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Pictures of Iran before 1979







first phantom in iran.
Uhuhu hi may i know who's photo is ur profile picture? its very important to me please
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Wait is that what Iran looks like today? Wow you guys looked like a nice liberal Western developed country.

What happened? :what:

That's complicated .

Iran had amazing potential, beautiful women... it's really sad what Iran has become now :(

Don't worry . Unfortunately the shinning pictures are deceiving .
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hello anyone there !! man mikham bedonam ax Uhuhu ki hasheesh ? yani ax che shakhsiayatio profile kardan ? help me
Beautyful pictures, i wish Iran would be like that again.

iran was a retarded country back then , we couldnt produce an screw back then , we are sending sats to GEO now .

98-99% percent of people are educated , we are the 15th country in terms of science production 1st among muslim countries and region .

iran was a mere consumer just like todays saudi
It's a shame that the great Iranian revolution was hijacked by the ambitious and greedy Mullahs. Iran could have become much greater than the Shah's reign.
iran was a retarded country back then , we couldnt produce an screw back then , we are sending sats to GEO now .

98-99% percent of people are educated , we are the 15th country in terms of science production 1st among muslim countries and region .

iran was a mere consumer just like todays saudi
Pure BS Dear @haman10
almost all of our petrochemical complexes were built at that time, and we had many different industrial factories, ....
the literacy rate is currently about 80-85% in Iran. It means 15-20% of people cannot even write/read their own name, so how do you say that 98-99% of people are educated?!!!
BTW, that Satellite is a 100kg satellite and is going to be sent in 11,000 km which is not GEO. you can ask @SOHEIL for more information.
Anyway, a country should jump considerably after more than 3 decades, but has it really happened? lets be honest ...
Anyway, defiling previous regimes does not justify current regimes works.
almost all of our petrochemical complexes were built at that time, and we had many different industrial factories, ....

thats pure BS dear rmi :D

all of our petrochemical complexes almost means south-pars complex which was developed after the revoloution !! so dont spare me this ;)

the literacy rate is currently about 80-85% in Iran. It means 15-20% of people cannot even write/read their own name, so how do you say that 98-99% of people are educated?!!!

looks like you are the one who cant read or write !!! look at this :

"Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24) in Iran was 98.52 as of 2008. Its highest value over the past 32 years was 98.52 in 2008, while its lowest value was 42.33 in 1976."

Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics.

can u read ? :crazy: :lol: Iran - Literacy rate


BTW, that Satellite is a 100kg satellite and is going to be sent in 11,000 km which is not GEO. you can ask @SOHEIL for more information
trust me u dont have any idea of what u are talking about :lol:

i have more info than u can possibly imagine :azn:

if u can read farsi my dear :

سرلشکرجعفری:پروژه موشکی پرتاب ماهواره با سوخت جامد در مدار ژئو در آینده نزدیک به نتیجه می رسد

فرمانده کل سپاه در ادامه در خصوص آخرین پروژه شهید طهرانی مقدم گفت: این پروژه مربوط به پروژه موشکی پرتاب ماهواره با سوخت جامد در مدار ژئو است که مدار بسیار بالایی است و جمهوری اسلامی تاکنون پرتاب ماهواره‌ای بالای 100 کیلوگرم در چنین مداری نداشته است.

وی ادامه داد: انشاءالله در آینده نزدیک پروژه به نتیجه خواهد رسید و کسانی که از توقف پروژه‌های شهید طهرانی مقدم صحبت می‌کنند از فلسفه خون شهید مطلع نیستند.

گزارش کامل فارس از مراسم اولین سالگرد شهادت سرلشکر طهرانی مقدم سرلشکرجعفری:پروژه موشکی پرتاب ماهواره با سوخت جامد در مدار ژئو در آینده نزدیک به نتیجه می رسد

and even if its not geo (which it is ) not more than 9 countries are capable of doing so

whenever u wanted to talk BS about your own country , think first dear .

and please grow some nationalism :enjoy:


literacy rate in iran :D
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