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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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Still they are yet to prove that killed people not belongs to LeT.

If all of them belongs to LeT then no one in India have problem with this except loser congress even that is for vote bank politics.

Even if they belong to the LeT, the laws and constitution of India give nobody a right to kill an unarmed person in custody without the sanction of the courts of law.
There is no evidence that they had any relations with LeT.

Its very difficult to identify terrorists, they don't look like animal, they don't wear uniform, they don't behave abnormal...

Yasin Bhatkal: if he would have encountered when caught first time, We wouldn't have lost 100 of ppl died bcoz of "his" jehad.
Dawood Ibrahim: We would have saved 1000 of life if we had killed him in initial phase of his "jihad".

This Girl was terrorist, Hadely confirm it. The mouthpiece of LeT has confirmed it. Later they saw it as an opportunity to corner Modi they removed it..

Tell me one reason why LeT put her name it there mouthpiece? Why Dawood Hadely took her name?

In India Muslims play "Muslim card" and they blackmail Indian government (Vote Bank), Other wise who on earth will say "Osama jee" to a mass murderer?

They can do anything in India, because they are Muslim.. Last week I was at old Hyderabad, They get free electricity, free water, they have full supply of "subsidized" grocery, They beat police, They abuse Majority .. Due to Indian govt I am becoming more radical..
Not proved! Just so much hogwash! That's what the CBI (Congress Bureau of Investigation) is saying to finger Modi and Co. Let them prove it in a court of law and then we'll see.

A few months ago, it was let them file charges. Now it's become let them prove charges. Next?

Let them win against the convicted people's appeal.
Let the Supreme Court decide.
Let the President take a decision on the mercy petition.

Have I left out anything?
Are you an idiot?

This is the law of our country we do not kill people in custody.
And do you have proof that they were terrorist if you have please enlighten me.
And if you don't agree with me its fine but don't go personal.

What proof you need ?? Certificate of terrorism??

IB provide inputs of terrorists, local police find them and if they killed by cops then what's your problem?
Just tell me why IB not involved in case if CBI is working totally independent?(I sure you have no answer)

In every part of world forces used to kill these scums with same way but some blind eye idiot (ofcourse congress and sonia bhakt) looking for excuse to bash modi any how.
Even if they belong to the LeT, the laws and constitution of India give nobody a right to kill an unarmed person in custody without the sanction of the courts of law.

When you are dealing with bigger threat, you have to think out of box..
Still they are yet to prove that killed people not belongs to LeT.

If all of them belongs to LeT then no one in India have problem with this except loser congress even that is for vote bank politics.

two aspects.

1. They were killed in fake encounter . the IB and police put weapons on their deadbodies and came up with lies that they were out to kill modi. their lies proven.

2. whether they were LeT members thats something IB and Modi police had to prove which they so far failed to do.
No you prove your real identity ...

If they were terrorist (they were) not need to take them in custody ... How many Kasab you want to feed??? Government spend crores on kasab why we would waste our money if a single bullet can finish all the problem???

Who are you to ask so???..................That is not the law of this land.................If they were in Custody(which the Gujarat Police admitted)..........they have to be produced to the court of law................
Even if they belong to the LeT, the laws and constitution of India give nobody a right to kill an unarmed person in custody without the sanction of the courts of law.

What you want to say this is the first such case in India??? Or this is special because belongs to Gujrat and can give reason to bash Modi????
There is no evidence that they had any relations with LeT.

Those cops are also accused in another fake encounter case.

1. Even if they were LeT, nobody had a right to kill them. This is a matter of all citizens against rogue policemen.

2. Not this precise group. Vanzara is an accused in the Sohrabuddin murder. Read up the details - it is a shocking case, and shows how a corrup administration -- Modi's, by the way - worked to extract money from the building trade in Rajasthan.

I am amused at the high postures that Modi supporters take, ignoring the ***** below the throne.

Gujarat police and IB killed Ishrat, three others in 'cold blood', CBI says

AHMEDABAD: The CBI has charged the Narendra Modi government and the Intelligence Bureau with the fake encounter of 19-year-old Mumbra college student Ishrat Jahan and three others in June 2004. In its chargesheet filed on Wednesday, the CBI said Ishrat Jahan was branded a terrorist out to kill Modi and shot the four in "cold blood".

The CBI chargesheet turns the heat on the Modi government as well as the IB. Although no IB officer has been named, it has accused the agency of providing the weapons to place them on the bodies of the encounter victims. The CBI will file a second chargesheet on July 26, and there are expectations that some IB officers may be named then. Modi and his close aide Amit Shah have not been named in the chargesheet.

"The four were taken to a place near Kotarpur waterworks, the encounter spot, on the outskirts of the city on June 15, 2004 and were killed in cold blood," says 1,500-page chargesheet which was filed in the court of additional chief judicial magistrate H S Khutwad.

The accused include absconding additional DGP P P Pandey and DIG D G Vanzara, who is already charged with murder in Sohrabuddin Sheikh and Tulsiram Prajapati fake encounters. The others are, G L Singhal, N K Amin, Tarun Barot, J G Parmar, constables Anaju Chaudhary and Mohan Kalasawa - the last one having died in between. Singhal has apparently cooperated with the CBI during the probe and helped the agency achieve some crucial breakthroughs.

The chargesheet called the killing a joint operation of the Gujarat police and the IB. The role of Rajinder Kumar, who was then the state IB boss and now IB special director, was still being probed to ascertain whether he generated a fake terror alert that led to the encounter.

The accused have been charged with criminal conspiracy, abduction, illegal detention, murder, disobeying law and forging documents. The chargesheet describes the incident through testimonies of 179 witnesses. It describes how Ishrat, Javed Shaikh alias Pranesh Pillai, Zeeshan Johar and Amjad Ali Rana were abducted and kept in confinement. The chargesheet said weapons were procured by the Gujarat police crime branch officers from the state IB office, and describes how the encounter was staged.

This is the third case of fake encounter of alleged terrorist in Gujarat alone which the CBI has said.

The CBI believes Zeeshan was brought to Ahmedabad by Rajinder Kumar's aides-Owais and Asad-and kept at Gota on the outskirts of Ahmedabad on April 25. It also mentions that Rana was kept at Arham farm and brought him to the scene of crime blindfolded.

The chargesheet claims that the FIR was written by Vanzara before the killing, and certain space was kept blank to be filled in later. Pandey was also present there. The document mentions how Kumar, Vanzara and Pandey conspired on June 14 to carry out the encounter the next day.

It adds that Gujarat crime branch officers, Amin and Barot, had taken Ishrat and Javed Sheikh into custody on June 12 from a toll booth at Vasad in Anand district with the help of N K Sinha and Rajiv Wankhede of the IB. It claimed the four were in custody of Gujarat police and Ishrat and Javed were, in fact, interrogated by a joint team of Gujarat police and subsidiary intelligence bureau, which included Kumar, at a farmhouse on the city outskirts where they were kept in confinement.

"On June 13, 2004 Vanzara, Pandey, Kumar and Amin had gone to the farm house and interrogated Ishrat and Javed," the chargesheet said, adding that the other two were also brought to Ahmedabad before the encounter was staged and were kept at separate locations

Gujarat police and IB killed Ishrat, three others in 'cold blood', CBI says - The Times of India

CBI has become a caged parrot of congress
:lol::lol: So you mean IB also want to kill all of them ?? Cause they give input for these terrorists

Congress and sonia gadhi ka jaap karna chodo :angry:

The IB said that a group was moving around with suspicious intentions. Giving input about suspected terrorists does not mean that the IB issued instructions to the Gujarat police to kill them. That is not within the power of the IB. That is not within anybody's power. It is sad that rogue officers took matters into their own hands, took political sanction and committed these crimes. The IB officer in question is not at fault for passing on information; he may be at fault - he has not been chRge-sheeted yet - if he conspired to murder them and was involved in the planning.
What proof you need ?? Certificate of terrorism??

IB provide inputs of terrorists, local police find them and if they killed by cops then what's your problem?
Just tell me why IB not involved in case if CBI is working totally independent?(I sure you have no answer)

In every part of world forces used to kill these scums with same way but some blind eye idiot (ofcourse congress and sonia bhakt) looking for excuse to bash modi any how.

Again typical brigade response.
Give evidence to backup your rants.
Encounter was staged, they abducted the girl and killed her in cold blood.
IB provide hundreds of inputs on daily basis most of them are rumors nothing else.
CBI may not be independent but judiciary is and Gujarat high court is monitoring the case,you do trust judiciary right?
There are dozens of such cases all across India. Why only target Modi and Co? Obviously it's vendetta politics by the Congress when they themselves have indulged in encounter killings in the states ruled by them.

Each and every case of killings in cold blood should be followed up and prosecuted. Each and every one. Including any that the Congress ruled states might be guilty of.

Why not name these and go after them? I will provide you the names of NGOs and human rights activists who will be glad to support you, or even take it up on your complaints.
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