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POLL: Should Syrians Get Turkish Citizenship?

Should Syrians Get Turkish Citizenship?

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Sep 10, 2015
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Turkish members, lets have a vote on how many would want the syrians to become citizens of Turkey.
I cast for NO.

We shouldn't give any citizenship under this circumstances.

Once the war in Syria ends and everything becomes clearer maybe then.

The majority should go back and the ones who wants to stay in Turkey can get citizenship.(lf they fill the requirements)
Same here I voted NO mainly because of the Syrian flags after the coup:


It's obvious they don't respect the Turkish flag, so they can go back to the country they ran away from like cowards.

Imagine a war like in Syria happens in Turkey most of us would rather die than run away like they did. If there is a war in the future between Turkey and some other power the syrians will be the first to run like cowards.

Our ancestors didn't die so we could give it away to cowards.

Also I've seen in coffee shops how syrian men look at turkish girls, no respect.

They run away from war, we save them and they look at our girls in a bad way? F*ck that!
Arabs will always be arabs, it's the mindset, you can't change them.
I'm generally against this project but if the children speak Turkish, feel Turkish and go to military service voluntarily, I would give them a Turkish passport.
I'm generally against this project but if the children speak Turkish, feel Turkish and go to military service voluntarily, I would give them a Turkish passport.

That is good but it's wishful thinking, we can't act with emotions alone or we end up with a new pkk fast, because the syrians are making babies very fast.

They run away from war and the first thing they do is make babies?
That is what I mean by arab mentality, they don't think about their kids future and education first like we Turks do.
They need to take resposibility before making babies that they "hope" the turkish state will take care of.

We need to act on facts and the facts are:
- They ran away like cowards from their own country, even the men did. (I would understand women and children)
- They wave syrian flags at turkish democracy rallies.
- Many kurds, armenians and terrorists are among those that came, like a trojan horse.

Let them stay until syria is stable, but then they need to go.
No. How can refugees, excluding the elders, children, women and ill, be respectable citizens of our country while they ran away from their own country? Seriously, seeing able male refugees in Turkey and European countries makes me wonder how they can be loyal citizens of these countries if they are not sweating and bleeding for their own country's future. Some/many of them are economic refugees, hence they prefer to flee to Europe and other developed countries. Some go so far as to go to Europe by boat, thus risking their lives... Go figure.
No. How can refugees, excluding the elders, children, women and ill, be respectable citizens of our country while they ran away from their own country? Seriously, seeing able male refugees in Turkey and European countries makes me wonder how they can be loyal citizens of these countries if they are not sweating and bleeding for their own country's future. Some/many of them are economic refugees, hence they prefer to flee to Europe and other developed countries. Some go so far as to go to Europe by boat, thus risking their lives... Go figure.

I read multiple reports that 2/3 of all refugees to the rich EU countries were healthy young men.


So they leave the children and the women and run like chickens.
I read multiple reports that 2/3 of all refugees to the rich EU countries were healthy young men.


So they leave the children and the women and run like chickens.
They probably do that with the thought of asking asylum first. Once they are granted asylum, they bring over the family as well. Going to the EU with the whole family first while nothing about asylum is certain yet might be too costly and risky. Anyway.
What about Kurds?

They can go to north iraq if they feel they aren't Turkish.

Just checked Pakistan and found you had multiple ethnic groups:

Imagine one of these ethnic groups wanted to take land from you and create a new country.

What if I asked you the same question about one of them in Pakistan?

You'd most likely answer the same, either they stay united and say they are "Pakistani" or they can go to Afghanistan or whatever.

We have similar issue in Turkey, multiple ethnic groups:
Big Foot
and others.

But if you ask them where they are from they will say "Turkish" and be proud of it.

Only one that is hostile are the kurds, not all but some. And we feel the syrian arabs are similar in nature to the kurds, that they will cause problems in the future that is why we want them to go back.

If we knew 100% they would be loyal of course we'd want them to stay. We aren't racists. We just want to keep our country united and strong.

After all more population = more power

But not if we need to risk breaking up the country, just not worth it.

It's vital Turkey stays united and strong, or the muslim world and the whole of ME will become slaves of the west.

Edit: Voting was for turkish members only so we won't count your yes vote at the end :cheesy:
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What about Kurds?

They are Turkish citizen. Adapting themselves to Turkish society and living like a dignified human being or not adapting and dying like pigs in the mountains is their choice. Turkey witnesses both type of Kurds. But people with bad intentions only talk about terrorists.
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