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Responsibility was mine, actual rule was someone else’s: Imran on his time as prime minister

PTI Chairman Imran Khan on Wednesday said that while running the country was supposed to be his responsibility during his time as the prime minister, the actual rule was of “someone else”.

Then please explain why you made, and continued to make, and even now are continuing to make all these false promises and hopes to the nation when you know that you have no chance of ever delivering on them?
The way things are regressing in Pakistan, you might just get your wish in the next decade or so...

As it is and despite 40 years of constant warfare and other dysfunction and disadvantages, Afghanistan's per capita GDP is half of Pakistan's. I suspect it will be on par within the next 10-15 years and in 20 years they will leave us behind just like Bangers did...
Then please explain why you made, and continued to make, and even now are continuing to make all these false promises and hopes to the nation when you know that you have no chance of ever delivering on them?
"All great things are simple and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope."
Only solution/paradigm for Pakistan or any other third world Muslim/ME country aspiring to break the chains of colonial slavery is through bloody revolution a la the Taliban.
Very very wrong.

1. We'd become a playground for the proxy wars of world powers.

2. As soon as the writ of the state was lost we'd be denuclearised.

3. The Indians would most definitely invade and take Kashmir.

4. After all the decades of chaos and bloodlust we'd be at the mercy of warlords.

Looked how well it worked in Syria and Libya.
A single word: LIES.
that time he didnt know that half punjab would vote for pmln even after knowing they are corrupt and gets NRO thats why loosing lahore seat as well and wouldnt even get simple majority in parliament by voting of punjab people "khata hai tou lagata hai"
Very very wrong.

1. We'd become a playground for the proxy wars of world powers.

2. As soon as the writ of the state was lost we'd be denuclearised.

3. The Indians would most definitely invade and take Kashmir.

4. After all the decades of chaos and bloodlust we'd be at the mercy of warlords.

Looked how well it worked in Syria and Libya.
his peanut size brain cant comprehend shit and on top he isn't even living in the country so wont suffer - leave it

Indonesia, Turkey and dozen other countries who ended military power in their country without becoming Syria, Afghanistan but you need brain to understand how they did it

which is lacking in some and if you talk about it theyll call you a coward, boolicker - whatever
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Imran Khan accepts he was powerless during his govt

Talking to journalists he says he would have defeated Sher Shah Suri, if he had gotten even half the power in his tenure

Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Irman Khan claimed on Wednesday that some one else pulled the strings of power during his tenure and that he was all but a figurehead. Had he been given control of even half of his due power, he would have even defeated a formidable commander as Sher Shah Suri.

He made this admission while talking to a select group from the media in Lahore on Wednesday.

He reiterated his claim that the society could flourish if there was true rule of law.

Earlier while addressing the doctors convention and an Insaf Students Federation (ISF) convention in Lahore, the former prime minister said that those who have been stealing the state’s resources for the past three decades have been repeatedly let off the hook through National Reconciliation Ordinances (NROs).

The young generation has received nothing through the corrupt system of the country, he said.

He further claimed that during his tenure, the country saw record exports. But now, the public has stopped filing income tax returns while they preferred to send their money abroad, contributing to a falling exchange rate between the rupee and the US dollar.

The industries are closed and the economy is in a fragile state, he said.

He said that due to external conspiracy, a cabal of thieves has been set on the nation.

“I am giving a call for the ‘true independence’ march as Pakistan is facing the worst situation and thieves are stealing the nation’s resources,” he said, adding that he owns no assets outside of Pakistan.

In his other address in Islamabad at a trade union workers’ convention, he said that the government has been granted a license for corruption after laws of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) were amended and made toothless.

“Under the NAB amendment only those are accountable who are involve in small corruption, the big fishes and white collars criminals will not be arrested anymore,” he claimed.

During the last third year of the PTI government, the financial indicators of the country were all going up, he added.
Only solution/paradigm for Pakistan or any other third world Muslim/ME country aspiring to break the chains of colonial slavery is through bloody revolution a la the Taliban.
And look what a beautiful paradise it is next door. With people waiting in mile long queues to get in.

This is basically a very brave statement. Now it is clear that Pakistan Armed Force is the most powerful political force in Pakistan, it then lets to Pakistani whether they want to keep thing like this or make some reform. I dont suggest any revolution, reform can be made without any revolution when the country is "formally" already under a democratic (parliamentary) system....

This is like a man (civilian ruler) who has already had been given a gun (constitution and other law) they never use, the next should be done is to use the "gun" to enforce the civilian power .........

The ammunition that needs to be prepared is the support from the people in order to be able to use that gun (constitutional power)....
very brave statement

Like a 9-year-old who discovers the earth is round, but people don't fall off the bottom. A seventy+-year-old man just now discovers his country. Wow, what a genius. If he was a truly great leader as he thinks he is, he would have succeeded in spite of challenges and difficulties. Not talk in riddles like a teenage girl.
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Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Irman Khan claimed on Wednesday that some one else pulled the stri contributing to a falling exchange rate

Once upon a time, IK was hailed as a CHABI WALA KHILONA. Today he confirmed it himself.
And he escapes to London and having good time ... quam ko ch bana ka living in haram Avenfield ...no property ownership and giving the nation a lecture on honesty .... lolzz ...
london ich pizza da maza...

Then please explain why you made, and continued to make, and even now are continuing to make all these false promises and hopes to the nation when you know that you have no chance of ever delivering on them?
No. You take every chance you can possibly get to accrue more power. Make statements and promises on policy and hope that the military will agree atleast in a bid to keep up appearances.

Force them again and again to make concessions. For every statement you make, make sure you’ve done everything possible moving the civilian apparatus to deliver. If it fails to deliver because of overt or covert military intervention, then make sure that is plainly visible for the people to see.

If all of this gets too much for them, they will take back control — but the people would know and the people will start resenting them more and more. A force once lionised, now starts looking like total chumps.
This message is good to be spread. The one that hold the power of those military generals are basically you guys. Majority of Pakistani even in favor of military authoritarian ruler, there is one old guy living in USA who keep making article in PDF to support Musarraf era (military ruling).......

Several years ago, Pakistani members in here are in huge support of their military. So this change within Pakistani upper middle class has already been a good thing if you want to get rid Military intervention into your domestic politics.

The first thing to do is to unite the civilian force, there should be a basic belief among the civilian political power and all of political analysts, including universities that civilian ruling should be implemented in Pakistan politics.
Who will challenge the scummy politicians and civilians? They're drowning in filth as well.
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