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Planets and Sun, Size comparison.

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:cheesy: Funny Indeed .. Only our Mini Earth is Chosen to have life in whole Universe .

You don't know that, the furthest human made vehicle is been would be the end of our solar system. Now you got our galaxy with billions of stars (probably trillions planets). Then you got billions of galaxies and universe is infinite!

Now you can do the maths...99.9999999% chance that there would be life somewhere out there, it would be naive from us humans to think there is no one out there.

We need to join hands in this and explore our galaxy.
or you can say earth is made such a way like roll carpet but you live on spread carpet (due to gravity)
i didnt get what exactly are you trying to say . You said carpet can be rolled , my point is still it cannot be made into sphere .
i didnt get what exactly are you trying to say . You said carpet can be rolled , my point is still it cannot be made into sphere .

for sphere:[Al-Qur’an 79:30]

carpet:to explain how people live on earth and how you feel on earth (do you feel sphere living on earth?)
for sphere : [Al-Qur’an 79:30]

carpet: to explain how people live on earth and how you feel on earth (do you feel sphere living on earth ?)
That means you agree that it is not wrong to say that earth is flat ?

Stop lying man, I have read 79:30, 31:29 and 39:5 on quran.com. None of these say that anything about the earth being spherical. You can always interpret/translate it whatever way you like to fool simpletons. Even terrorists get motivated from religion, but that's not the point.
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Stop lying man, I have read 79:30, 31:29 and 39:5 on quran.com. None of these say that anything about the earth being spherical. You can always interpret/translate it whatever way you like to fool simpletons. Even terrorists get motivated from religion, but that's not the point.

better read the Holly book on your own hand than reading in internet ( as research), it is good advice to learn arabic words and their meaning :cheers:
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You are insulting my religion :pissed:

Why you need to justify your belief to someone whose sole intention is to bash?

PS: You are not as expert as you think, there are many thing in Quran which are still mystery, that's why it's said to read it again and again and try to understand.

Here is another verse

018:047 One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch, and We shall gather them, all together, nor shall We leave out any one of them.
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