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Featured Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

Why do you have to bring that up? It was a political faction in the '30s and 40s Europe. Not all European countries and from the countries that did hunt the jews down,there were millions of people who disagreed with that. Would it be right if I said "You muslims have killed so many jews,muslims hate jews"? That would be a big generalisation too,right? France,Britain and some other European countries used to be very pious. And even when the Left appeared as a political force in post-WWII Europe,they didn't dare to provoke the people's faith by mocking religion or the sacred. But now? With all these anarcholeftist organizations,the political correctness,SJW and feminist movements,
you have men tattooed faces,women with shaved heads,rings on the nose and disrespect to religion.

My reason is that his chap keep on talking about "European/western culture", painting them all the same when it suits his narrative. And yes you are right, not all European nations treated Jews badly, but dont you now all have anti-Semitism laws, irrespective if you were involved or not, as part of EU? Muslims did not persecuted Jews, infact there were well looked after when Muslims ruled better half of Europe for 700 years and when Muslim rule collapsed, they were also kicked out along with Muslims. Later Ottomans also looked after them. Presently, our issue is the with state of Israel, not Jews.

Today in Europe, particularly in France, Muslims are getting isolated into Ghettos, just like Jews in past. Trend is very alarming. When state and its institutions are becoming part of the problem then resolving it, then yes, alarms bells should be ringing.

Religion has taken hit in post ww2 Europe. Christianity is now more then two thousands years old religion. Minus the post ww2 era, was Jesus (PBUH) mocked in Europe like he is now throughout its history? Clearly there is any agenda which is against religions. In Pakistan, its unthinkable for anyone, infact it doesnt even come into our minds, that got forbide, we will mock Jesus (PBUH) to get even with what Europe is doing against Mohammad (PBUH). A) its part of our faith b) State will simply not allow for anyone to commit such stupidity.
Putin have not did it because of someone's "pressure", do not degrade Russia.

Fair enough. He did the right thing. Hopefully Europe follow his example.
Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

During his annual press conference, Putin expressed the importance of artistic freedom without hindrance to religious freedom.
Putin said artistic freedom should not infringe on other freedoms.
Putin said artistic freedom should not infringe on other freedoms. (Reuters)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said insulting Prophet Muhammad does not count as freedom of expression.
Insults to the prophet are a "violation of religious freedom and the violation of the sacred feelings of people who profess Islam,", Putin said on Thursday during his annual news conference, Russian News Agency TASS reported.

Putin also criticised posting photos of Nazis on websites such as the one titled the Immortal Regiment dedicated to Russians that died in World War Two.

Putin said these acts give rise to extremist reprisals, citing as an example the attack on the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris after its publication of cartoons of the prophet.

While praising artistic freedom in general, Putin said it has its limits and it should not infringe on other freedoms.
Russia has evolved as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state, so Russians, he said, are used to respecting each other’s traditions.

In some other countries, this respect comes in short supply, Putin said.

WHEN Putin, someone who brutalised and genocided indescriminately Muslims in their hundreds of thousands in Chechnya just over a decade ago is now the spokesperson for Muslims (who are now cheering him like their saviour lol ) you know the world has gone upside down. 🤣🤣.
As Always the voice of reason amoung International Community. Russian Diplomats.
As much as I agree with free speech, attacking individuals, especially religious leaders, should be an exception. Freedom of speech should not infringe on the belief of others. This is not limit to only Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhist as well as Indians.

Indian is a religion.
WHEN Putin, someone who brutalised and genocided indescriminately Muslims in their hundreds of thousands in Chechnya just over a decade ago is now the spokesperson for Muslims (who are now cheering him like their saviour lol ) you know the world has gone upside down. 🤣🤣.
Fighting or killing someone for national interests aren't the same for killing someone purely for religious hatred. He didn't want that piece of land called Chechnya to get separate from Russia and in future play in the hands of US and NATO hence put existence of whole Russia at stake.
This statement by Mr Putin about our prophet (PBUH)is nothing about his support to Islam or Muslims ,this is just a sensible and right thing to do. I have some serious beef with the indians specially the extremist RSS ones but yet I am against disrespecting their gods and deities.
OK, here's a better question : How are you equating those two people ?
I wasn’t. I was just saying that the popularity or lack thereof of any person doesn’t make them immune to praise or criticism.
Fighting or killing someone for national interests aren't the same for killing someone purely for religious hatred. He didn't want that piece of land called Chechnya to get separate from Russia and in future play in the hands of US and NATO hence put existence of whole Russia at stake.
WTF,so chechenyans fighting for their independence is playing in the hands of NATO?🤣🤣 You could also say that all central Asian states who are now independent from Russia should have remained with Russia since them getting their independence was also playing into NATO. Lol
In fact we can go as far as saying Pakistan's struggle to get their own independence/statehood from India was also playing into NATO's/the West plan(like some Indians claim. Lol ). Pakistan should have remained with India. 🤣🤣.

You denigrating those chechnyans who fought and died for their country's independence and tagging them as mere NATO stooges, is an insult to all of them. 😆
There's a person who lives happily in heaven.

Because of compassion, he is willing to be reborn as a human, lives a simple life, to be bother enough to teach humanity so all of us may enter heaven.

But we are ungrateful and insult him.

Someone is giving us a good life in heaven, living in a palace made of crystal and gold, full of happiness with no suffering at all. Even if Bill Gates gives all his money to us, it's nothing compared to the gift given by him.

But we, insult him.
WTF,so chechenyans fighting for their independence is playing in the hands of NATO?🤣🤣 You could also say that all central Asian states who are now independent from Russia should have remained with Russia since them getting their independence was also playing into NATO. Lol
In fact we can go as far as saying Pakistan's struggle to get their own independence/statehood from India was also playing into NATO's/the West plan(like some Indians claim. Lol ). Pakistan should have remained with India. 🤣🤣.

You denigrating those chechnyans who fought and died for their country's independence and tagging them as mere NATO stooges, is an insult to all of them. 😆
You are a extremely stupid person.
Yes NATO and US do interfere in former Soviet states and that's the reason why Russia current has more than 100 k troops on Ukraine border because intelligence reports are suggesting there is going to be some kind of alliance between Ukraine and the west.Russia fears Ukraine will become part of NATO. In 2008 US also interfered in Georgia. The same apply to Chechnya if it gets separate from Russia.
Universal human rights are not bound by countries and nationhood. Disrespecting people religion is the most uncivilized behaviour. I dont need to understand you and vice versa, it really is not rocket science.

No one is freaking out! People are now getting more assertive. Prophet (PBUH) is now discussed more and Islam is expanding as it was. More you try to ridicule Islam and its Prophet (PBUH) more it will assert itself. By making fun, you lot are only excepting defeat as only defeated minds resort to ridicule. You killed and ridiculed Jews in not too distant past, now you have to make laws about anti-Semitism.

Factually you are wrong

Why do you have to bring that up? It was a political faction in the '30s and 40s Europe. Not all European countries and from the countries that did hunt the jews down,there were millions of people who disagreed with that. Would it be right if I said "You muslims have killed so many jews,muslims hate jews"? That would be a big generalisation too,right? France,Britain and some other European countries used to be very pious. And even when the Left appeared as a political force in post-WWII Europe,they didn't dare to provoke the people's faith by mocking religion or the sacred. But now? With all these anarcholeftist organizations,the political correctness,SJW and feminist movements,
you have men tattooed faces,women with shaved heads,rings on the nose and disrespect to religion.

What about religion disrespecting people?
WHEN Putin, someone who brutalised and genocided indescriminately Muslims in their hundreds of thousands in Chechnya just over a decade ago is now the spokesperson for Muslims (who are now cheering him like their saviour lol ) you know the world has gone upside down. 🤣🤣.
You brutalised and genocided indescriminately Muslims in hundreds of millions in countless countries in last 30 years. But even after that if some Western leader with healthy mind says the same words as Putin - Muslims will pay respect to him.
Muslims have been used by West to try and weaken China and Russia. Lots of Muslims believe in the Western propaganda but little do they know their goal is feminism/genderism/ultra liberalism with the goal of dismantling all religions including islam. So they are the true threats to muslims not china/russia.
You brutalised and genocided indescriminately Muslims in hundreds of millions in countless countries in last 30 years. But even after that if some Western leader with healthy mind says the same words as Putin - Muslims will pay respect to him.
Thats the dilemma Muslims face today. Majority of them are too dumb to understand who is their real enemy.

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