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Russia to refurbish Il-78 refuelling tanker aircraft for Pakistan Air Force

Feb 22, 2014
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Russia to refurbish Il-78 refuelling tanker aircraft for Pakistan Air Force
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Jan 16, 2017

Ilyushin IL-78 (R09-001) Pakistan Air Force (c) Václav Paluzga
A Pakistan Air Force Ilyushin Il-78 air-to-air refuelling tanker aircraft are will be refurbished at the Russian 360th Aircraft Repair Plant in Ryazan.

The Pakistan Air Force has signed an agreement with JSC Rosoboronexport and 360th Aircraft Repair Plant for the refurbished of its fleet of Ilyushin Il-78 air-to-air refuelling tanker aircraft.

The Ilyushin IL-78 air-to-air refuelling tanker aircraft is a four-engine tanker principally used for in-flight refuelling. It was designed and developed on the basis of a similar predecessor, the IL-76, and has the Nato reporting name Midas.

A total of four Il-78MPs have been delivered to the Pakistan Air Force from Ukrainian surplus aircraft stocks, fitted with removable fuel tanks and UPAZ unified aerial-refueling pods (the length of the hose deployed in the airflow is about 26 m, the hose inner diameter is 52 mm, the fuel transfer rate is up to 2300 l/min). The first of the four aircraft was delivered in December 2009.
If the first of the four aircraft was delivered in 2009, it already needs refurbishment so soon?
Well it's not like Pakistan got it as new... it's has been used and reused by russian till they don't need it anymore and resell it. Problems will just begun for this aircraft in the coming years. even russia has a lot of problem with it, if it's cheap doesn't mean it's a perfectly good product
If the first of the four aircraft was delivered in 2009, it already needs refurbishment so soon?
The PAF got them from Ukraine in basically 'as-is' condition, albeit with some refurbishment. However, it is the Russians that have newer engines and the IL-76/78's actual manufacturing set-up, thus they can swap out parts, put in new (and more efficient) engines, new avionics, etc.
İnitially the İL-78 Pakistan received didn't even have lavatories. They were installed later. Engine upgrade and avionics upgrade are much needed to keep them running. I hope it's performed partially in Chaklala.
Well that's a good news it'll increase the lifespan of the planes

Any info how much it'll increase the life span and what upgrades Russia will do??
I wonder why banyas desappear whenever there is thread about russia-pak cooperation?

Banyas you have so much money why dont you buy russia rulla he mukka do!
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