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Panicking Indian Army Facing Multiple Fronts ,an Unprecedented Scenario with Determined Neighbours

According to the BJP media Modi has won, good luck to his supporters!
I will let a Pakistani post explain you:


Only a true RSS moron will consider this an issue of few inches (Indians are famous for another 2-3 inch reason!)

Indians claim that the entire Kashmir is theirs: India controls approximately 55% of the land area of the region and 70% of its population, Pakistan controls approximately 30% of the land, while China controls the remaining 15%. India administers Jammu, the Kashmir Valley, most of Ladakh, and the Siachen Glacier.(Wiki).

So in other words Indians lost 45 percent of Kashmir.

Border skirmishes escalated into a full-scale war in 1962 after India said China occupied 38,000 square km (15,000 square miles) of territory in Aksai Chin. * Chinese troops overran Indian military positions in Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh before a ceasefire.

So India lost 15000 square miles of territory here.

Indian claims Gilgit and Baltistan.

We control 100 % of that area too.

I suggest Indians shut up because after all we claim area all the way to Delhi....and it's not too hard to imagine Pakistani flag flying over your parliament.

Quoting your fellow Indian, Pakistan Space kid, is not exactly a proof on the ground. This guy is more clueless than you are.
Wake up your day dreaming is over, some Indians are realising the gravity of the situation with utmost shock and dismay!

All those morons who voted for BJP in 2019 look exactly like that dude. Screw him for his late realizations.

Us Leftist-Anarchists will have the last word when this house of cards collapses.

Coward Modi probably hiding in a cave to escape the ground realities. Things in India are rapidly getting out of his hands.

I want to freaking slap the hell out of that SoB.

But I do admire his ability to con so many Indians at the same time. He defies the adage: "you can't fool all the people all the time." Of course, you can. The Sanghi Indians united by anti-Muslim feelings are the easiest to fool.
India is now the punching bag!!! Only BD leadership will remain Sa'dik till death sets them apart, for indeed they're like husband and wife*...

*In the Hindu marriage, there's no divorce. And, according to the rites, a widow is put into the same fire burning her husband's dead body. From the "Na'r" did they come, and to the "Na'r" they'll go
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All the ignorant buffoons of India who voted for BJP in 2014, and again in 2019, are responsible for this current mess. India was going great guns under UPA rule with Dr. Manmohan Singh at the helm. It received NSG waivers, trade was booming, and the country's standing in the world was widely respected. The borders were secure, and the only skirmishes were on the LOC. That too not on this scale.

There were more jobs than qualified Indian people because many countries such as USA, Canada, UK, and Singapore would outsource software and critical operations to Indian low-wage coolies.

But then maybe all this was too much of a good thing. The idiotic Indians decided to vote BJP not once, but twice. Not only are the country's internal affairs a mess with widespread discontent due to CAA, NRC, and anti-Muslim pogroms, but the external borders are also being intruded daily.

Indian half-wits are clueless how the hell things worsened so much in just 6 years. Many choose to remain the proverbial ostriches burying their heads in the sand.

Still it's never too late, dear Indians. Kick the bastards Modi and Amit Shah out. To hell with the 2019 election results, start all over again. Let the UPA parties under Congress manage the crises they're the only ones capable of fixing the mess. They have enough diplomatic clout to undo the damages due to the most incompetent government India has ever had.

Save that to yourselves.
We dont trust your kind of people not anymore.
It took 73 years and completely outsider from soith block illegal power corridor to knows what was happening in India.
Neighbours are not friends .
Neighbours are neighbours .
We heard what was the BJP MP told yeasterday and what happened in Ladakh during 2008 upa rule .
None of the idiots from congress didnt utter a word .
Until you kick out Nehru family, corrupt peoples and petty caste , religious politics .
You cant expect Congress rule not any more and we wont allow also.

No matter how much you bark until everything gets settle we wont allow morons as our leaders
Save that to yourselves.
We dont trust your kind of people not anymore.
It took 73 years and completely outsider from soith block illegal power corridor to knows what was happening in India.
Neighbours are not friends .
Neighbours are neighbours .
We heard what was the BJP MP told yeasterday and what happened in Ladakh during 2008 upa rule .
None of the idiots from congress didnt utter a word .
Until you kick out Nehru family, corrupt peoples and petty caste , religious politics .
You cant expect Congress rule not any more and we wont allow also.

No matter how much you bark until everything gets settle we wont allow morons as our leaders

We are cheering for that wireless router, Yogi Adityanath, to be your next PM.

We are cheering for that wireless router, Yogi Adityanath, to be your next PM.

View attachment 641233

If you prove himself and if he is able .Then surely he would be our PM.
So far he did good job in UP considering the challenges created by former caste politicians there.
Ultimately we Indians will decide about our PM
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