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Proof of RAW involvement in terror acts given to India

Ha! So Indian media makes your dossier valid.No wonder Indians think with their balls instead of brains.

The acceptance of the Indian dossier by Pak govt and the international community makes it valid.
They did good by sharing it with Afghanistan and USA :tup:
The acceptance of the Indian dossier by Pak govt and the international community makes it valid.

The validity isn't an issue, issue is the ambiguities presented in them. Some may be true, but some highly doubtful to accept.

In response to the dossier, pak govt has asked many questions which indians havent yet replied back to.
The acceptance of the Indian dossier by Pak govt and the international community makes it valid.

Yes, but the Indian dossier does not implicate a state. Rather it refers to the activities of a group and in particular the Mumbai attacks.

Something akin to that would be a dossier on the activities of the BLA and how it was responsible for terrorist attacks in Baluchistan - which is not really hard to prove since the BLA proudly claims responsibility for most of these attacks.
I have little hopes as far as the Indian PM and his assurance is concerned. An Indian member said back that RAW reports directly to the PM, so he must be aware of activities unless RAW has turned into a rouge institute. So i dont seem any point in handing over the dossier to the Indian PM infact it should be handed over to the UN, the US/UK and NATO who are directly involved in Afghanistan and more so friendly countries such as China should be taken into confidence and then wait for their response.
Im seeing this news on Pakistani blogs :-

ISI Summons RAW Cheif


ISI Cheif Shuja Pasha has summoned his Indian Counterpart, K C Verma for a meeting through the Indian defence attache in the Indian High Commission in Islamabad.
The Indian government has not responded to ISI’s request yet, and is reportedly assessing the implications of a possible meeting carefully.
Reply for the topic

'Pak handed over dossier on Indian link to attacks to India'

Islamabad, July 22 (PTI) A leading English daily here Wednesday claimed that Pakistan has handed over to India a dossier allegedly containing "comprehensive evidence" of Indian involvement in several terrorist acts on its soil, including the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team

The dossier with proof of "India's involvement in subversive activities in Pakistan" was handed over by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh during their recent meeting at the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, the Dawn newspaper claimed quoting sources as saying

When contacted, an Indian High Commission official told PTI that the only information provided by Pakistan in the meeting between the two Prime Minister was on its dossier on Mumbai attacks which included reference to the five Lashker-e-Taiba (LeT) people, who are undergoing trial in Pakistan, and 13 other suspects declared as proclaimed offenders

There was no information provided to India on alleged Indian links to attacks in Pakistan, the official said
Soon after the terrorist attack on Sri Lanka cricket team on March 3 in Lahore, a Punjab province minister had alleged an Indian hand in the attack on the cricket team which was, however, denied by the federal government
well unfortunately the indian media is very bollywoodish and loves having a ball....
thats a bad generalization...but how about the print media?
you can't expect all our media sources to be biased especially because of the fact that we have state-control free media.
the government should act mature not everything that happens is for the common man to know.....you can be critical of your government for everything but...what indian government loves to do is just push every pressure every accusation towards pakistan inorder to safeguard its position and unite the common man....

governments should act responsibly!!
the common man elects the very govt. that is handling all these issues...we have an RTI...the common man needs to know how the govt is running
...that is one of the biggest advantages of the multi-party system.
and as far as the Indian govt trying to shove pressure on the Paksitani govt....the whole world was united in condemning your govt's incapacity following the mumbai incident.
ISI Summons RAW Cheif

I don't think its a summons, its a request for a meeting - though the GoI does not know quite how to handle this since it makes it easy to look like a summons if the RAW chief travels to Pakistan for a meeting.

One option I have read about in the ToI article is meeting in a third country, but the fact that the meeting comes after the Egypt joint statement that included Baluchistan plus the Dawn disclosures on the dossier Pakistan shared with India, might make a meeting between the RAW and ISI heads anywhere a bit of a PR disaster now that Pakistan floated the suggestion first.

Hopefully MMS will look beyond the PR and allow the meeting to go forward since the two agencies are the ones being accused directly or indirectly.

IIRC, B Raman wrote that such a meeting in the past resulted in India cutting off support for terrorists in Sindh, in return for support on the Khalistan front. So who knows, perhaps something can be worked out here as well.
NEW DELHI: As the Manmohan Singh government faces flak for allowing the mention of Pakistan's "concerns" about Balochistan in the joint statement
the prime minister signed in Egypt, Islamabad seems determined to compound his difficulties.

On Wednesday, Pakistani media carried reports quoting official sources suggesting that Singh agreed to the mention of Balochistan when his Pakistani counterpart Yousaf Raza Gilani confronted him in Sharm el-Sheikh with a dossier detailing India's covert subversion in the restive province of Balochistan.

The report in the Dawn claimed the dossier also had details of India's role in fomenting trouble in other areas of Pakistan as well. It said it was India that was responsible for the attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team and the Manawan police academy, apart from maintaining a terror training camp in Kandahar from where trained Baloch insurgents were sent into Pakistan. "Operatives of RAW who remained in touch with the perpetrators of the attacks have been identified and proof of their interaction have been attached. Besides, description of Indian arms and explosives used in the attack on the Sri Lankan team has been made part of the dossier," the paper said.

The PMO denied the claim. "No such dossier was given to us," a senior source told TOI.
But the report, based on claims made by close aides of Gilani, can feed into the perception that the reference to Balochistan may be used by Pakistan to harass India and to seek to turn the attention away from the ISI's brazen collusion with terrorists.

If this was not enough, a report in the New York Times based on its conversations with senior officials of Pakistan may undercut any perception that Pakistan agreed to make good its promise to crack down on terrorists during the Sharm el-Sheikh talks.

Senior Pakistani sources quoted in the NYT report made it clear that their government had no intention of taking any action against Taliban leaders like Sirajuddin Haqqani, who engineered the attack on the Indian mission in Kabul or Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed. ISI officials in briefings with US media have said, "Saeed deserved to be freed because the government had failed to convince the courts that he should be kept in custody. There would be no effort to imprison Saeed again, in part because he was just an ideologue who did not have an anti-Pakistan agenda."

Haqqani, ISI officials said, was no threat to anybody, though US and Indian officials have given Pakistan evidence of his being the mastermind of the attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul.

The claim that Gilani gave a dossier to Singh in Egypt has strengthened the apprehension here that this might become the norm from Pakistan.

The story in the Dawn goes on to say, "The evidence of Indian link lists the safe houses being run by RAW in Afghanistan, where terrorists are trained and launched for missions in Pakistan. The dossier also broadly covers the Indian connection in terror financing in Pakistan."

Quoting Gilani's aides, the report says they confirmed his discussions of India's involvement in the attack on the Sri Lankan team.

Now, Pak details ?Indian hand? in Balochistan - India - NEWS - The Times of India
PTI, is quoting Dawn, which tells so much about its credibility. And then the official is not being named. Its funny how the discussion of the issue is being avoided.
I want this issue to b'com true...b'cos u all knows what im thinking:enjoy:
Interview With Maj Gen Ijaz Awan(GOC malakand Division). He tells about indian involvement in Part 62 at 3:00 min

Part 62

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I want this issue to b'com true...b'cos u all knows what im thinking:enjoy:

No, we dont know what your thinking. Conflicts of any sorts disturbs the peace in South Asia. If both parties dont agree, the support of proxy war will escalate beyond the existing areas. Troubling Pakistan in the war on terror, where the world will have to intervene.
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