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PM Imran Khan addresses to nation about new map of Pakistan


Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday unveiled a "new political map" of Pakistan which also included occupied Kashmir.

The premier's announcement came a day ahead of the first anniversary of India’s controversial unilateral decision to revoke the area's semi-autonomy.

The new political map of Pakistan.

Addressing the nation alongside Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, the premier said that it would now be the "official map" after being approved by the federal cabinet, which had met earlier today, and would be the one used in schools and colleges.

The map clearly identifies occupied Kashmir as a "disputed territory" and states that the final status will be decided in line with the relevant United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.

The map rejects the illegal steps taken by India on August 5 last year, he said, adding that the federal cabinet and the country's political leadership had supported it.

The premier maintained that the Kashmir issue could only be solved by following the UNSC resolutions which give the Kashmiri people the right to self-determination.

"Their right to self-determination, given to them by the world community, has still not been given. And we clearly want to say to the world that it is the only solution," he said, adding that the government will keep making efforts in this regard.

"We will do political struggle, we don't believe in military solutions. We will remind the UN again and again that you had made a promise [to the people of Kashmir] which you did not fulfill."

Presenting the changes made in the map, the foreign minister said that administrative maps have been introduced before, but this was the first time that a map reflected the aspirations of the people.

He added that the map clearly showed occupied Kashmir as a disputed territory and the only solution to the issue would be through the UNSC resolutions and as per the aspirations of the people.

The foreign minister added that it had also been made clear that Siachen is a part of Pakistan. "[Through the map] we are challenging their illegal occupation and claiming our right to the area," he said.

He maintained that Pakistan had also rejected India's claims about Sir Creek in the map. "We have said that our border is towards the eastern bank; India had claimed that it goes towards the west," he said, adding that by doing so, India was trying to capture several acres of the country's "exclusive economic zone".

Further, erstwhile Fata has been shown as part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, he said.

Qureshi said that the entire nation was united on the country's new political map. The federal cabinet, the Kashmiri leadership and Pakistan's political leadership has endorsed the government's move, he said.

"This gives a clear message to the people of Kashmir, that the government of Pakistan was with them in the past and will stand with them in the future."

"Our destination is Srinagar," he said, adding that this was a "historic day".

In the map, Jammu and Kashmir in its entirety, including Gilgit-Baltistan, has been shown in one distinct colour, the Foreign Office said.

Further, the Line of Control (LoC) has been marked with red dotted line. "The red dotted line represents approximately the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir. The state of Jammu and Kashmir and its accession is yet to be decided through plebiscite under the relevant UNSC resolutions," the map reads.

The map also contains an annotation for the area on the map marked "frontier undefined". "Actual boundary in the area [...] would ultimately be decided by the sovereign authorities concerned after the settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute."

A united Punjab and Bengal is what Jinnah wanted but was not accepted by the British or Congress. Jinnah and the Muslim League accepted that partition plan and therefore Pakistan has no legal standing to claim 'the rest of Punjab'.

A united Bengal and an independent Bengal was Suhrawardy's idea; Jinnah gave in, in sheer exasperation, and only Shyama Prasad Mukherji's resistance got the province partitioned.
How does it matter if it's friendly or unfriendly, When you don't even Know, how much land you are claiming?

Those two lines with open ending more or less is the area where India and China are currently under active conflict. You in India do not have any border with China, let that first sink in. LAC is no border, whoever grab the land and stay, that belong to that party, and this cannot be challenged in any international forum, becuase India simply do not have any border with China. So when our strategic partner China has sorted its border issue with India, we more or less will be in situation to negotiate with China on the exact nitty gritty of border demarcation, with India out of the picture. That is the reason FW Qureshi specifically mention current China India conflict.
Junagarh and Manawdar are also shown as part of Pakistan? awesome! They should have included Hyderabad too and also the district of Gurdaspur which was given to banyaland so they could have land access to Kashmir.

Defining what is ours is the first step. Well done!

Thanks brother. I would love to get my ancestral lands back in Hoshiarpur and Gurdaspur. These were two of the 7 Muslim majority districts of Punjab which Radcliffe gave to India. It made no sense and was the reason for most of the violence.

Legalized theft.
Who's giving away anything?

The entire point of the lack of demarcation on the map is that the border with China will be demarcated after a final settlement of J&K per the UNSC Resolutions and negotiations with China.

Maybe Pakistan will end up with more land, as in this case:


lol @ the hypocrisy.

So in one breath, you speak about the "right" of the Kashmiri people being the owners of their own land to make self determination of their future.
But in another, the final settlement on what defines Kashmir will be in negotiation with China based on Pakistan's geo-political compulsions or inability to challenge a larger country youre indebted to?
May I remind you that the UNSC resolutions only consider India and Pakistan as claimants (and Kashmiris as a party to the conflict). So where does China fit into this?

So in all of this, where is the will of the Kashmiri people? Have they allowed Pakistan to play god with their state? At the end of the day, you (Pakistan) are playing judge on what defines the boundaries of Kashmir, NOT the Kashmiris.

hypocritical champions of morality!
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I just want to see the hilarious clips of Indian media throwing tantrums at this atrocity of Pakistan. It will have quite the week, this next one.
the final settlement on what defines Kashmir will be in negotiation with China based on Pakistan's geo-political compulsions or inability to challenge a larger country youre indebted to?
See thread below.

What exactly do you find wrong with two sovereign states negotiating the specifics of a mountainous border?

A finger here or finger there isn’t going to impact the Kashmiris, unless, as in the case of India recently, the Chinese shove all 5 fingers where the sun don’t shine.

But then, China and Pakistan don’t really have ‘that’ kind of a relationship that India suffers from.

China's attack on ladakh flushed india's self proclaimed "sovereignty" into the toilet and Pakistan just turned india's article 370 discarding amendment into toilet paper & wiped his arse with it! bad days for india! :lol:
China's attack on ladakh flushed india's self proclaimed "sovereignty" into the toilet and Pakistan just turned india's article 370 discarding amendment into toilet paper & wiped his arse with it! bad days for india! :lol:

Yes, exactly one year after India annexed Kashmir ( a Pakistani perojative). Pakistan has finally taken its revenge and has taken back entire Kashmir..well on paper atleast.
Boundaries need to be enforced when Indian squatters remain in Pakistani territories.
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