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Russian Air Force commander visits Pakistan for first time in history

I think Russian objection was mainly about use of religious extremism as a geopolitical weapon, which has a tendency to backfire. In hindsight, they were correct, don't you think? Russians have been dealing with Muslims since the days of Golden Horde for about 800 years. Early Russians even made a choice between Islam and Christianity and they chose Christianity because it matches more with their lifestyle and because their European cousins already were Christians, if I remember correctly.

I am not sure how much grudge Russians have about the past, like all practical people, I would imagine that they are more focused on the future.

I hope I am not poking nose. But my curiosity is kind of academic and related to my theories on geopolitics. My prediction is that Russian role will be much more important for South West Asia, from Pakistan and Afghanistan to Iran and Turkey, than lets say China, EU or USA.

Religion was excuse, we could not have sent our regular forces into afghanistan we did not have enough money and weapons. US supported those afghans with everything. Why should russians object they invaded afghanistan they got what they deserved or are you saying people should not have resisted? did you know this indoctrination of Jihad came from US in form on pamphlets jihad manuals saudis were also consulted.

for the past 120 Years Christianity has been a favorite religion for people because of leniency but before that it was the strictest religion so I am not sure how russians chose Christianity because it was more simple specially orthodox Christianity is next to Amish the most strictest.
Religion was excuse, we could not have sent our regular forces into afghanistan we did not have enough money and weapons. US supported those afghans with everything. Why should russians object they invaded afghanistan they got what they deserved or are you saying people should not have resisted? did you know this indoctrination of Jihad came from US in form on pamphlets jihad manuals saudis were also consulted.

for the past 120 Years Christianity has been a favorite religion for people because of leniency but before that it was the strictest religion so i am not sure how russians choice Christianity because it was more simple specially orthodox Christianity is next to Amish.

I did not say the US was not involved and the Russian objections were mainly about US's use of Islamic extremism as a geopolitical weapon. Both Pakistan and Afghanistan are victims as a result.

I don't know too much about the history of why Russians chose Christianity, I think its not that important, but the important point is that they considered Islam around 1000 AD before choosing Christianity and in just about 200 years later they went under the Mongol yoke, who became Muslims (Golden Horde). Since then till today, they either lived under Muslim rule or had Muslim subjects or citizens as part of their ethnic mix. Before turning communists, they had a much more comfortable history with Islam and Muslims.

In the greater world geopolitics, the big question mark about Russia is which way it will go? Towards Europe or will it remain with Asia. My prediction is that it will remain with Asia because of the long history of Russian empire and its thrust towards East after the days of Mongol yoke was over. In this space, Slavics, Iranics and Siberians (Turkics and Mongolics) intersect and co-exist and that will create a solid future of cooperation. Pakistan moving in that direction is just one piece of this puzzle.

Also the future center of gravity of economic and military power is soon moving East towards East Asia. That is another reason for Russia to choose Asia over Europe.
Religion was excuse, we could not have sent our regular forces into afghanistan we did not have enough money and weapons. US supported those afghans with everything. Why should russians object they invaded afghanistan they got what they deserved or are you saying people should not have resisted? did you know this indoctrination of Jihad came from US in form on pamphlets jihad manuals saudis were also consulted.

for the past 120 Years Christianity has been a favorite religion for people because of leniency but before that it was the strictest religion so I am not sure how russians chose Christianity because it was more simple specially orthodox Christianity is next to Amish the most strictest.

Russia never invaded Afghanistan.
My dear read the History it was not just intervention it turned into Invasion and ended badly.

An unbiased History.
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (1979) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

My dear i know better than you without any Britannica & Wikipedia (Anti soviet centric sources) and reality stranger than fiction you used to believe. I will find my post in 2011 when i answered this question in Soviet Invasion & Pakistan thread so you can read it.

Now, come to thread topic.
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