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syrian girls good as russian girl.
Are you speaking from experience bro??
Because i have been with a few Russian chicks and i must confess they are very beautiful,tall, nice figure, dress well and gorgeous(almost all i have met here in U.K), but i haven't been with any Syrian chick much less even seen one in my life.:( lol
What propaganda do you believe Joe?
I thought you had no problems with Turks?
Did you know the circumstances they were in,in Korea?
The language barrier?
Why dont we ask a military analist first?
Here you go,something to read,

More than 5,000 men of the 1st Turkish Brigade, including liaison and the advance party, arrived in Pusan, South Korea, on October 17 from the eastern Mediterranean port of Iskenderun, Turkey. The brigade unloaded from their ship and proceeded to the newly opened U.N. reception center located just outside of Taegu. The bulk of the enlisted men were from small towns and villages in the mountains of eastern Turkey. For these volunteer officers and volunteer enlisted men who were just completing their compulsory two year service, it was not only the first time that they had left their native country–it was the first time they had been out of the villages of their birth.


The Turks, armed and trained by American military advisers, did better than even they had hoped or expected in this, their first real combat since World War I. The American units to which they were attached respected their skills and tenacity in combat. Some comments by American officers give insight into the Turks and their abilities. ‘They really prefer to be on the offensive and handle it quite well,’ went one appraisal. ‘They are not as good at defensive positions, and certainly never retreat.’ Another report told of their patrol skills: ‘Certain Turkish patrols always reported high body counts when they returned from patrols. Headquarters always scoffed at the high numbers, much higher in fact than any other unit, until the Turks decided to bring the enemy bodies back and dump them at headquarters for the body count.’

The Turks acquitted themselves in a brave and noble fashion in some of the worst conditions experienced in the Korean War. Very little else could have been required or expected of them. Their heavy casualties speak of their honor and commitment. Their bravery requires no embellishment. It stands on its own.

I have my doubts about you Joe,i told you that i have no problem with you intefering as long as your opponent is on the same level(i guess you didnt get it).


Did you read the post to which I replied, with these excerpts from Wikipedia, which I don't normally quote?

The fact is that raw troops were suddenly thrown in at the deep end, and suffered heavily. Nobody is questioning their intrinsic qualities, just the exaggerated and over-the-top feats and achievements that have been ascribed to them.
So right, @persona_non_grata !

That's what writing and posting too fast without double checking will get you, my bad! Corrected.

And your gentle tongue in cheek remark gave a moment of joy to someone else too, it appears.

May you hereby be thanked for both, Tay.
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It is something that a person like you with a limited amount of vision can never understand.
In reality Wars are not won by superiority of weapons but by the Superiority of Faith.

Militarily The Most Dumbest Argument Ever Made in the "How to win a War" doctrine.
This is something beyond military child

Yes its "Religion". Guess, if you have a 155 mm artillery shell headed your way you will start praying and win. Guess all weapons with PA is useless. Win alone by faith. why have guns ??
Yes its "Religion". Guess, if you have a 155 mm artillery shell headed your way you will start praying and win. Guess all weapons with PA is useless. Win alone by faith. why have guns ??
Diligence + Muscle + Faith gets the job done.
Diligence + Muscle + Faith gets the job done.

You dissed the first ones " In reality Wars are not won by superiority of weapons". better Diligence, better weapons can glass a battle field. but I get your point, The battle of Asal Uttar prime example.
You dissed the first ones " In reality Wars are not won by superiority of weapons". better Diligence, better weapons can glass a battle field. but I get your point, The battle of Asal Uttar prime example.
The Actual prime example my friend, is and always will be the battle of Badr.
where the 313 True warriors crushed the opposing force of about 3 times more in strength face to face.
True Faith of those 313 proved True might.
Battle of Badr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Faith must be definitively Pure and Genuinely Strong from within.
I totally understand Russians and Turks getting heated up. But why Indians, Pakistanis, Iranians and Chinese are getting personal here?

@Topic : I feel this is just a political statement, had there been really a deterioration, things would have been far worse.
The Actual prime example my friend, is and always will be the battle of Badr.
where the 313 True warriors crushed the opposing force of about 3 times more in strength face to face.
True Faith of those 313 proved True might.
Battle of Badr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Faith must be definitively Pure and Genuinely Strong from within.

Well, here numerical superiority was defeated. Weapons were more or less equal. Trust me had one opponent had a superior weapon say AK47s where the others had swords. Outcome would have been predictable.

Why do you discount one battle, which happened 50 Years ago, with one which happened, 1400 years ago? And how is that an "Actual Prime Example" but 1965 is a "Non-actual Non-Prime Example"? how do you conclude... ? On what parameters ? ( informal fallacy, No true Scotsman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its mere romanticism of an era long long gone. Its about time you set your clocks to 2015. and also "Pure and Genuine Faith" and "Wisdom" of Prophet (PHUH) went from the Islamic world with him. Since then Muslims have been their own biggest enemies.
Are you speaking from experience bro??
Because i have been with a few Russian chicks and i must confess they are very beautiful,tall, nice figure, dress well and gorgeous(almost all i have met here in U.K), but i haven't been with any Syrian chick much less even seen one in my life.:( lol

you will be soon plenty refugee
i read the comments made in this thread ......comments from people of turkey made me feel they are arrogant, rude, illusional, racist (reflects general practice of united states) have false sense of superiority and pride.......as they are being protected and backed by US they are safe for now......racism in them may be result of american influence.......but without american support and big mouth of turks and false sense of pride and superiority god knows what will happen to them......may god help them with sanity

We are superior to chinese in combat. We prooved that many times in history.

But in slave labor sweatshop work chinese slaves are unbeaten. Your fear makes you good slaves for western powers.
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