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Problem with Muslims is not terrorism but their mentality - Dr. Subramanium Swamy

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At one time all of Europe thought world was flat, your logic means nothing.
But they moved on from that thought process and more open to knowledge and criticism, unlike Muslims who are still stuck with the old rigid thought process. Whatever thats been written is correct and everything else is haram. Heck there are many who want political ideology based on 1400 years old mind set. Times have changed for better or worse depending upon how one sees it.
I meant Pakistanis on this thread. An I am right coz thats what I saw in ur responses.
Calling 1 who is preaching what he doesnt understand a jahil or ignorant is not extremism! However nodding to BS might be extremism esp if the BS doesnt make an ounce of sense!
Maybe thats what u are facing. See the point I am making is its you muslims who are so adamnat with ur faith. It might be possible that u guyz have slightly misundertood ur prophet's teachings and hence facing all the problems today. Maybe u need some introspection and rectification for living a better life. Why this adamancy? We hindus have been open to all cultures since ages. Thats why such diverse nature of India.

Are you stupid? I told you that what your swamy is attributing to our Prophet he never said so stop quoting me you troll.

I will give him the benefit of the doubt though no way can he be blatantly lying right? Has to be jahiliya.
India uncovers Hindu terror group that carried out bombings blamed on Islamists - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

carrying out bombings and blaming it on muslims? problem with hindu mentality? right, isn't this the logic being implied here?
That is because the extrimist Hindus are scared of this mentality of Muslims that they will become majority and rule them. :D :D

Its a reaction rather than action. Saala sare problem ki jad ye partitions hai. We can never be in peace again. :(

Are you stupid? I told you that what your swamy is attributing to out Prophet he never said so stop quoting me you troll.
Then who said? U mean to say there are other teachings in Islam other than of Prophet PBUH ?
But they moved on from that thought process and more open to knowledge and criticism, unlike Muslims who are still stuck with the old rigid thought process. Whatever thats been written is correct and everything else is haram. Heck there are many who want political ideology based on 1400 years old mind set. Times have changed for better or worse depending upon how one sees it.

It is not the Muslims who need to move on but you Hindus, you are still butt hurt over the invasions of years past and hold that grudge against the current Muslims of India today who were not born when said invasions happened. :rolleyes:

That is why every so often such dudes come out of their mud huts to talk about things as if they are experts.
Calling 1 who is preaching what he doesnt understand a jahil or ignorant is not extremism! However nodding to BS might be extremism esp if the BS doesnt make an ounce of sense!
As I said. If what he said is nonsense then why are Muslims the biggest sufferers in the whole world? Can anyone explain plz. :)
If this learned swamy or anyone else can provide me an authentic quote from the Holy Qur'an or the Hadith, or an incident where Darul Harb is mentioned, I would gladly look at this gentleman's argument more closely.
Then who said? U mean to say there are other teachings in Islam other than of Prophet PBUH ?

No how old are you? Really you have the mental capacity of a turd meaning none at all.
actually it is very hard to find... do you last time u celebrated a day for your love for prophet.. 26 people got killed in the celebration...
We are fighting terrorism...try some other country which is not fighting terrorism and yet not being acknowledge!
It is not the Muslims who need to move on but you Hindus, you are still butt hurt over the invasions of years past and hold that grudge against the current Muslims of India today who were not born when said invasions happened. :rolleyes:
How can u say that? U got Pakistan but there are still muslims in India. So what was the logic of Pakistan?

ITs not bout rule or something. Otherwise the extrimist hindus wud have carried the same so called hatred against British. So ur point is invalid. I understand thats what u are taught in Pakistan that Hindus are jealous of great Pakistans as they have got their country, etc etc

Its something more deep and different.
Who knows? Maybe he knows much more than u which you are not able to comprehend. thats why hes not right coz hes not in same level than u. Afterall hes a scholar internationally for some reason right. So its no point shooting his credentials rather refute his BS with support evidences. :)
If he knew much more even a little bit he would know talking about religion, you need to quote and give references...I heard not 1...
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