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Russia is Targeting Our Muslim Sisters

1 ummah

Feb 16, 2011
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In this issue, we call attention to the recent actions of the Russian government against our Muslim sisters living in Russia. The Russian government has recently begun a campaign of repression against these sisters as a means to put pressure on their husbands to confess to crimes that they did not commit.
As Russia prepares to host the 2014 Winter Olympics, Russian leaders are working hard to portray the country as a civilised nation that respects human rights. For example in November 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was praised by activists for vetoing a law that would have made it more difficult to hold protests in the country. However, the reality is that Russia continues to be in line with its long history of tyranny. The Russian government continues to resort to any means necessary to achieve its objectives, including the separation of a mother from her children in order to force the father to confess to crimes he did not commit.

The following are just a few recent examples of what our Muslim sisters living in Russia have gone through:

Sidikova Oomidjan Ganevna - 35 years old
The domestic security agency of Russia (FSB) arrested a Muslim woman, Sidikova Oomidjan Ganevna, on the morning of May 19th, 2011 in Moscow. They did not allow her to inform her family of her whereabouts, and her three children – a daughter, Meerkhan (12), and two sons, Nusratullah (10) and Salahuddin (8) – were placed in an orphanage.
A few months earlier, on December 7th 2010, Sidikova's husband, Farookh Fadl Dinovic, was arrested upon allegations of membership with the Islamic political party, Hizb ut-Tahrir. His wife was then arrested in order to put pressure on him to confess to the allegations, which were not true. The court sentenced Sidikova to two months in prison.

Raids against our sisters in Ufa
On May 23rd, in the city of Ufa, the capital of Bashkortostan (a province in Russia), security agencies carried out raids on homes without warrants and arrested many Muslim women.

Manapova Yula Kazikhanov - 27 years old
The house of Manapova Yula Kazikhanov was raided by officers of the National Security agency on May 23rd 2011. They led her to 55a Kalinina Street where she was verbally abused and threatened with a screwdriver and sharp tool (an awl). She was also threatened with the arrest of her sons as a form of pressure. This procedure was repeated throughout the day, while her baby and 5 year old child were left alone in the house.

Elmira Minnibiva Yonnerova - 26 years old
The house of Elmira Minnibiva Yonnerova, who also lives in Ufa, was searched while she was eight months pregnant. The search was carried out without legal authorization: the address written in the legal papers was wrong and the two female witnesses used during the investigation were from the agency itself. During all this, her husband, Tahir Vanisovic, and her one-year old son, Aleem, were in the apartment witnessing the actions of the agents, who added insult to injury by trampling with their dirty feet on books that contained verses from the Qur’an.
It is clear that this sort of conduct by the security agencies seek to degrade the feelings of the believers.
Their unlawful entry had a traumatic impact on the sister, in the form of severe stress, a dangerous increase in her heart rate, and pain in the lower abdomen. She was later taken by the ambulance to be examined by a doctor. It was found that her condition was precarious and that she may lose her child as a result of this traumatic experience.
Caquerova Ramilva Leila - 29 years old
Caquerova Ramilva Leila, mother of 4 small children – Zainab (6 years), Salah al-Din (4 years), Ali (2 years) and Jannat (1 year) – was also put under pressure by the security agencies. Two cars arrived at her house at 7am on May 23rd, 2011 while the sister was leaving to go meet her husband Albert Shakirov Zkjevic, who has been imprisoned as of September 22nd 2010. They stopped her and conducted a body search, and without any reason, they forcibly pulled her mobile phone from her. They then started to act according to the old customs and traditions of the Russian State by showing her a “warrant” while forcing her to open the gate so that they could enter the house.
During their search for prohibited literature, the authorities searched every corner of the house: even the fridge and the freezer were not spared. The search was conducted despite the fact that all the books in the house were issued in Russia. Still not satisfied with what they found, they began threatening to tear the panels of the walls which were made of wood. They began shouting, scaring the young children and waking them up from their sleep.
After interrogating the sister, they took her to the section located in 55a Kalenna Street, room number 218. Then they started to talk after which they handed her a prepared confession to being a fundamentalist which they wanted her to sign. She requested a lawyer, and mentioned to them Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but this did not sway them. Rather, the response was a threat of imprisonment and to take her children to an orphanage. They began calling the management in order to find the address of the nearest orphanage, and they began waving a knife and awl at her face.

Responsibility to Our Brothers & Sisters in Russia
When looking at these crimes being committed against the Muslims of Russia, we must remember that these crimes are being committed against the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (saw) - our Ummah. In other words, these illegal and extra-judicial practices are being committed against our wives, our mothers, our sisters and our children. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim: he does not oppress him, nor betray him. He who assists his brother, Allah assists him, and he who relieves a Muslim of a calamity, Allah will relieve him of a calamity on the Day of Resurrection. He who conceals a Muslim, Allah will conceal him on the Day of Resurrection.”
[Bukhari and Muslim]
“A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim: he does not oppress him, nor degrade him.” [Muslim]
Everyone who is able to protect or assist but does not do so will be considered as having left his brother without helping him. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“A Muslim does not abandon another Muslim in a place where he desires his help except that Allah will abandon him in a place where he desires the help of Allah.” [Abu Dawood]
It is necessary that this incident impacts us and that each one of us partakes in freeing these Muslim families.
Dear Muslims:
You are able to assist our brothers and sisters by:
Making dua: Pray to Allah (swt) that Allah (swt) grants our sisters and our brothers a swift release. Indeed, Allah (swt) has power over all things.
Exposing Russian crimes: We must spread the news of these incidents to all the Muslims. Everyone must know about it. We must draw the attention of all segments of society including the media, friends and family. In addition to speaking to others in person or by phone, we can use e-mail and other online tools to create awareness about this issue.
Putting pressure on the Russian Government: We can also fax and email the Russian authorities and make it clear to them that this brutality is unacceptable. They should know that the Muslim Ummah is one and that we stand in solidarity with our sisters and our brothers who live in Russia. Protests have already been held in Jordan, Turkey, Australia, UK and other places around the world. We have included a sample letter below that can be sent to the local Russian embassy.
We Require our Shield for the Aggression to Stop
We are reminded again and again that without the Khaleefah, these tragedies will unfortunately continue without end.
The ruler of the Muslim Ummah is obligated to protect the honour of the Muslim men, women and children as RasulAllah (saw) and the Khulafa after him did:
Rasul’Allah (saw) – When a Muslimah had her awrah exposed in the market of Banu Qaynuqaa', a Muslim rushed to her assistance and was killed. However, Prophet Muhammad (saw) was able to send in reinforcements which resulted in the expulsion of Bani Qaynuqaa'.
Mu'tasim – A Muslimah in 'Ammuriyyah (present day Ankara) was dishonoured by the Byzantines. When the Khaleefah Mu’tasim heard of her plight, he responded by sending a Muslim army to liberate that region and free the Muslim prisoner.
Nur Al-Deen – United, the Muslim Armies directed an assault on the Crusaders and through his general Salahuddeen Al-Ayubi, liberated Al-Sham.

Subhan-Allah! It has become all to easy to find unspeakable horrors and crimes being committed against this Ummah, whether it is in Russia, Palestine, Iraq, Kashmir - or even in our own countries! Brothers and sisters, what we lack is the shield that RasulAllah (saw) prescribed for us to use in order to protect ourselves. This shield is described in the following hadith:
“Indeed, the Imam (Khaleefah) is a shield, from behind whom you fight and by whom you are protected.”
May Allah (swt) help this Ummah to reclaim its shield and may He (swt) protect the honour of this Ummah.
“But if they seek help from you in the matter of the deen then it is your duty to help.” [TMQ 8:72]

Below you will find a sample letter to email to the Russian embassy in order to put pressure on the government to stop these brutal tactics against men, women and children. The email address is:

rusconsul@bellnet.ca please send the email if you are able to. may Allah swt count it in your favour.

Sample Letter to Send to the Russian Embassy

To the Russian Ambassador and his superiors:

I, insert your name, from [insert your country's name here] hereby express my most severe condemnation of the arrests, searches and investigations conducted by the Russian authorities against Muslims in general and more specifically Muslim women and children, including: Sidikova Oomidjan Ganevna, Manapova Yula Kazikhanov, Elmira Minnibiva Yonnerova, Caquerova Ramilva Leila and many others.

I sincerely advice you to stop all such actions immediately, and demand that you, among other innocent imprisoned Muslims, release Sidikova Oomidjan Ganevna, who was arrested in Moscow on the 19th of May 2011, and return her three children.
I think it is a mistake to take the side of any Muslim in any country just because they are Muslims. That is part of the problem of terrorists who are Muslims in the world today -- they count on support just because they spout some phrases from the Quran, grow beards, etc. I understand that Russia is not "nice"; it plays rough with people who challenge its sovereignty. But, Muslims living in Russia have to obey Russian laws, just as is true for Muslims living in China, the USA or France, etc. If Muslims do not like the laws of the country they are living in, then they have to try to change the laws peacefully or go live in another country that better suits their Muslim sensibilities.
Such emotional appeals will ultimately backfire in RUSSIA if russians find out about this...
I think it is a mistake to take the side of any Muslim in any country just because they are Muslims. That is part of the problem of terrorists who are Muslims in the world today -- they count on support just because they spout some phrases from the Quran, grow beards, etc. I understand that Russia is not "nice"; it plays rough with people who challenge its sovereignty. But, Muslims living in Russia have to obey Russian laws, just as is true for Muslims living in China, the USA or France, etc. If Muslims do not like the laws of the country they are living in, then they have to try to change the laws peacefully or go live in another country that better suits their Muslim sensibilities.

Very well said. This is a simple logic that most politicians don't wish to understand. If other communities can follow, they should also follow. Russia is not really nice sometimes to some of its own people but that is there in every country including mine. Just because the arrested people were Muslims, the community of that country is raising hue and cry. Do we cry in India if mainstream Hindus or Buddhists or Sikhs get arrested for something? Or do the Americans and Europeans cry if some Christian or Jew get arrested in their countries? Obedience of national law is responsibility of all citizens and this is the reason why countries are not based on religion or faith branches.

---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

Such emotional appeals will ultimately backfire in RUSSIA if russians find out about this...

I have a sure shot idea that FSB and GRU are already looking into this... They are known for it.
These people are Russian, Russia's laws apply to them and the Russians may do as they please with them. FSB has been known for putting pressure on civilians for a number of reasons, but a lot more Protestant Christians suffer due to their actions than muslims, so does that mean Russia is anti-Christian as well ?
If this were to happen in America or Israel or the UK or any other western country, Muslims would burn these country`s flags in the masses. But when it comes to Eastern countries that abuse their Muslim communities for whatever reason, justified or not, Muslims worldwide hold their silence.
I`m sure some will deny this but clearly the double standard troubles only a few, like this guy who posted this thread, because they honestly know that Russia couldn`t care less.
Russia does what Russia feels like doing and anyone who dares protest finds themselves in a lot of pain, sooner rather than later.
Yeah, should stop our Islamo-centric paradigm, especially when Chechens/Palestinians/... don't know/care about Pakistan, apart when they're jobless, and there's a jihad against Pakistan's government, and then there's the whole ummah package - Uzbeks, Chechens, ... - who go to Pakistan.
Of course not in order to help flood victims.
If this were to happen in America or Israel or the UK or any other western country, Muslims would burn these country`s flags in the masses. But when it comes to Eastern countries that abuse their Muslim communities for whatever reason, justified or not, Muslims worldwide hold their silence.
I`m sure some will deny this but clearly the double standard troubles only a few, like this guy who posted this thread, because they honestly know that Russia couldn`t care less.
Russia does what Russia feels like doing and anyone who dares protest finds themselves in a lot of pain, sooner rather than later.

may b u dont know how many did e-mailed to Russian embassy!! it is a way to pressurize governments and raise ur voice !
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