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Problem with Muslims is not terrorism but their mentality - Dr. Subramanium Swamy

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How can u say that? U got Pakistan but there are still muslims in India. So what was the logic of Pakistan?

ITs not bout rule or something. Otherwise the extrimist hindus wud have carried the same so called hatred against British. So ur point is invalid. I understand thats what u are taught in Pakistan that Hindus are jealous of great Pakistans as they have got their country, etc etc

Its something more deep and different.

LOL I did not even mention Pakistan in my post you idiot. :rofl:
Or maybe you should bring forward something sensible instead of posting BS ?
Abe. Thats why I brought it. I know its all bullshit for u. I am asking the support argument. Thats it.

U guyz are crying bout the symptom. Plz talk bout the cause too.
Or maybe you should bring forward something sensible instead of posting BS ?

no matter how much i bring...it would still be label as BS from you cuz its not mentioned in your holy book. So I stopped "BS" and advised same to OP.

You just can't change some ppl mentally. its like a memory that's embedded into their brain since childhood.
So i am outta here...continue you guys.
LOL I did not even mention Pakistan in my post you idiot. :rofl:
And thats where u are wrong. Hindus dont have problem with INdian Muslims coz they are conducive. We have problem with extrimist muslims and they are in a bulk in Pakistan.

Also as ur claim of Hindus having problem with Muslims rule and all is true only for Pakistanis. Hence I took that name. Concepts clear karo apne rather than blind following.
As I said. If what he said is nonsense then why are Muslims the biggest sufferers in the whole world? Can anyone explain plz. :)
Well, we are suffering that is true...but we have many probs and not 1 is of which he mentioned...

We are suffering from terrorists bombing school children (not in Quran or Hadith)

We are suffering people killing different sects (neither the sects nor the killing is justified in the Quran nor hadith)

We are suffering from racial disagreements (neither is supported in the Quran nor hadith)

So nothing this Dr sahaab says nor anything you say relates to the suffering hence its like saying...I saw a cat on the neighbour's wall and hence I justify the cat killed the whole village! Make sense to you? Likewise Swami is taking his sheep for a ride! :woot:
Ghadha kay Sur pay Seengh nahi hotay.......:haha:

what rock did this moron crawled from under......:crazy:


He is not a moron. He is a PhD in Economics from Harvard and worked with a Nobel Laureate there; he even used to teach there. I don't understand him. He is married to a Parsi lady who is also highly educated and his daughter is married to a Muslim guy. So from that it appears he is not religiously intolerant either. But off late he has become too smart for his own good IMO.
It is not the Muslims who need to move on but you Hindus, you are still butt hurt over the invasions of years past and hold that grudge against the current Muslims of India today who were not born when said invasions happened. :rolleyes:

That is why every so often such dudes come out of their mud huts to talk about things as if they are experts.
Oh please there might be a fringe group here and there in India who might be butt hurt about the invasion but there is no grudge against muslims as per say. Its the exclusive mentality of Muslims which is worrisome. We have even forgotten and moved on with the bloodshed during Partition, whereas we still the enmity among Pakistanis about how brutually they were massacared and thrown out of their homes from eastern Punjab. Heck you even a mascot in Hafez Saeed openly bitching about how some of his family members were killed.
Abe. Thats why I brought it. I know its all bullshit for u. I am asking the support argument. Thats it.

U guyz are crying bout the symptom. Plz talk bout the cause too.

are bhai, I'm asking now. It's bigger bull than what Zarvan posts. The concept of Darul Harb does not exist apart from a few clergymen. It has no basis in Qur'an ( the fountain of knowledge regarding all islami beliefs) or the sayings(Hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad( saw).

What else do you want to clarify? I posted before as well have a look at that post too.
Abe. Thats why I brought it. I know its all bullshit for u. I am asking the support argument. Thats it.

U guyz are crying bout the symptom. Plz talk bout the cause too.
I already did now you please bring fwd something for us to talk about...

How can you attack a religion without being able to quote from its books? If you can show us from the Quran then do so! Otherwise forever hold your tongue and same goes for Swami! Because what he is doing in the video is lying! Lying he knows about something when he knows not a word that makes him jahil!
Pathetic troll thread, it's only meant to instigate hatred towards Muslims, nothing more. Indian members would do well to steer clear of such intolerance, it will only look bad on them.
I had seen this long back. He makes a few factual errors as far as the purported source of Dar-ul-Islam and Dar-ul-Harb are concerned. But he hit the nail on it's head as far as the collective behaviour of Hindus and Muslims in India is concerned.

@levina @chak de INDIA @Indischer @DRAY @Roybot @ranjeet

He is entirely right as to the substance of what he says. A few technical errors here and there are not important.

are bhai, I'm asking now. It's bigger bull than what Zarvan posts. The concept of Darul Harb does not exist apart from a few clergymen. It has no basis in Qur'an ( the fountain of knowledge regarding all islami beliefs) or the sayings(Hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad( saw).

What else do you want to clarify? I posted before as well have a look at that post too.
Bro he is trolling...

Had he anything to say we would have seen it in of his post...Had swami anything to say he would have quoted the Quran! Man that guy prob doesnt even know whats in the Quran!
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