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Protests break out in India over Quaid-e-Azam's portrait

Well lost to who? ML league won every where including deep down south India. Had Jinnah decided to go with united India plan, Pushtuns would have been part of it.

Not really, Jinnah became popular because he asked for a separate homeland for Muslims, before that he wasn't popular. There was a referendum held in NWFP province and options was to stay with India or Pakistan. Absolute majority voted to join Pakistan. If Pakistan wasn't an option then Pukhtoons would have joined back with Afghanistan. Similar case would have been with FATA and Northern Balochistan.

To summarize, Muslims are not always untied, Jinnah was able to unite them only after he demanded Pakistan. Even then, there were some Muslims that sided with India and funny enough they were mostly the religious parties.

BTW, are you a supporter of Pakistan merging back with India?
Since Allahmdulliah Pakistan has vacated the pit of intolerance, there is alot of space for India to fill in !!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Thank you BJP for making that possible :-D
Quaid portrait is just an excuse

The real reason is to attack everything Muslim including Muslim institutions like AMU
Lol. Hindu aukaat is something to be marvelled at.

This man broke a country, the only country Hindus could call home.

70 years later they come to destroy his image. Ab tak they were busy doing puja path. :haha:

Deep down Hindus know they are not fit to rule. For instance will Pakistan ever keep a portrait of Lal Krishna Advani in his Karachi school? It makes no sense.

But in Hindu India... :omghaha:

It is fine if Jinnah has been revered in Pakistan after Partition. But his portrait should not be put up here in India
Kya ukhad Liya Abhi tak?

Should not be ...this ... That

Only jumlas.

On the other hand Pakistan has done a better job in cleansing what they consider as filth. Bade bade batey only.

Guys at AMU are idiots. Who in their right mind would prevent the President of India?

Asking for an apology from the President of India which is a constitutional position and preventing him from attending the convocation for a statement that he made when he was not the President of India is idiotic to say the least.

They have now given BJP an alibi to take down AMU and revamp the administration.

And BJP and the Hindus will fail again.

It will be another glorious failure.

All three holiest sites of Hinduism is still under our occupation. BJP failed to even build Ram Mandir so far.

Universal Civil Code - BJP failed. Our personal laws are still by Shariah.

Vande mataram - We don't sing it. And nobody could do anything about it.

Love 'jihad' - more Hindu women are falling in love with Muslims and leaving Hinduism.

Kashmir article 370 - BJP agreed that they can't do anything about it now

Pandits - Still living as refugees in their own country

Rohingya - Increasingly in India

Illegal Bangladeshi - Openly living in India. Nobody has been sent back.


Even then, there were some Muslims that sided with India and funny enough they were mostly the religious parties
Wrong. Only 11 percent of Muslims voted for India.

My forefathers voted for Pakistan but did not shift there. Simply because we knew this was also our land.

Mark the word 'also'.

220 mil in each country thats 660mil compared to 1.1Bilion hindus
660 million Mussalman.
300 million Hindus.
800 million fattus.

Don't believe me?
Check out ANY riot in India. See the community wise death figures. Hindu and Muslim dead are almost equal, barring exceptions. What does that imply?

Had Jinnah not created Pakistan, all of India would have been under Muslims. Unlike Hindus, we are far more united and our faith is greater as well.

But the inevitable is only postponed. Hindus can actually say thankyoujinnah
Jinnah was not even a Pakistani ethnically, he was a Gujju Baniya from Kathiyawar as far as i know.
Indian rapist apes going bonkers again.

Lol mate muslims were not even united was during jinnahs time when he demanded Pakistan.

Even though majority of the muslims were on his side

Also us Pukhtoons would still had gone our seperate ways had the rest of the muslims decided to stay with India

LOL at Bacha Khan scum who couldn't even have a burial in Pakistan.
RSS Taqiyya master, ask your IT cell trainer to train properly. Your choice of words give away that you are a RSS Hindu imposter, pretending to be an Indian Muslim. Minus marks for your posts.
Do you know what taqqiya means even?

Go back to your shakhas.
And what about the damage that its doing to Indian society? Is politics more important than nation?

Nothing is more important than the nation. NOT EVEN RELIGION. Its the people who keep religion above the nation, are the real danger.. in the longer run, I see them getting extint due to their narrow mindedness than the nation India, because India has survived wounds incomparable to any wound on any nation on the face of this earth and it still survives. If you go through the history of India, you will laugh these incidents (or the phase ) off.

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