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So you're going to send me childish emotes instead of giving me a straight answer. Look WordsMatter if you wanna cut this beef between you and me short since you don't have the guts to come fight then so be it (Idk if you're scared or something but I guess it doesn't matter, I proved to everyone on this site that you're just a fake dude, plain and simple).

Say the word and I'll leave you alone, don't say anything then I will pursue until I get a straight answer from you.

Your call. Offer for the fight still stands (I won't release any private information of yours once you get in contact with me via e-mail, I believe in privacy and cordiality amongst consenting adults).
since 1979 i agree with you that the literacy rate has improved a lot and women in education also. this is good. but we cannot say that this wouldn't have happened under the shah because we do not know.

what we can say is that women still face a lot of institutional barriers in education and especially in the workforce. growth is easy if you start from such a shit position.

it is not my claim, it is a simple fact.

when you talk about 50 years all i think about is iranian media always report on how israel will collapse within the next 10-20 years every month.

the educated workforce has nowhere to go but out of the country you mean.

yes such a great constitution that a zorostrian can be elected to council then be refused because he is not muslim. how is rohani's civil rights charter going?

but how nice that this regime gives jews and christians one token majlis member!

guardian council picks the candidates the regime tolerates, you know this so dont waste your lies on iranian 'democracy' on me. if you support democracy you will support the system of referendums that i mentioned.

why does it matter who owns the hotels?? in all developed countries there is FDI!!

iran needs experienced foreign experts, all developing countries do. have you seen iranian cars (cars of death as they are called), we have no modern irrigation systems so we are becoming a desert with no water, and you want to talk about dams! lets talk about how all these amazing irgc dams have destroyed rivers and lakes... lake orumieh is 5% what it was, thanks to your beloved irgc and their genius dams

the only thing i want is for iranians to live a life of opportunity and success that they deserve, it is clear they cannot do this with this regime that has only brought embarrassment, sanctions, isolation, poverty and lost generations.

of course independence is important. your idea of iran has led to millions of the most educated iranians leave iran, millions others suffer in iran in poverty compared to their neighbours, and the small tag of idiot mollahs to run the country into disaster.

i agree that turkey is a good model for iran, we need a figure like ataturk to create strong values of nationalism and secularism so that we can join the rest of the world in the 21st century and iran can get to the position of strength and success that its people and civilisation deserves. it is funny that in iran we would laugh at turks and call them them donkeys and think we are 100 years ahead of them in culture and civilisation, but the reality is the opposite.

If you understood how vital a countries Tourism industry is you wouldn't ask why does it matter who controls the Hotels! And since Iran didn't really produce anything the only benefit out of our Tourism Industry inside the country we had was the sale of Rug's, simple handmade trinkets and some food purchased outside of Hotels which means most of the foreigner currency that entered the country was again leaving the country in the forms of hotel bills that were controlled by foreigners....
and during the shah such policies were implemented across most industries and not simply Hotels alone which mean we had a fictional GDP like Saudi Arabia has today and most of the money wasn't actually going into Iranian hands and creating more Iranian Jobs but rather leaving the country and the only reason our currency was more valuable was simply due to demand of Iranian currency by foreigners just like in Saudi Arabia today

Also, if it was simply restricted to hotels I wouldn't have much of an argument! We didn't even have control over our own Dam's, we didn't have control over the maintenance of our own Aircraft,..... and again the same type of policy was implemented across the country over every type of advanced equipment or tools being operated in Iran

And you wanna talk about the Brain Drain at least we have an educated workforce today to have a brain drain during the Shah with only 16 universities in Iran we didn't even have that!
And you wanna talk about what could have possibly and maybe happened during the Pahlavi's as appose to what actually has happened.
Pahlavi's were in power for 50 Years and what did they do?
Some foolish people like to Credit Reza Pahlavi for modernizing education in Iran but at the end of the day here is a man who knew that Iranians needed to be better educated and yet after 16 years he only manages to build only ONE university in a country the size of Iran. Here is a man who knew from ~1926 that Iran needed it's own steel mill and needed it badly and yet after 15 years he couldn't even build a steel mill in Iran and it takes his son another 30 years of begging to get foreigners to build us a steel mill and aluminum production facility...

And the most simplistic explanation as to why education and infrastructure under the Pahlavi's would NOT have flourished as fast as it did under the Islamic Republic is because they were a monarchy and Iran is a Republic where people from all over Iran have elected reps representing them who actually want to get reelected and to do that they would have to actually work to build schools, universities, infrastructure & create jobs in the area's they represent which actually forces them to work for the area's they represent or risk losing in the next election.

As for Christians and Jewish reps 1st off Christians have more than one Rep in Iran's Parliament 2ndly there are under 50,000 Jews in Iran a country of 80 Million ppl. It seems you would like to have an Iranian parliament where half the Reps are Jewish which is NOTHING but a delusion for under any democratic system they wouldn't even win that 1 seat if they weren't guaranteed that one seat by the government.

As for the Iranian government having a vetting systems that's standard practice world wide the only difference is that the vetting practice happens at a different level. That why in the U.S. only Republicans or Democrats have a chance of winning the presidency and the republicans and democrats don't hold any MAJOR televised debates with any fool that signs up to be President. And U.S. candidates require billions in advertising to have a chance which mean unless supported by special interest groups, lobbies and big businesses they don't really have a chance and the U.S. has a systems that ensures that candidates that attempt to come up in the primaries by large number of small donations get kicked via Delegates

So yea I very much prefer Iran's systems and vetting style and I believe it to be far more democratic than a systems where the super wealthy and special interest pick and vet the candidates for the people one way or another either through the primaries either by Cash donations or control over delegates through backroom deals or control over the Democrat and Republican parties vetting process or though control over none government controlled media who get to hold the Main Televised Presidential Debates where only a select few actually get invited to participate so yea anyone born in the U.S. can participate in and run for president but that doesn't mean anyone will actually know who you are.
If you were to ask Americans today aside from Hillary and Trump name the candidates that ran for office in 2016 99% of them wouldn't even be able to name the other candidates that ran for president in the 2016 Presidential Elections let alone tell you what issues they ran on.

And YES I've seen Iranian Car's but Iran compared to South Korea, Japan, Germany, U.S., France, U.K., Italy, Russia & China has far less experience in producing cars so it's only natural for Iranian cars to be less sophisticated and the ONLY one I would blame for that is the Pahlavi's for if Iran had actually started producing cars in the 50's like the South Koreans did we would be producing far more sophisticated cars today

As I said before you claim to care about Iran and yet you don't care about Iran's automobile industry, you don't care about Iran's tourism industry, you don't care about Iran's carbon footprint and none fossil fuel energy infrastructure, you don't care about Iran's advancements in infrastructure and construction, you don't care about the education of Iranians and your willing to trade all that just so Iran has a secular government where Iran's election get funded and are basically controlled by foreign corporations and Iranian elected Reps rather than worrying about making life better for the people of the areas they represent worry more about getting large donations from foreign corporations

All so you can have your so called secular government and still other than Hejab, Alcoholic Beverages & Night clubs you can't really name what about a secular government you want so bad that your willing to risk all the progress this government has actually made

You basically want Iranians to risk a sure thing on a penny stock and you can't even properly articulate what is so good about this penny stock you want Iranians to go all in on!
If you understood how vital a countries Tourism industry is you wouldn't ask why does it matter who controls the Hotels! And since Iran didn't really produce anything the only benefit out of our Tourism Industry inside the country we had was the sale of Rug's, simple handmade trinkets and some food purchased outside of Hotels which means most of the foreigner currency that entered the country was again leaving the country in the forms of hotel bills that were controlled by foreigners....
and during the shah such policies were implemented across most industries and not simply Hotels alone which mean we had a fictional GDP like Saudi Arabia has today and most of the money wasn't actually going into Iranian hands and creating more Iranian Jobs but rather leaving the country and the only reason our currency was more valuable was simply due to demand of Iranian currency by foreigners just like in Saudi Arabia today

Also, if it was simply restricted to hotels I wouldn't have much of an argument! We didn't even have control over our own Dam's, we didn't have control over the maintenance of our own Aircraft,..... and again the same type of policy was implemented across the country over every type of advanced equipment or tools being operated in Iran

And you wanna talk about the Brain Drain at least we have an educated workforce today to have a brain drain during the Shah with only 16 universities in Iran we didn't even have that!
And you wanna talk about what could have possibly and maybe happened during the Pahlavi's as appose to what actually has happened.
Pahlavi's were in power for 50 Years and what did they do?
Some foolish people like to Credit Reza Pahlavi for modernizing education in Iran but at the end of the day here is a man who knew that Iranians needed to be better educated and yet after 16 years he only manages to build only ONE university in a country the size of Iran. Here is a man who knew from ~1926 that Iran needed it's own steel mill and needed it badly and yet after 15 years he couldn't even build a steel mill in Iran and it takes his son another 30 years of begging to get foreigners to build us a steel mill and aluminum production facility...

And the most simplistic explanation as to why education and infrastructure under the Pahlavi's would NOT have flourished as fast as it did under the Islamic Republic is because they were a monarchy and Iran is a Republic where people from all over Iran have elected reps representing them who actually want to get reelected and to do that they would have to actually work to build schools, universities, infrastructure & create jobs in the area's they represent which actually forces them to work for the area's they represent or risk losing in the next election.

As for Christians and Jewish reps 1st off Christians have more than one Rep in Iran's Parliament 2ndly there are under 50,000 Jews in Iran a country of 80 Million ppl. It seems you would like to have an Iranian parliament where half the Reps are Jewish which is NOTHING but a delusion for under any democratic system they wouldn't even win that 1 seat if they weren't guaranteed that one seat by the government.

As for the Iranian government having a vetting systems that's standard practice world wide the only difference is that the vetting practice happens at a different level. That why in the U.S. only Republicans or Democrats have a chance of winning the presidency and the republicans and democrats don't hold any MAJOR televised debates with any fool that signs up to be President. And U.S. candidates require billions in advertising to have a chance which mean unless supported by special interest groups, lobbies and big businesses they don't really have a chance and the U.S. has a systems that ensures that candidates that attempt to come up in the primaries by large number of small donations get kicked via Delegates

So yea I very much prefer Iran's systems and vetting style and I believe it to be far more democratic than a systems where the super wealthy and special interest pick and vet the candidates for the people one way or another either through the primaries either by Cash donations or control over delegates through backroom deals or control over the Democrat and Republican parties vetting process or though control over none government controlled media who get to hold the Main Televised Presidential Debates where only a select few actually get invited to participate so yea anyone born in the U.S. can participate in and run for president but that doesn't mean anyone will actually know who you are.
If you were to ask Americans today aside from Hillary and Trump name the candidates that ran for office in 2016 99% of them wouldn't even be able to name the other candidates that ran for president in the 2016 Presidential Elections let alone tell you what issues they ran on.

And YES I've seen Iranian Car's but Iran compared to South Korea, Japan, Germany, U.S., France, U.K., Italy, Russia & China has far less experience in producing cars so it's only natural for Iranian cars to be less sophisticated and the ONLY one I would blame for that is the Pahlavi's for if Iran had actually started producing cars in the 50's like the South Koreans did we would be producing far more sophisticated cars today

As I said before you claim to care about Iran and yet you don't care about Iran's automobile industry, you don't care about Iran's tourism industry, you don't care about Iran's carbon footprint and none fossil fuel energy infrastructure, you don't care about Iran's advancements in infrastructure and construction, you don't care about the education of Iranians and your willing to trade all that just so Iran has a secular government where Iran's election get funded and are basically controlled by foreign corporations and Iranian elected Reps rather than worrying about making life better for the people of the areas they represent worry more about getting large donations from foreign corporations

All so you can have your so called secular government and still other than Hejab, Alcoholic Beverages & Night clubs you can't really name what about a secular government you want so bad that your willing to risk all the progress this government has actually made

You basically want Iranians to risk a sure thing on a penny stock and you can't even properly articulate what is so good about this penny stock you want Iranians to go all in on!
i appreciate the dialogue and general respectful tone but your constant misrepresentations of my positions are quite disappointing (for example, that i want a parliament with half the reps being jewish........)

i think you fail to realise that when a country goes through a developing stage it needs foreign investment and guidance, sure the long term goal should be strong domestic industries and this is something that can be emphasised even from the beginning, but your position is ideologically against all FDI which will prevent iran (or any country) from getting the outside expertise and investment it needs to develop

clearly we had educated workforce before or we wouldn't have had such huge growth (let me guess, 'fake growth'). the growth in educated workforce is just a natural progression of development which was aided by the shah, but because you see the results after you think it is thanks to the mollahs.

you can have monarchy and a parliament, a constitutional monarchy like in the UK or other countries of Europe... i would like this option because the 2500 years of monarchy of Iran should be a proud part of our persian heritage and culture, but obviously we don't want a royal family to be in charge so it should just be a constitutional monarchy. i am not saying majority of people want this, just that i want this.

i don't care if 50% of majlis is jewish or muslim or kurdish or anything, i want everybody to have freedom to run for elections and no discrimination on the basis of sex or race or religion (which the current system is full of)

i never said the US system is perfect, i know the US form of democracy is very bad and like a oligarchy where money talks. you are the one refusing to admit problems with the current system... neither system is democratic, but don't be delusional to think the iranian system is more democratic than the US... the guardian council exists just to keep everything islamic and serves the agenda of hardliners, it is a total bullshit political body and everybody knows this. 99% of "reformists" are rejected every time (but still win a majority in majlis under fair circumstances!)

i am totally against the influence of money in politics, you should not talk about corruption when you support this regime... i told you before and i tell you again: my only priority is that iranians live the life of sucess and opportunity that they deserve. if this comes in a secular democracy or a constitutional monarchy or anything else i don't care, i just happen to think it will clearly not come under a theocratic dictatorship. you are the ideologue, you want iranians to build and own hotels even if there is nobody to visit them, you want an islamic regime even if it only brings misery and suffering for iranians, etc...

to clarify, of course trump is a moron and i do not support KSA or Israel, this goes without saying (but you like to misattribute things to me so i must be careful). the US does not care about iran's human rights, womens rights, or democracy and they never did.

i told you i prefer gradual peaceful changes through referendums, not a revolution because iran is a very divided and diverse country and a revolution cannot be controlled, the last revolution the people wanted to be free of the shah and look what we ended up with, something much worse. but if you and people like you do not accept the need for listening to people and giving people a voice and to make changes to let people enjoy their lives and have opportunities, then people will have no choice but to fight for the changes they want themselves.
i appreciate the dialogue and general respectful tone but your constant misrepresentations of my positions are quite disappointing (for example, that i want a parliament with half the reps being jewish........)

i think you fail to realise that when a country goes through a developing stage it needs foreign investment and guidance, sure the long term goal should be strong domestic industries and this is something that can be emphasised even from the beginning, but your position is ideologically against all FDI which will prevent iran (or any country) from getting the outside expertise and investment it needs to develop

clearly we had educated workforce before or we wouldn't have had such huge growth (let me guess, 'fake growth'). the growth in educated workforce is just a natural progression of development which was aided by the shah, but because you see the results after you think it is thanks to the mollahs.

you can have monarchy and a parliament, a constitutional monarchy like in the UK or other countries of Europe... i would like this option because the 2500 years of monarchy of Iran should be a proud part of our persian heritage and culture, but obviously we don't want a royal family to be in charge so it should just be a constitutional monarchy. i am not saying majority of people want this, just that i want this.

i don't care if 50% of majlis is jewish or muslim or kurdish or anything, i want everybody to have freedom to run for elections and no discrimination on the basis of sex or race or religion (which the current system is full of)

i never said the US system is perfect, i know the US form of democracy is very bad and like a oligarchy where money talks. you are the one refusing to admit problems with the current system... neither system is democratic, but don't be delusional to think the iranian system is more democratic than the US... the guardian council exists just to keep everything islamic and serves the agenda of hardliners, it is a total bullshit political body and everybody knows this. 99% of "reformists" are rejected every time (but still win a majority in majlis under fair circumstances!)

i am totally against the influence of money in politics, you should not talk about corruption when you support this regime... i told you before and i tell you again: my only priority is that iranians live the life of sucess and opportunity that they deserve. if this comes in a secular democracy or a constitutional monarchy or anything else i don't care, i just happen to think it will clearly not come under a theocratic dictatorship. you are the ideologue, you want iranians to build and own hotels even if there is nobody to visit them, you want an islamic regime even if it only brings misery and suffering for iranians, etc...

to clarify, of course trump is a moron and i do not support KSA or Israel, this goes without saying (but you like to misattribute things to me so i must be careful). the US does not care about iran's human rights, womens rights, or democracy and they never did.

i told you i prefer gradual peaceful changes through referendums, not a revolution because iran is a very divided and diverse country and a revolution cannot be controlled, the last revolution the people wanted to be free of the shah and look what we ended up with, something much worse. but if you and people like you do not accept the need for listening to people and giving people a voice and to make changes to let people enjoy their lives and have opportunities, then people will have no choice but to fight for the changes they want themselves.

You keep on insisting that my position is ideological rather than practical and yet it's your position that keeps binging up excuses for the Pahlavi's and your the one that doesn't care who control Iran's Hotels or how is in control of our Dams, Your the one that rather than being proud that despite the fact that we started late we can at least produce our own cars now and instead you criticize the cars we are producing & your the one that quite falsely is attempting to credit the Pahlavi's who after 50 years only built 16 universities in a country larger than U.K., France, Germany & Italy combined with the growth of Science and Technology in Iran rather than actually crediting the government that actually built over 200 universities in Iran a government that built far more elementary schools, middle schools, high schools & Universities in under 10 years than the Pahlavi's did in 50 Years. FYI Iran's sudden growth in education didn't actually happen till well over a decade after the Pahlavi's were gone so NO Pahlavi's don't get the credit!

Everything that I tell you goes in one ear and comes out of another because your the one that's being Ideological because facts don't actually matter to you and all that matters is your secular Ideology and you still can't name what would be so good about it in a country that has 99% Muslim Population. Iran is NOT the U.S. where over 20% (Over 1/5th) are none Christians the total number of none Muslims combined in Iran fall in the one percentile and it's not like even that 1% don't have any rights they go to normal schools, universities, can own their own business, have their own churches, can vote like any other Iranian for any president they want and have their own members of parliament (Except for Bahai's that for the ones that are politically and religiously active act more like a mafia style cult thats just a tad less crazy than the MEK).

Now you want Iranians to have a revolution so members of that 1% have a chance to become the president and rule over the 99% and have more member's in Iran's parliament and your deluded enough to think that such a thing would actually be possible under a truly democratic system without massive campaign contribution from foreigners & your under the illusion that countries like the U.S. and Israel that can simply broadcast inside Iran will simply site back and reframe from interfering in our elections??? You see people like you don't properly think ahead as to what the consequences of such a system would actually mean for the 99%.

Take a good look at what the U.S. has done and has allowed, today the MEK has people like John Bolton and Giuliani in the Trump administration and these are OPEN traitors who were terrorist traitors to Iranians as much in the 80's as they are today! These are the filth the U.S. wants to see in power in Iran because they are traitors. Today the MEK can't even gather 1000 people in Tehran a city of 8 Million people and yet they are supported by a vast number of U.S. politicians regardless.

As for UN GDI & FDI figures as it pertains to Saudi Arabia these are figures given by an organization that has in the past placed Saudi Arabia as the head of the U.N Human Right council. A country that not so long ago half it's population weren't even allowed to drive and even today it is not normal practice, a country that cuts off heads with a sward in public as a form of execution, where women working in retail or as an architect is so shocking that it becomes international news, where minorities are constantly persecuted where not even a single Church or Synagogue exists and they are the last remaining monarchy among the top 25 economies of the world which makes them THE WORST human rights violator in the world and now you want me to trust figures given by an organization that allowed that country to Head the U.N. Human rights council. LOL! Americans have emboldened Saudi's to a point that today they murder a Washington post Journalist inside their embassy in Turkey and their slap in the wrist is no more than a few days of bad publicity. So clearly UN is nothing but a tool for the Americans and no doubt figures given by the UN as it pertains to Saudi Arabia are nothing but fiction meant to keep the Saudi Royal family in Power.

It took the Pahlavi's OVER 40 years of trying to finally get a steel mill going in Iran so those are the incompetent fools your trying to defend and I don't mean after 40 years of rule they got a steel mill going in Iran I mean they actually tried for 40 years with repeated failed attempts and that's how incompetent they were.

Also, it's one thing to have foreign advisers to come in and assist in the development of something and quite another to pay the wages of a some foreigner whos main jobs is to ensure that Iranians never figure out how the tech that was sold to Iran actually works because Iranian might one day build their own.

And I have NEVER said that our current government is perfect and without faults because there isn't a single government in the entire world that's perfect and when it comes to the Islamic Republic I have plenty of complaints I believe implementing a Hejab policy in every corner of Iran is a ridicules policy that severely hurts Iran's economy especially when it comes to an industry as vital as Tourism which in Iran should amount the top 5 largest industries in terms of brining in foreign currency and should be considered as the most vital industry when it comes to international marketing of Iranian made products being promoted inside Iran to help increase Iran's none oil exports.
Music and Entertainment industries also should be much stronger same with none political TV and Radio
Also, banning alcoholic beverages doesn't stop Iranians from drinking alcohol and simply allows none government controlled and regulated black market alcoholic beverage industry to flourish which makes the Iranian government the real losers of that industry for if that industry was properly regulated Iranian government could have place a 100% Tax on each bottle sold to assist the government to pay the wages of police officers that make sure that Iranian streets are safe from Drunk Drivers & drunks.
And when it comes to Iranian Beaches Iran needs to have both Islamic Beaches and None Islamic beaches and you can easily use such policies to be implemented in none developed areas in the South East of Iran....
And being an Islamic Republic shouldn't preclude Iran from implementing logical policies and to reinforce that your still an Islamic Republic keep current policies in the Capital, in religious cities like Mashhad and Qom and in conservative cities such as Isfahan and these don't preclude you from being an Islamic Republic for La Ekrah fed deen ( There is no compulsion in religion) is a clear verse in the Quran. And Iran only needs small reforms to eventually get to that point in the coming decades.....

But this absurd idea of some kind of peaceful transition into a new secular systems IS NOTHING but a DELUSION! And I can easily promise you that far more Iranians will be willing to fight against such absurd delusion than for it!
As for reformists getting kicked out, in Iran 1000's of people can run for President or a seat in the parliament but allowing so many candidates to run for a single seat is absurd and I'm fine with many reformist getting kicked out hell even today in Iran's Parliament we have absolute foolish reformist that live in such an absurd bubble that they go in the floor of Iran's Majles and start talking about reduction of defense spending in a country that hardly spends any money on defense and if these are to fools that got accepted just imagining how bad the fools that got rejected are is mind boggling. So I'm happy they got rejected and for me they deserved to be rejected! Any fool that thinks Iran spends too much on it's military should be banned all together and sadly they are NOT.
You keep on insisting that my position is ideological rather than practical and yet it's your position that keeps binging up excuses for the Pahlavi's and your the one that doesn't care who control Iran's Hotels or how is in control of our Dams, Your the one that rather than being proud that despite the fact that we started late we can at least produce our own cars now and instead you criticize the cars we are producing
you have no understanding of nuance.

ownership of hotels is merely a means to an end - that end = prosperity of iranians. your end = foreigners not owning hotels, not even during a country's development stage. that is just stupid.

i would rather we didn't have such dams at all to destroy our rivers and lakes.

of course domestic production is important and a matter of pride. i always said it must be the end goal that iranians have strong domestic industries, can build cars and be self sufficient etc (even to own our own hotels!), but i accept that when a country is developing it needs foreign investment and as long as the ordinary iranians are better off why should i give a shit if russians or swiss people own a few hotels that generate lots of profits for iran?!

Everything that I tell you goes in one ear and comes out of another because your the one that's being Ideological because facts don't actually matter to you and all that matters is your secular Ideology and you still can't name what would be so good about it in a country that has 99% Muslim Population.
iran is not 99% muslim, but if you are so sure then you should support my referendums idea.

Except for Bahai's that for the ones that are politically and religiously active act more like a mafia style cult thats just a tad less crazy than the MEK
shame on you. to me all of islam is a crazy cult, but bahais are less harmful than shia or sunni.

Now you want Iranians to have a revolution
why you repeat this lie after i clarified this very clearly in my last post? you have short memory, or you just prefer to lie?

so members of that 1% have a chance to become the president and rule over the 99%
this is a very immature and stupid mindset; all iranians are equal it doesnt matter if kurd/azeri/persian/jew/christian/shia/sunni/zorostrian, it is just an iranian being in power, you are making the non-shia muslims a second class citizen in your mind.

i don't want christians or jews or anyone to control majlis or anything, i just want all iranians to have equal chance to be elected and participate in civil life in iran. maybe every '1%' loses the elections and gets no representation, no problem for me, as long as they are equal and the system is not institutionally dominated by shia islam.

Take a good look at what the U.S. has done and has allowed, today the MEK has people like John Bolton and Giuliani in the Trump administration and these are OPEN traitors who were terrorist traitors to Iranians as much in the 80's as they are today! These are the filth the U.S. wants to see in power in Iran because they are traitors. Today the MEK can't even gather 1000 people in Tehran a city of 8 Million people and yet they are supported by a vast number of U.S. politicians regardless.
MEK has nothing to do with this, i don't support influence of money in politics.

As for UN GDI & FDI figures as it pertains to Saudi Arabia these are figures given by an organization that has in the past placed Saudi Arabia as the head of the U.N Human Right council.
I didn't talk about UN figures... IMF, World Bank, lots of major international organisations all say what Saudi Arabia's GDP/GNI/FDI is. If you choose not to believe it then you are speaking from emotion and stupidity rather than logic.

Of course KSA should not be in Human Rights Council and is a terrible dictatorship, I am not advocating for a KSA style of government for Iran. Try to stay on topic...

Also, it's one thing to have foreign advisers to come in and assist in the development of something and quite another to pay the wages of a some foreigner whos main jobs is to ensure that Iranians never figure out how the tech that was sold to Iran actually works because Iranian might one day build their own.
This is good nuance, finally!

I agree with you. But this isn't an argument against FDI, we can have ToT agreements as well to prevent this.

being an Islamic Republic for La Ekrah fed deen ( There is no compulsion in religion) is a clear verse in the Quran. And Iran only needs small reforms to eventually get to that point in the coming decades.....
You want to exclude Tehran from these 21st century logical policies? And even when you accept these policies you want to exclude the 3 biggest cities in Iran from these? Mashhad and Qom etc I understand, but Tehran should be the most liberal city in Iran, let the crazy religious ideas stay in the religious cities not Tehran.

Allowing alcohol in non-religious cities, changing inheritance laws, removing ridiculous forced hijab are not 'small reforms'. I do not think they are possible under this system. This system is built on compulsion and control and oppression from day one.

But this absurd idea of some kind of peaceful transition into a new secular systems IS NOTHING but a DELUSION! And I can easily promise you that far more Iranians will be willing to fight against such absurd delusion than for it!
Yes, everybody knows this islamic regime will kill every last iranian before they let go of power. you don't need to come with a tablet for this 'revelation'. at least the shah left and apologised instead of massacring his people, this arabist regime will not leave so gently.

there is no reason to think a series of referendums on the main issues of iran (hijab, alcohol zones, inheritance laws, system of elections, conservation, water, lakes, foreign policy) can't be implemented and work.

As for reformists getting kicked out... I'm happy they got rejected and for me they deserved to be rejected! Any fool that thinks Iran spends too much on it's military should be banned all together and sadly they are NOT.
of course you like that they get rejected, because your hezbollahi faction controls who can run and they make sure your hezbollahi corrupt friends always win.

i care about what the iranian people want, if in a referendum they vote for the same thing then of course i accept it and welcome it. if in a referendum people vote to leave this regime you will accept it?
you have no understanding of nuance.

ownership of hotels is merely a means to an end - that end = prosperity of iranians. your end = foreigners not owning hotels, not even during a country's development stage. that is just stupid.

i would rather we didn't have such dams at all to destroy our rivers and lakes.

of course domestic production is important and a matter of pride. i always said it must be the end goal that iranians have strong domestic industries, can build cars and be self sufficient etc (even to own our own hotels!), but i accept that when a country is developing it needs foreign investment and as long as the ordinary iranians are better off why should i give a shit if russians or swiss people own a few hotels that generate lots of profits for iran?!

iran is not 99% muslim, but if you are so sure then you should support my referendums idea.

shame on you. to me all of islam is a crazy cult, but bahais are less harmful than shia or sunni.

why you repeat this lie after i clarified this very clearly in my last post? you have short memory, or you just prefer to lie?

this is a very immature and stupid mindset; all iranians are equal it doesnt matter if kurd/azeri/persian/jew/christian/shia/sunni/zorostrian, it is just an iranian being in power, you are making the non-shia muslims a second class citizen in your mind.

i don't want christians or jews or anyone to control majlis or anything, i just want all iranians to have equal chance to be elected and participate in civil life in iran. maybe every '1%' loses the elections and gets no representation, no problem for me, as long as they are equal and the system is not institutionally dominated by shia islam.

MEK has nothing to do with this, i don't support influence of money in politics.

I didn't talk about UN figures... IMF, World Bank, lots of major international organisations all say what Saudi Arabia's GDP/GNI/FDI is. If you choose not to believe it then you are speaking from emotion and stupidity rather than logic.

Of course KSA should not be in Human Rights Council and is a terrible dictatorship, I am not advocating for a KSA style of government for Iran. Try to stay on topic...

This is good nuance, finally!

I agree with you. But this isn't an argument against FDI, we can have ToT agreements as well to prevent this.

You want to exclude Tehran from these 21st century logical policies? And even when you accept these policies you want to exclude the 3 biggest cities in Iran from these? Mashhad and Qom etc I understand, but Tehran should be the most liberal city in Iran, let the crazy religious ideas stay in the religious cities not Tehran.

Allowing alcohol in non-religious cities, changing inheritance laws, removing ridiculous forced hijab are not 'small reforms'. I do not think they are possible under this system. This system is built on compulsion and control and oppression from day one.

Yes, everybody knows this islamic regime will kill every last iranian before they let go of power. you don't need to come with a tablet for this 'revelation'. at least the shah left and apologised instead of massacring his people, this arabist regime will not leave so gently.

there is no reason to think a series of referendums on the main issues of iran (hijab, alcohol zones, inheritance laws, system of elections, conservation, water, lakes, foreign policy) can't be implemented and work.

of course you like that they get rejected, because your hezbollahi faction controls who can run and they make sure your hezbollahi corrupt friends always win.

i care about what the iranian people want, if in a referendum they vote for the same thing then of course i accept it and welcome it. if in a referendum people vote to leave this regime you will accept it?

Good to know! You make sure you tell everyone who you wanna sell your referendum too that YOU DON'T care if Foreigners control ALL the Major Hotels in Iran and you don't care if Iran couldn't even build it's own Dam's or even if Iran had control over them or control over it's own powerplants or control over the maintenance of it's own vital infrastructure, military or the capability to produce it's own weapons, cars, trucks, tractors, industrial equipment,....

Funny how you claim to care about what Iranians want and yet you clearly don't give a dam about how they make a living and you claim to care about Iran but you don't give a dam about it's industrial capabilities, technological capabilities....
And it's funny how at the same time you claim to care about Iran's brain drain and your deluded enough to think you can magically fix it by having your so called secular government even if it comes at a cost to domestic industries

And somehow this country the Pahlavi's had under development had no trouble building themselves the most massive & the most impressive castles in the world all across Iran but when it came to building an Iranian Hotels that would have made foreign hotels in Iran look like a back alley motel yea that was just too hard.... MY GOD!

There is nothing wrong with having a few foreign hotels team up with rich Iranians to build hotels in Iran where Iranians are the major stake holder is that hotel but in a country that's NOT being dictated too by foreigners you have a leadership that's smart enough to lobby rich Iranians to build a far more impressive Iranian hotel across the street to promote an Iranian brand....

You wanna blame the Iranian government because the country is in a drought? Dam's only dry up lakes for short periods because once the dam fills the water again flows back into the lakes and industrial development always has it's side effects.... And Dams are one of the most efficient ways to make green energy!
And it's the reduced amount of snow falling in Iran over years country wide is what's causing a drought in Iran which has NOTHING to do with the Iranian government

MEK will have everything to do with any changes in Iranian government! U.S. will pressure any new Iranian government to accept those traitor back into the country and they are a power hungry cult that only care about power that will happily sell out Iran and Iranians in an instant to get it! Everyone in Iran knows this from the Right to the Left from secular to not!

As for Tehran aside from the fact that Iran is an Islamic Republic there are logical reason why I wouldn't want such policies to be implemented in Tehran and the MAIN one would be Tehran's overpopulation and Iranian government needs to implement policies to get people to move out of Tehran rather than a policy that cause more people to flock to Tehran.

In the past decade the ONLY major protests in Iran were in 2009 that were directly due to election results AND NOTHING MORE! And that's why there just haven't been protest that size since despite the fact that Iran's currency has been demolished!
Which means Iranians have no trouble coming into the streets for what they want when they want and only a delusional person would think a revolution is what the vast majority want!

As for policies like Hejab that's something Iranian society needs to get mature enough to fight for within the confines of this system just as Americans fought to give women the right to vote.....
Making major changes in policy in a government is not easy and it takes time but it sure as hell does NOT require a revolution or some kind of a delusional peaceful transitions into something else which is no different than a revolution! Feel free to call it what you want but that's what it is!
Now because the masses don't support a revolution you wanna call it a peaceful transition as if Iranians are idiots!
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