KSA is the single most crucial supplier of oil to the globe and the most supportive of allies of US. They are indispensable.

Point taken, many nations are mad at us, for some reasons…
No one is mad. But the person whom you quote is a typical example of what comes out after being educated in wahabi madrassas.

Reasons are being given for activities undertaken by KSA.

KSA has also reduced a lot of its funding under US pressure after 9/11.
The biggest chunk of Korean Muslims are about 10,000 Pakistani and about 10,000 Bangladeshi migrant factory workers who married Korean girls, many of whom became Muslims. The next generation kids from these families are of course almost all Muslims. So this help from KSA will always be fondly remembered by the Korean Muslim community.
Hay, i had tell you before right, i was worked at Pusat Study Konflik dan Perdamaian in UGM, don't you?
Those *****ng GAM torn down Church, several Government building and Public School because they are believed it was government tools to made Aceh People slave of Javanese People, but we came to Aceh to educated them, and those curchs is belong to traditional Christian Minority in Aceh which had been living in Aceh for generations.

So many Moslem sect in Indonesia, which ones do you want? and there is so many persecutions against them in the past and in present times like what happened against Ahmadiyah (altough we cannot consider them as Moslem because they had different last prophet), Shiah, LDI, DI/TII? which ones?

Don't give a **** like you know all the truth about what happened in Ambon or Poso, because actually you can find if the most involved persons in those conflict itself never know what happened during those conflict.

Like I said where is the source?
A media had to be embeded journalist to report what happen in there, But somehow you know what happen in there?

You can see on youtube Police shooting at Masjid from Gun Truck while shouting something about sex during that war

If you're confuse, then that doesn't mean everybody are confuse on what happen
I see that very clear

Did you have read before? She said, she have a period
Maybe that's why she can easly angry like that

@Rajaraja Chola
Those war in Aceh is between Nationalist(Aceh Nationalist) and Nationalist(Indonesia Nationalist)
Why did you saying another baseless thing like that again? Lack of education?
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The biggest chunk of Korean Muslims are about 10,000 Pakistani and about 10,000 Bangladeshi migrant factory workers who married Korean girls, many of whom became Muslims. The next generation kids from these families are of course almost all Muslims. So this help from KSA will always be fondly remembered by the Korean Muslim community.

I happen to know a good South Korean friend of mine, he told me that the Muslim community in Korea has lots of Koreans, Pakistanis, Bengalis, Indians, and Iraqis. Actually, Those migrants often occupy higher positions rather than labor force.

What usually happens is that those Muslims who applied for a visa to visit the Holy land maintain a hot line with the Embassy regarding what their needs in their community, what KSA's embassies usually do is to notify the local authority before taking any steps like opening an Islamic Center or anything similar. If the local authority gave them the green light then KSA takes care of what they need on condition that they have to abide by the rules, the very least thing we wish to see is radicalization.
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