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Punjabi Musalman were tertiary class citizens under Ranjeet Singh

Sir, do you know why they are so loving to muslims now. Because they have to visit their gurduwaras in Pakistan they can not afford to be a enemy of Pakistan's muslims. But if they will gwt a chance future they will again slaughter muslims and they will repeat their past.thanks. i will not comment any more on this topic. You may continue love with sikhs.thanks bro

I get it from POV of someone living in east punjab, looks like muslims in east punjab were victims of sikh slaughter before 1947 as well. First in 1709 Sirhind/Samara near Haryana in which sikhs claim it to be false citing Mughal news paper source. And another in 1757 Jhullunder, no idea if sikhs deny this as well or not. Since I was only interested in west punjab history looking at various gazatter and other sources looks like when Sikhs used to defeat some chief in west punjab instead of slaughter they at most demanded tax in form of horses and even soldiers. Though Waris Shah and Bulleh Shah (both based in west punjab) instead talk about Nadir Shah/Abdali raids in west punjab which weakened Mughal rule. Nadir Shah in particular was likely responsible for rise of sikh power in east punjab.

From wiki
"Sikhs and Sikh Empire[edit]
Following the Sikh occupation of Samana in 1709, the Sikh army participated in a massacre of the city's residents. 10,000 unarmed Muslim men and women were slain.[39] Following the Siege of Sirhind, Banda Singh Bahadur ordered that all men, women and children be executed.[39] All residents of Sirhind, whether they were men, women or children were all burned alive or slain.[39] In December 1757, Sikhs pillaged the Doab and the city of Jullunder.[40] During this pillaging, "Children were put to the sword, women were dragged out and forcibly converted to Sikhism" and Mosques were defiled by pigs blood.[40] The body of Nassir Ali was dug out by Sikhs and flesh was thrust into it.[40]

Ranjit Singh went to Peshawar and pillaged the city, cut down trees for which the city was famous, burnt the palace of Bala Hissar and its mosque was defiled.[citation needed] Diwan Chand became the first Hindu Governor of Kashmir after 1354AD and enacted dozens of anti-Muslim laws. He raised the tax on Muslims, demolished the Jama Masjid of Srinagar and prohibited cow slaughter. The punishment for cow slaughter was the death penalty without any exception. He abducted all the Pashtun and Uzbek women and infamously sold them at Hira Mandi, a very popular market in Lahore (the Sikh Empire Capital).[41][42][43] Maharaja Ranjit Singh in lieu of helping Shah Shuja the grandson of Ahmad Shah Durrani asked for the ban of cow slaughter in Afghanistan and with Ranjit Singh's help, Shuja regained the Kabul Throne and imposed a ban on cow slaughter in Kabul.[44]

Sayyid Ahmed Barelvi declared war against Maharaja Ranjit Singh and recruited many Muslims from madrassas. However the Yousufzai and Muhammadzai Khawaneen didn't like his egalitarian ideals and betrayed Sayyid Ahmed Shahid and his army at the battle of Balakot and supported the Sikh Army in the Battle of Balakote in 1831, and Barelvi's head was severed by Sikh General Hari Singh Nalwa.[45][46]

Muslims still revered Sayyid Ahmad, however he was defeated and killed in the battle by Sikh Forces commanded by Hari Singh Nalwa and Gulab Singh.[47] Raja Aggar Khan of Rajaouri was defeated, humiliated by the Ranjit Singh commander Gulab Singh and was brought to Lahore where he was beheaded by Gulab Singh of Jammu.[48]"
I agree with your comments about these wars and add one thing more ranjit singh took the koh-e-noor diamond from shah shuja when he helps shah shuja forcefully as a gift
FATA,PATA and even areas like swat were not under Sikh rule .. KPK was also resisting but it was a bad period for the Pashtun Sultante weakened by civil war and internal chaos for power..

I agree resistance was there, but the British replaced the Sikh rulers and Pakistan replaced the British. I think Sikh rule was there in FATA, but the tribesmen won it back, however they did rule in KPK. My point is had the Sikhs not been there, Pakistan's western frontiers would have been quite different today !!!
I get it from POV of someone living in east punjab, looks like muslims in east punjab were victims of sikh slaughter before 1947 as well. First in 1709 Sirhind/Samara near Haryana in which sikhs claim it to be false citing Mughal news paper source. And another in 1757 Jhullunder, no idea if sikhs deny this as well or not. Since I was only interested in west punjab history looking at various gazatter and other sources looks like when Sikhs used to defeat some chief in west punjab instead of slaughter they at most demanded tax in form of horses and even soldiers. Though Waris Shah and Bulleh Shah (both based in west punjab) instead talk about Nadir Shah/Abdali raids in west punjab which weakened Mughal rule. Nadir Shah in particular was likely responsible for rise of sikh power in east punjab.

From wiki
"Sikhs and Sikh Empire[edit]
Following the Sikh occupation of Samana in 1709, the Sikh army participated in a massacre of the city's residents. 10,000 unarmed Muslim men and women were slain.[39] Following the Siege of Sirhind, Banda Singh Bahadur ordered that all men, women and children be executed.[39] All residents of Sirhind, whether they were men, women or children were all burned alive or slain.[39] In December 1757, Sikhs pillaged the Doab and the city of Jullunder.[40] During this pillaging, "Children were put to the sword, women were dragged out and forcibly converted to Sikhism" and Mosques were defiled by pigs blood.[40] The body of Nassir Ali was dug out by Sikhs and flesh was thrust into it.[40]

Ranjit Singh went to Peshawar and pillaged the city, cut down trees for which the city was famous, burnt the palace of Bala Hissar and its mosque was defiled.[citation needed] Diwan Chand became the first Hindu Governor of Kashmir after 1354AD and enacted dozens of anti-Muslim laws. He raised the tax on Muslims, demolished the Jama Masjid of Srinagar and prohibited cow slaughter. The punishment for cow slaughter was the death penalty without any exception. He abducted all the Pashtun and Uzbek women and infamously sold them at Hira Mandi, a very popular market in Lahore (the Sikh Empire Capital).[41][42][43] Maharaja Ranjit Singh in lieu of helping Shah Shuja the grandson of Ahmad Shah Durrani asked for the ban of cow slaughter in Afghanistan and with Ranjit Singh's help, Shuja regained the Kabul Throne and imposed a ban on cow slaughter in Kabul.[44]

Sayyid Ahmed Barelvi declared war against Maharaja Ranjit Singh and recruited many Muslims from madrassas. However the Yousufzai and Muhammadzai Khawaneen didn't like his egalitarian ideals and betrayed Sayyid Ahmed Shahid and his army at the battle of Balakot and supported the Sikh Army in the Battle of Balakote in 1831, and Barelvi's head was severed by Sikh General Hari Singh Nalwa.[45][46]

Muslims still revered Sayyid Ahmad, however he was defeated and killed in the battle by Sikh Forces commanded by Hari Singh Nalwa and Gulab Singh.[47] Raja Aggar Khan of Rajaouri was defeated, humiliated by the Ranjit Singh commander Gulab Singh and was brought to Lahore where he was beheaded by Gulab Singh of Jammu.[48]"
Read this book when you have time , its a quality book with non-biased approach https://archive.org/details/latermughals01irviuoft
Many Pakistani Punjabi swell with pride

Well my Grandfather was Awan and we never take pride in Sikhs lol first time I head that. There are no Sikhs in our lands never was, the few who settled there as invaders or migrants were expelled during 1947.
1. Books on Indian history written by Britishers are usually distorted to divide and rule.
2. Have there been Sikhs who've disrespected and even slaughtered Muslims? Yes but there have been Muslims who've done that to Sikhs as well. Banda Singh Bahadur was not a Sikh Guru. Sikh Gurus had very cordial relations with Muslims of Punjab and the foundation of Darbar Sahib was laid by a Muslim.
3. Ranjit Singh: He was probably no saint but I doubt he subjugated Muslims for the simple reason that his army had a huge Muslim component. Should you guys take pride in him? I believe the answer is yes. We (the Punjabis on the other side) still celebrate Muslim people in our history like Dulla Bhatti, Bhagat Kabir. It's part of our shared cultural history and he was part of the reason that our people can swell with pride compared to the rest of the subcontinent and claim that we fought against the British and were the last to fall (that too by treachery).

Thank you for reading.
yup thats called divide & rule. This is a classic unadulterated propaganda. No doubt there was animosity & enmity between sikhs & muslim rulers of that era. But this piece of article looks more like hate mongering than having any historical sense.
Sikhs used badshahi and lahor mosque as gun power storage and stable . Even destroyed some parts of mosques and lahor palace.
This is why im not too fond of allowing access if sikhs to any part if Pakistan.

We should keep the emnity going

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