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Regarding PEW survey, why can't Pakistanis decide once and for all?


Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
United Arab Emirates
Support for Severe Laws
Pakistanis overwhelmingly favor stoning people who commit adultery (83%), and comparable percentages favor punishments like whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery (80%), and the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim religion (78%). Support for strict punishments is equally widespread among men and women, old and young, and the educated and uneducated.

Even those who say they identify with the modernizers in a struggle between Islamic fundamentalists and those who want to modernize the country support these measures. About nine-in-ten (91%) Pakistanis who side with the modernizers favor stoning adulterers. A similar proportion of those who side with modernizers (89%) favor punishments like whippings and cutting off of hands for theft and robbery, and 86% favor the death penalty for people who leave Islam. These views are virtually identical to the views of those who identify with Islamic fundamentalists.
Virtually identical? The numbers for those "identifying" with the modernizers is more than the numbers for those that identify with the fundamentalists.

Either the definition of modernization is totally screwed up, or these people don't know the meaning of that word.
Virtually identical? The numbers for those "identifying" with the modernizers is more than the numbers for those that identify with the fundamentalists.

Either the definition of modernization is totally screwed up, or these people don't know the meaning of that word.

Believe me, modern means a bad thing in Pakistan. It's quite an achievement for us
Support for Severe Laws
Pakistanis overwhelmingly favor stoning people who commit adultery (83%), and comparable percentages favor punishments like whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery (80%), and the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim religion (78%). Support for strict punishments is equally widespread among men and women, old and young, and the educated and uneducated.

Even those who say they identify with the modernizers in a struggle between Islamic fundamentalists and those who want to modernize the country support these measures. About nine-in-ten (91%) Pakistanis who side with the modernizers favor stoning adulterers. A similar proportion of those who side with modernizers (89%) favor punishments like whippings and cutting off of hands for theft and robbery, and 86% favor the death penalty for people who leave Islam. These views are virtually identical to the views of those who identify with Islamic fundamentalists.

If modernity means wearing miniskirts, bikinis ,behaving like prostitutes, gay rights, allowing the teaching of Darwinism (monkey to man) in schools ,having banks that operate with interest.

I'm against this kind of "modernity."

If modernity means industrialization, building specialized universities, building satellites, operating factories, etc.

This kind of "modernity" I support.
If modernity means wearing miniskirts, bikinis ,behaving like prostitutes, gay rights, allowing the teaching of Darwinism (monkey to man) in schools ,having banks that operate with interest.

I'm against this kind of "modernity."

If modernity means industrialization, building specialized universities, building satellites, operating factories, etc.

This kind of "modernity" I support.

Infact being modern means all that.

It's called Tollerance and acceptance ( on an all new level ).
If modernity means wearing miniskirts, bikinis ,behaving like prostitutes, gay rights, allowing the teaching of Darwinism (monkey to man) in schools ,having banks that operate with interest.

Modernity means you dont have the right to poke your nose in others' matters. You will no longer have to the right to mind other people's bussiness and interfere in their life. Ironic coming from someone living in Dammam
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