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Russia blames CIA special forces for Nord Stream 1 attack to cripple Germany economically so Airbus cannot compete with Boeing

Definitely USA involved in it because Russia will never do it because through Nord spring they can blackmail Europe

And that's what USA never want time for EU to understand who is nemesis here if EU can bring peace with Russia it will benefit both leaving USA alone

Beneficery of all this is usa
Definitely USA involved in it because Russia will never do it because through Nord spring they can blackmail Europe

And that's what USA never want time for EU to understand who is nemesis here if EU can bring peace with Russia it will benefit both leaving USA alone

Beneficery of all this is usa

Germany population is small compared to China. China buys way more gas from Russia compared to Germany. Also, China is much colder than Germany and need way more gas than Germany does. Beijing averages -8 C in January. Germany averages -2 C in January.

Plus, Russia don't need to sell gas to make money. Russia has plenty enough trees for printing money.

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No doubt this was the work of the CIA, anybody who thinks this is Putin needs to do extraordinary mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion.
No doubt this was the work of the CIA, anybody who thinks this is Putin needs to do extraordinary mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion.

Actually, Russia blames CIA special forces for Nord Stream 1 attack to cripple Germany economically so Mercedes cannot compete with GM in making cars. :D
Definitely USA involved in it because Russia will never do it because through Nord spring they can blackmail Europe

And that's what USA never want time for EU to understand who is nemesis here if EU can bring peace with Russia it will benefit both leaving USA alone

Beneficery of all this is usa
It was probably ukraine..
Russian end game was to take three regions swiftly followed by annexation and decalring peace using gas as leverage..that is gone now
It was probably ukraine..
Russian end game was to take three regions swiftly followed by annexation and decalring peace using gas as leverage..that is gone now
Ukraine has no courage or ability to harm the interests of the EU.

Only the USA and Ukraine have benefited from this, and the USA is the only country capable of doing that.
Ukraine has no courage or ability to harm the interests of the EU.

Only the USA and Ukraine have benefited from this, and the USA is the only country capable of doing that.
Don't forget Poland
But it is more fun to blame evil Uncle Sam for everything! :D

Come to think of it now, US has much to gain from this as well. Albeit, not the reasons mentioned by OP.

We all know the gas supplies to the EU have been keeping the Russian war machine going in terms of money. Granted, they have been waning off, but are still a significant amount. The US could not force the the EU to shut the gas off as quickly as it wanted, and Russia also did not want a total halt of gas supplies, after all, they have to fund the war.

So how else could the US stop Russia getting money from the EU, and stop the supplies? ;)
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