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Russia has allowed China to sell THE J-16 to Pakistan

Will Pakistan buy J-16?

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Nov 10, 2020
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As an important member of the South Asian region, Pakistan is constrained by the lack of economy and financial resources. It has always been equipped with single-engine light fighters, such as JF17, F16 and F104, or dual-engine light fighters, such as J-6 and J-5, which have severely restricted the development of Pakistan's air power.

However, it is likely that this will change in the coming days, and Pakistan may soon be Fielding twin-engined heavy fighters, greatly strengthening the PAF.Because of the recent news that Russia will allow China to sell Pakistan fighter jets based on the Su-27 technology, such as the J-11, J-15 and J-16.

In the past, the Russian side was not allowed to sell or participate in air shows for these homemade fighter jets developed from the Soviet model, so it has been almost unheard of to see these "Shenkhoi" fighters at air shows until this year's J-16D, which has broken the situation.Now Russia is allowed to sell "Shenkhoi" series fighter jets to Pakistan, which is a big change, but on the face of it, it can only be sold to Pakistan.Compared to the twin-engined heavy fighter, the light fighter is deficient in many ways.Take THE F16 and JF17 currently equipped by Pakistan as examples. Both of them are single-engine light fighters. Take THE F16 for example, its in-flight fuel is only a little over 3 tons, about 3.2 tons, with three auxiliary tanks, the range can barely reach 3,800 kilometers.One third of the range is an operational radius of about 1200 km, compared to 860 km with two drop tanks and four AIM-9 air-to-air missiles.

This is far less range and payload than the Su-27, which can carry 7 tons or less than 10 tons, and is simply not capable of supporting long-range operations or sustained air stagnation.In addition, The United States will not allow Pakistan to use its current workhorse fleet of F-16s against its eastern neighbor, which is a huge constraint for Pakistan.As a result, Pakistan is gradually increasing the number of JF17s to replace the F16s.

In addition, due to the printing | JunLie installed more than 270 Sue mki 30, 60 mig 29 upg and newly equipped three squadron 36 rafale, Pakistan just rely on the dozens of F16, hundreds of JF17, it's hard to fight these pair of medium and heavy machine.So Pakistan also has an urgent need for twin-engine heavy aircraft.This time, Russia allowed the sale of Shenkhoi series fighter jets, which is an opportunity for the Pakistani army, and it is no longer a dream for the Pakistani army to deploy heavy fighters.

If its true, then its a brilliant news for the PAF.
I think Russia allowed China to sell J-16 to Pakistan because India was not willing to buy its Su-57.
As an important member of the South Asian region, Pakistan is constrained by the lack of economy and financial resources. It has always been equipped with single-engine light fighters, such as JF17, F16 and F104, or dual-engine light fighters, such as J-6 and J-5, which have severely restricted the development of Pakistan's air power.

However, it is likely that this will change in the coming days, and Pakistan may soon be Fielding twin-engined heavy fighters, greatly strengthening the PAF.Because of the recent news that Russia will allow China to sell Pakistan fighter jets based on the Su-27 technology, such as the J-11, J-15 and J-16.

In the past, the Russian side was not allowed to sell or participate in air shows for these homemade fighter jets developed from the Soviet model, so it has been almost unheard of to see these "Shenkhoi" fighters at air shows until this year's J-16D, which has broken the situation.Now Russia is allowed to sell "Shenkhoi" series fighter jets to Pakistan, which is a big change, but on the face of it, it can only be sold to Pakistan.Compared to the twin-engined heavy fighter, the light fighter is deficient in many ways.Take THE F16 and JF17 currently equipped by Pakistan as examples. Both of them are single-engine light fighters. Take THE F16 for example, its in-flight fuel is only a little over 3 tons, about 3.2 tons, with three auxiliary tanks, the range can barely reach 3,800 kilometers.One third of the range is an operational radius of about 1200 km, compared to 860 km with two drop tanks and four AIM-9 air-to-air missiles.

This is far less range and payload than the Su-27, which can carry 7 tons or less than 10 tons, and is simply not capable of supporting long-range operations or sustained air stagnation.In addition, The United States will not allow Pakistan to use its current workhorse fleet of F-16s against its eastern neighbor, which is a huge constraint for Pakistan.As a result, Pakistan is gradually increasing the number of JF17s to replace the F16s.

In addition, due to the printing | JunLie installed more than 270 Sue mki 30, 60 mig 29 upg and newly equipped three squadron 36 rafale, Pakistan just rely on the dozens of F16, hundreds of JF17, it's hard to fight these pair of medium and heavy machine.So Pakistan also has an urgent need for twin-engine heavy aircraft.This time, Russia allowed the sale of Shenkhoi series fighter jets, which is an opportunity for the Pakistani army, and it is no longer a dream for the Pakistani army to deploy heavy fighters.


Pakistan should get J-16Ds too.

J-16D is better than F/A 18 growler.

Indians are mince meat now.
Wasn’t this already debunked to be fake news?
Now way China would sell J-16D. It is too sensitive in case there are leaks of information to the US.

J-16 is older now and possibly available but it is extremely expensive since it is twin heavy thrust high power engines and WS-10 version for J-16 is more expensive than Al-31 which is already like 20 million dollars to import and support as a pair. Something like J-16 is required for its long range. Pakistan does not need to use such long range 90% of the time so it is worth all the extra cost?
Now way China would sell J-16D. It is too sensitive in case there are leaks of information to the US.

J-16 is older now and possibly available but it is extremely expensive since it is twin heavy thrust high power engines and WS-10 version for J-16 is more expensive than Al-31 which is already like 20 million dollars to import and support as a pair. Something like J-16 is required for its long range. Pakistan does not need to use such long range 90% of the time so it is worth all the extra cost?

印度海军不起眼 巴军需要的是潜艇


Pakistan's navy to counter India just need better ability to strike India and cripple its ability to fight and of course have more submarines and anti-submarine technology to prevent India from using navy for victory. My opinion is Pakistan needs to increase ability to cripple IAF before at least IAF second wave so to hit all airbases constantly and have enough PAF to defeat IAF in first wave or hold on.

Basically the same way any weaker and smaller force should take on a bigger and more well armed force.
印度海军不起眼 巴军需要的是潜艇

Pakistan's navy to counter India just need better ability to strike India and cripple its ability to fight and of course have more submarines and anti-submarine technology to prevent India from using navy for victory. My opinion is Pakistan needs to increase ability to cripple IAF before at least IAF second wave so to hit all airbases constantly and have enough PAF to defeat IAF in first wave or hold on.
印度海军不起眼 巴军需要的是潜艇


Pakistan's navy to counter India just need better ability to strike India and cripple its ability to fight and of course have more submarines and anti-submarine technology to prevent India from using navy for victory. My opinion is Pakistan needs to increase ability to cripple IAF before at least IAF second wave so to hit all airbases constantly and have enough PAF to defeat IAF in first wave or hold on.

Basically the same way any weaker and smaller force should take on a bigger and more well armed force.
巴基斯坦一年的军费是130亿美元,一般来说,一个国家军费的三分之一用于采购军备,这样每年有30亿美元用于购买新武器。一架歼16 8000万美元,购买50架,也才40亿美元。合同可以分为多年完成,可以向中国进出口银行货款,分十年还清,每年只需要还4亿美元,对巴基斯坦来说,完全买得起。

Yes but if purchase is for countering Indian navy, the submarines and UAV can do it much better than a few expensive J-16 fighters. Maybe the J-16 can air launch heavier and larger anti ship weapons at much further away than the coast.

I don't think that's something Pakistan can afford. India's navy is not strong or well armed but certainly much more than Pakistan's at the moment. Choose conflict wisely since Pakistan cannot afford to outspend India and is already at lower starting base. India has some decent shipbuilding ability in comparison to Pakistan so the best counter could be submarines but India can counter that with improved anti-submarine they can buy from USA.

You know what is easiest? Just station some Chinese commanded and operated anti-ship hypersonic weapons inside Pakistan at all times and in case of war between India and Pakistan, use hypersonic anti-ship weapons launched from coast to destroy Indian navy. Honestly just target only high value ships and nothing more. Simply not even worth a single anti-ship ballistic missile or HGV. But this method is cheaper than buying many J-16 and risking them 100km away from coast and launching sea skimming anti-ship weapons. Better to station 10 HGVs or 10 ASBM units. That is more affordable for Pakistan.
J16 is likely to be more expensive than J31.
Yes but if purchase is for countering Indian navy, the submarines and UAV can do it much better than a few expensive J-16 fighters. Maybe the J-16 can air launch heavier and larger anti ship weapons at much further away than the coast.

I don't think that's something Pakistan can afford. India's navy is not strong or well armed but certainly much more than Pakistan's at the moment. Choose conflict wisely since Pakistan cannot afford to outspend India and is already at lower starting base. India has some decent shipbuilding ability in comparison to Pakistan so the best counter could be submarines but India can counter that with improved anti-submarine they can buy from USA.

You know what is easiest? Just station some Chinese commanded and operated anti-ship hypersonic weapons inside Pakistan at all times and in case of war between India and Pakistan, use hypersonic anti-ship weapons launched from coast to destroy Indian navy. Honestly just target only high value ships and nothing more. Simply not even worth a single anti-ship ballistic missile or HGV. But this method is cheaper than buying many J-16 and risking them 100km away from coast and launching sea skimming anti-ship weapons. Better to station 10 HGVs or 10 ASBM units. That is more affordable for Pakistan.
注意, 这已经是非常友好的价格了。S20 水下排水量只有2300吨,是种小型潜艇。巴基斯坦如果要从其他国家购买, 还要贵得多。另外,潜艇建造复杂,交付周期很长。中巴潜艇合同是2017年签的,到现在都没有交付一艘。

如果是购买40架 歼16,按中国目前的产能,2年内可以全部交付。
J16 is likely to be more expensive than J31.
J16 for $80 million and J31 for $100 million.
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