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Pervez Musharraf Excellent Reply To Indian Anchor

buddy, if i sell my moderate house in Toronto i will get 9 carore Pakistani rupees, you get my point?
big deal! :p:
that money can get you three such houses in behria rwp.
The point about any Service chief taking a commission on weapons purchases is a misnomer. The Chief of any service is not involved in the negotiations directly to avoid just such things. For each weapon system that is inducted, a team is formed to evaluate the system and then it makes recommendations for induction or rejects the system. If the system is selected, then it goes through the approval process in place within the service and the equivalent of the DG DP (in the case of Army) refers the requisite information to MoD/MoF and then the MoD bureaucrats take over the deal with the supplier.

Having commissions being siphoned off to services chiefs is contrary to the fundamental concept of transparency required in such purchases and also to keep the offices of the Chiefs of Staff away from any such controversy. The Chiefs obviously have a say in the matters pertaining to what their services acquire, but they are at no point receiving commission for such acquisitions. I have read these comments before. I know there have been irregularities in the past but having confirmed this on the inside, it was illegal before and it is illegal now. (To be frank when I first heard this, it seemed wrong based on what I have observed and know).

The Services Chiefs have their compensation structure laid out very clearly and any other income stream in the form of "commissions" etc. is illegal.
The man made mistakes! The man let the US set up base next door who then raised a hostile government which allowed Bharat in, so a base could be set up to destabilize Pakistan and CPEC. Which Pakistan has been suffering for the over a decade now.

In the history of mistakes, this one is right up there!


I don't see you joining isis to stop the U S from invading other countries---. If you wanted to strop the U S---there was your chance to do it---.

Or are you just plain stupid---.

I don't see you joining isis to stop the U S from invading other countries---. If you wanted to strop the U S---there was your chance to do it---.

Or are you just plain stupid---.
Why would I join a proxy group of NATO?

Musharraf caved in! It is nigh on impossible to directly attack a nuclear weapons state so asymmetric warfare is needed to destabilize and degrade... a death from a thousand cuts so to speak. NATO needed a base for this and he just caved in!

You do know that 9/11 attacks were false flags, right?
Why would I join a proxy group of NATO?

Musharraf caved in! It is nigh on impossible to directly attack a nuclear weapons state so asymmetric warfare is needed to destabilize and degrade... a death from a thousand cuts so to speak. NATO needed a base for this and he just caved in!

You do know that 9/11 attacks were false flags, right?


Around 850 years ago----the same was stated by Khwarizm Shah's court---that the threat by Chingiz Khan is a false threat.

In the 90's the same was told and understood by Saddam Hussein as well---and then by Col Qadaffi as well and then by Syrian Hafez Al asad as well----.

You moron---who gives a f--- if it was a false fag or not---there are over 4 million dead muslims---slaughtered and butchered directly or indirectly---there are 20-30 milion muslims homeless----.

You cannot count the number of muslim girls and women raped and muslim children and boyz sodomized by the invading forces---countless muslim women and children into forced prostitution and you have the audacity to challenge the decision.

You dumb f------those who are alive were praying that their leader would have done the same as was done by the pakistani leader Gen Musharraf---. You morons are worthy to be hanged by your necks---.

Around 850 years ago----the same was stated by Khwarizm Shah's court---that the threat by Chingiz Khan is a false threat.

In the 90's the same was told and understood by Saddam Hussein as well---and then by Col Qadaffi as well and then by Syrian Hafez Al asad as well----.

You moron---who gives a f--- if it was a false fag or not---there are over 4 million dead muslims---slaughtered and butchered directly or indirectly---there are 20-30 milion muslims homeless----.

You cannot count the number of muslim girls and women raped and muslim children and boyz sodomized by the invading forces---countless muslim women and children into forced prostitution and you have the audacity to challenge the decision.

You dumb f------those who are alive were praying that their leader would have done the same as was done by the pakistani leader Gen Musharraf---. You morons are worthy to be hanged by your necks---.
It was because of his decision that many Afghans lost their lives and still are losing their lives.
If Gaddafi had nukes do you think that Libya would what it is now? If Assad had nukes do you think that Syria would be what it is now? If Iraq had nukes do you think it would what it is now? I mean they are not everything but they still hold significant deterrent powers.

How many Pakistanis have been killed, civilian and soldiers even with his decision? Now there is hostile nation on both sides of Pakistan. This war against Pakistan is a long war. They cannot do to Pakistan what happend to Iraq or Libya. But if they get their way, there will millions of Pakistanis dead, homeless and in prostitution.
It was because of his decision that many Afghans lost their lives and still are losing their lives.
If Gaddafi had nukes do you think that Libya would what it is now? If Assad had nukes do you think that Syria would be what it is now? If Iraq had nukes do you think it would what it is now? I mean they are not everything but they still hold significant deterrent powers.

How many Pakistanis have been killed, civilian and soldiers even with his decision? Now there is hostile nation on both sides of Pakistan. This war against Pakistan is a long war. They cannot do to Pakistan what happend to Iraq or Libya. But if they get their way, there will millions of Pakistanis dead, homeless and in prostitution.

You had a choice---you can stay as an idiot for the rest of your life---.
As idiotic and corrupt as he was, Musharraf was still a man of the state.
But do you consider a man who is idiotic and corrupt a 'man of the state'? He did have his plus points but his negatives far outweighed the pluses. Wasn't he the man who was responsible for the deaths of a thousand NLI troops in a needless war in Kargil which failed to achieve the impossible objectives he had planned to achieve with the other three generals - called the gang of four? He brought tremendous embarrassment to the state due to his follies.

So is he still a man of the state? His bluff and bluster during his talk shows and TV interviews is nothing but him trying hard to cover up his own follies. His pet arguments in these shows are just two:

1. We will give a befitting reply.
2. We are a nuclear state.
Lol! Ok.
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The man made mistakes! The man let the US set up base next door who then raised a hostile government which allowed Bharat in, so a base could be set up to destabilize Pakistan and CPEC. Which Pakistan has been suffering for the over a decade now.

In the history of mistakes, this one is right up there!
9/11 happened during his tenure. He found himself in a tough spot and was not given the choice of neutrality.

Bush administration was sincere in its efforts to curb the menace of terrorism and militancy in the region. It also kept India at bay.

India gained foothold in Afghanistan during the tenure of Barack Obama and Hamid Karzai. We might blame them for nefarious designs against our country but there is more to this story than meets the eye.

Zia-ul-Haq conducted politics of militancy and gun culture was the consequence of it in our country. 9/11 was a wake-up call for us. Politics of militancy is never productive in the long-term. Sooner of later, it backfires.

Why would I join a proxy group of NATO?

Musharraf caved in! It is nigh on impossible to directly attack a nuclear weapons state so asymmetric warfare is needed to destabilize and degrade... a death from a thousand cuts so to speak. NATO needed a base for this and he just caved in!

You do know that 9/11 attacks were false flags, right?
US has unparalleled power projection capabilities. It could/can engage Pakistan from long distances. Never underestimate an enemy of such rapport.

Pakistan had nukes back then (i.e. 2000) but was terribly lacking in delivery capabilities and arrangements to keep them safe. Musharraf realized this and made sincere efforts to address shortcomings in these areas in the later years.

There is no concrete evidence that 9/11 attacks were False Flag operations. You cheapen suffering of thousands of civilians who lost their lives on that day, with your perception.


Today we proudly advertise our efforts against the menace of terrorism in the region to the entire world. Guess who set our country on this course?
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But do you consider a man who is idiotic and corrupt a 'man of the state'? He did have his plus points but his negatives far outweighed the pluses. Wasn't he the man who was responsible for the deaths of a thousand NLI troops in a needless war in Kargil which failed to achieve the impossible objectives he had planned to achieve with the other three generals - called the gang of four? He brought tremendous embarrassment to the state due to his follies.

So is he still a man of the state? His bluff and bluster during his talk shows and TV interviews is nothing but him trying hard to cover up his own follies. His pet arguments in these shows are just two:

1. We will give a befitting reply.
2. We are a nuclear state.
Lol! Ok.
His loyalty is unquestioned, even if his methods of operation are questionable at best.
His loyalty is unquestioned, even if his methods of operation are questionable at best.
I agree, but aren't you and 220 million Pakistanis loyal to their country too? So what's the big deal?
I agree, but aren't you and 220 million Pakistanis loyal to their country too? So what's the big deal?
My loyalty is with Canada, my sympathy is with Pakistan.

I can't and won't speak on what other Pakistanis feel about their country in this context, simply because I don't know that well myself. Having said that, If polls are anything to go by, Musharraf's reputation isn't that good.
and this from a coward who sold pakistan in NRO, who put army engineers to reading electricity meters, who resuscitated and much subdued MQM..........low life the army should do a FGCM on him and shot him and confiscate his assets....
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