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Problem with Muslims is not terrorism but their mentality - Dr. Subramanium Swamy

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No how old are you? Really you have the mental capacity of a turd meaning none at all.
He He. Still u have not answered my queries rather than trying to force ur my way or highway attitude on us. Thats what Swamy says bout muslims and u prove it. :) I am asking for refute and u giving me nonsense. Stick to the topic plz. :)
Oh please there might be a fringe group here and there in India who might be butt hurt about the invasion but there is no grudge against muslims as per say. Its the exclusive mentality of Muslims which is worrisome. We have even forgotten and moved on with the bloodshed during Partition, whereas we still the enmity among Pakistanis about how brutually they were massacared and thrown out of their homes from eastern Punjab. Heck you even a mascot in Hafez Saeed openly bitching about how some of his family members were killed.

Ok bro I am glad to hear but like I mentioned earlier this dude is clearly lying in the video there is no such concepts in our Quran or in our Hadith. As for Hafez Saeed and his ilk most Pakistanis do not agree with his views and Pakistani Punjabis on a whole do not hold grudges from partition against Indian Punjabis, that is why overseas you will see Sardars come to our events all the time and we get along really well more so then with any other Indian ethnicity.
You are fighting "SELECTIVE" terrorism. stop trying to play the victim.
No I am not even playing the victim...Its you who has 1 eye closed! So either open it or walk out the door with both eyes shut!

I told you had your swami with all his degree even a morsel of self respect he would have quoted where he grabbed those words he preached!
no matter how much i bring...it would still be label as BS from you cuz its not mentioned in your holy book. So I stopped "BS" and advised same to OP.

You just can't change some ppl mentally. its like a memory that's embedded into their brain since childhood.
So i am outta here...continue you guys.

1st bring it from the Quran not anti Islamic sites...I know a couple of anti Hinduism sites too but unlike some disgraceful person i dont quote them!

Yes it is not mentioned in my book...what people do its up to them dont blame my book for their actions!

The only mentality that needs changing here is the mentality of lying and trying to get away with it!
Pathetic troll thread, it's only meant to instigate hatred towards Muslims, nothing more. Indian members would do well to steer clear of such intolerance, it will only look bad on them.
So u mean if something is unacceptable then u shud refute the thread itself.

Its not a troll thread but I wud rather put it on the senseless members on how they approach it. If the person in the video was so wrong, it cud have been done by simply refuting his opinions. Case closed. But what I saw was simple bulls attitude by Pakistanis. Now whos responsible? Jahil attitude is not coz of the thread but coz of people's nature itself.
No truer words have ever been uttered.
Good to know your teachers are full of lies and no references! :rofl:

Abe. Thats why I brought it. I know its all bullshit for u. I am asking the support argument. Thats it.

U guyz are crying bout the symptom. Plz talk bout the cause too.
The cause def is not the Quran...if it were Swami would be 1st to quote it!
Bro he is trolling...

Had he anything to say we would have seen it in of his post...Had swami anything to say he would have quoted the Quran! Man that guy prob doesnt even know whats in the Quran!
Waah bhai. Tumhare faith ko question kya kar diya, main troll ho gaya. Now this is intolerance.
No truer words have ever been uttered.

Thats true, my pherend :coffee:

there are certain things in life that should be kept personal . . religion is one of them . . and any Discussion on things related to religion is a waste of time as .

because you won't understand my POV and i won't understand yours . . so why wasting time here ?. :coffee:
Look, no one denies that some muslims commit violent and terrorist acts. But they are criminals guilty of a crime and they must be punished. No one here is in deniable about that. But to twist facts to sprout your own agenda disregarding intellectual honesty like this swamy has done is plain wrong. He should have brought arguments backed with facts and relevant sources, not make up his own. If you do that, then don't expect people to take you seriously. ( which is what is happening in this thread)
Ok bro I am glad to hear but like I mentioned earlier this dude is clearly lying in the video there is no such concepts in our Quran or in our Hadith. As for Hafez Saeed and his ilk most Pakistanis do not agree with his views and Pakistani Punjabis on a whole do not hold grudges from partition against Indian Punjabis, that is why overseas you will see Sardars come to our events all the time and we get along really well more so then with any other Indian ethnicity.
He made some factual errors but he was talking about the general perception and how Muslims differentiate among US and THEM.
Good to know your teachers are full of lies and no references! :rofl:

The cause def is not the Quran...if it were Swami would be 1st to quote it!
Wohi to. If its not Quran then why is it present among Muslims? As I asked do muslims follow anything other than Quran?

Why is it that if theres something not in Quran but still been practiced or followed by muslims? Thats my question.
He is not a moron. He is a PhD in Economics from Harvard and worked with a Nobel Laureate there; he even used to teach there. I don't understand him. He is married to a Parsi lady who is also highly educated and his daughter is married to a Muslim guy. So from that it appears he is not religiously intolerant either. But off late he has become too smart for his own good IMO.
Well maybe he should preach about Economics because apparently he didnt even get the basics of Islam right ...those 3 things he brain washed his followers with were not given references...so either Harvard standard's have fallen where it failed to teach its graduate how to refer to something they quote or talk about or this guy is taking his Hindu sheep for a ride in his Prado!

Wohi to. If its not Quran then why is it present among Muslims? As I asked do muslims follow anything other than Quran?

Why is it that if theres something not in Quran but still been practiced or followed by muslims? Thats my question.
Ok lets take your question as genuine!

There is 1 reason that I have been able to trace back its called customs, tradition and culture....

People value this above religion....
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