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Re-Equipment Ceremony of No. 26 Squadron of Pakistan Air Force

In this pic ..there is very little space b/w ground and the weapons...The weapons can touch the ground on landing...I guess they should at least increase the distance more by at least one ft...to be on safe side...cuz it looks dangerous to me right now...:woot:
I dont know ..but what the designers are thinking about it...???:undecided:

designers are thinking along these two lines.
1. change the tyres with new 17 inch rimless tyres.
2. remove speed breakers.

any more advices?
@khurasaan1 It's a 4th Generation War. They can't risk an open invasion of Pakistan, not even under the type of manufactured reasons like they did for Afghanistan, Iraq, even as far back as Vietnam(faking the Gulf of Tonkin, as was disclosed decades later on), they can't do that with Pakistan, what with the Nukes and the Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles that can hit many of their bases in the region as well as Israel.

So a 4th Generation War is their solution. And this isn't some crackpot Pakistani imagining all this, this is what Webster Tarpley, a leading western author and analyst states. American media channels like to keep him on the sideline, but the European media often features him, especially RT of Russia where the dude's on air every other week. Here's what he says about Pakistan:

US Deterred From Open War By Pakistan’s Nukes

The ongoing civil war in Afghanistan is merely a pretext, a cover story designed to provide the United States with a springboard for a geopolitical destabilization campaign in the entire region which cannot be publicly avowed. In the blunt cynical world of imperialist aggression à la Bush and Cheney, a pretext might have been manufactured to attack Pakistan directly. But Pakistan is far too large and the United States is far too weak and too bankrupt for such an undertaking.

In addition, Pakistan is a nuclear power, possessing atomic bombs and medium range missiles needed to deliver them. What we are seeing is a novel case of nuclear deterrence in action. The US cannot send an invasion fleet or set up airbases nearby because Pakistani nuclear weapons might destroy them.

To this extent, the efforts of Ali Bhutto and A.Q. Khan to provide Pakistan a deterrent capability have been vindicated. But the US answer is to find ways to attack Pakistan below the nuclear threshold, and even below the conventional threshold. This is where the tactic of exporting the Afghan civil war to Pakistan comes in.

Obama Declares War on Pakistan
The link does not link, try it again. What's so hot about this news? I heard about the 26th Squadron quite a while ago.
Hopefully second squadron is coming shortly.
Everything seems to be on track.
In response to Qasibr post herein:

I can assure you as a retired USAF officer with younger friends, commissioned and non-commissioned, all ranks, both US and other NATO allies, that we have no interest in staying in SW Asia one minute longer than is necessary to see some local national assumption of maintenance of law, order, and a just society based on what the local people, not outsiders with different societal standards, prefer for their long term betterment of themselves, their sons and daughters, as a part of the total modern world.
In response to Qasibr post herein:

I can assure you as a retired USAF officer with younger friends, commissioned and non-commissioned, all ranks, both US and other NATO allies, that we have no interest in staying in SW Asia one minute longer than is necessary to see some local national assumption of maintenance of law, order, and a just society based on what the local people, not outsiders with different societal standards, prefer for their long term betterment of themselves, their sons and daughters, as a part of the total modern world.

Yeah, we believe on yours and the US armed forces commissioned & non-commissioned soldiers word. But the problem is that you guys are not the ones making policies or decisions.

The US armed forces are like chess pieces on the battle field, how to move, where to move is being done by someone else. You guys just carry orders and believe that you are doing it to safe guard your country and fighting for democracy, but in reality you guys are being used up by someone else who are running the show.

Veterans of Vietnam war facing the hatred of their countrymen for waging a war is a common known fact, and the veterans would argue that we went there to fight for democracy, people, communism, for US and fellow soldiers etc etc, but the real culprits were the politicians who sent the US forces there for their own objectives.

So, we believe your word Sir, but we don't believe the US politicians and their actions.
this is like

Thali me Chaid
kisnay kaha tha dosron ke jang apnay sir le loo

These Greedy evil pplz in our country/policy makerz...to make quick money out of the blood of the innocent pplz...shame on them...I hope they get killed mercilessly the same way...like chickenz...:woot:
In response to Qasibr post herein:

I can assure you as a retired USAF officer with younger friends, commissioned and non-commissioned, all ranks, both US and other NATO allies, that we have no interest in staying in SW Asia one minute longer than is necessary to see some local national assumption of maintenance of law, order, and a just society based on what the local people, not outsiders with different societal standards, prefer for their long term betterment of themselves, their sons and daughters, as a part of the total modern world.

We already know that ...the ordinary humans dont like wars....so many US army pplz fled war and ran away to Cannada...cuz they didnt wanna kill innocent pplz in wars...There r just evil pplz sitting on the top and behind the scenes...want this humanity to be involved in wars and kill each other...
I really salute those US army guyz ..who didnt obey the merciless elite of their country and fled to Canada...Im gonna call them the "Heroes of Humanity and Freedom" cuz they looked after the human values and not just the country's interests...:coffee:
designers are thinking along these two lines.
1. change the tyres with new 17 inch rimless tyres.
2. remove speed breakers.

any more advices?
Hey..u got my point excellent...thnx ..the designerz are smart and thinking in the right directionz...to make it a worldz most successful plane
i thought this was a re-equipment thread not a thread on recruitment in the armed forces
You are absolutely correct. I mistakenly have replied to digressions from the topic of this post. Accordingly I am now self deleting my off topic responses.
My apologies and I hope the Administrations will now exercise their responsibility to remove off topic initial remarks I mistakenly replied to. Have a good weekend.
You are absolutely correct. I mistakenly have replied to digressions from the topic of this post. Accordingly I am now self deleting my off topic responses.
My apologies and I hope the Administrations will now exercise their responsibility to remove off topic initial remarks I mistakenly replied to. Have a good weekend.

Sir, no offense intended!
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