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Palestinian baby dies in arson attack

Is this the co-existence you're are talking about @Viper0011. ? No matter what the treacherous Arabs do/agree with the Zionists, we will never sell our first qiblah.

What is happening now in the lands of the Arabs is the coming of the day when the Arabs are going to be slaughtered as Prophesied. Who do you think is going to do the slaughter? I ask you again is this the co-existence you're talking about?
Is this the co-existence you're are talking about @Viper0011. ? No matter what the treacherous Arabs do/agree with the Zionists, we will never sell our first qiblah.

What is happening now in the lands of the Arabs is the coming of the day when the Arabs are going to be slaughtered as Prophesied. Who do you think is going to do the slaughter? I ask you again is this the co-existence you're talking about?

No we cannot. We are muslims, we live with dignity and die with honor. Remember we are not the one who attacked Russia, Russia attacked chechnya. We are not the one who attacked America, America attacked Iraq, We are not the one who divided India, India divided our country into two. We are not the one who annexed muslim land of Kashmir, India did it. We are not the one who attack Israel every now and then, Israel do it to our palsestinian brother. What should we do when they attack and bombard our land with F18, Tanks and other sophisticated weapons and our kids does not have stone to retaliate them. What kind of coexistence you are talking about. No we cannot.
And from what can be gleaned from media reports, both parents are very critical and have third degree burns over most of their bodies and are on life support. Sad world we live in where the death of animals garners more attention then the death of children

Well, Israel for sure needs to take concrete steps to prevent such things from ever happening again.
My point here is that repeating the same vicious cycle again and again won't lead anywhere.

If Palestinians only replied symbolically it would increase the criticism towards Israel (the criticism of illegal settlers and their political views) and thus create more pressure for the Israeli regime to change things on the ground.

I don't know man. It has to be one of the most frustrating conflicts out there with no end in sight.
Israel has a "drang nach osten und suden" policy. They simply don't care about peace and there will be no peace, never. Behind the curtains they are planning the Greater Israel. This is simply their foreign policy and is not going to change by elections, left or right wing parties. You've to be really simple minded if you think diplomacy or negotiations could change the situation.
Gog and Magog :omghaha:
reversed, next time you have issues report them.. troll on threads like whatever, not featured threads. an 18 month child was burnt alive by terrorists and all you had to troll...
ISIS terrorists burn their victims, of course their Zionist masters will do the same. same apartheid mentality.
Terrible and sick. I hope and sure that the perpetrators will be found and rot in jail.

Sad world we live in where the death of animals garners more attention then the death of children
Actually it was reported on all major news.

Did you hear about 2 year old Adele killed by Palestinian stone throwers:


Or 11 year old Ayala severely injured by Palestinian firebomb?


I am sure not. Not talking about hundreds dying in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan... daily.

Palestinians who throw firebombs are described as heroes in Palestinian press and poor innocent stone thrower kids in Western press

Actually it was reported on all major news.
A Price Tag attack by Israeli settlers burnt a baby alive because they were asked to leave illegal settlements. Pure hatred and yet you come to defend it.

Did you hear about 2 year old Adele killed by Palestinian stone throwers:
Did you hear of the thousands killed by bullets !!
Or 11 year old Ayala severely injured by Palestinian firebomb?
The thousands killed by shells in Gaza
I am sure not. Not talking about hundreds dying in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan... daily.
They are not killed over land which is illegal and as revenge... The star of David was used to persecute Jews, now they persecute others with it

You want to deflect then answer this
AJ+ - New Amnesty Report Visualizes Israel's War Crimes | Facebook
Israel has a "drang nach osten und suden" policy. They simply don't care about peace and there will be no peace, never. Behind the curtains they are planning the Greater Israel. This is simply their foreign policy and is not going to change by elections, left or right wing parties. You've to be really simple minded if you think diplomacy or negotiations could change the situation.

I know that Israel is supporting those same illegal settlers who are causing most if not all of the problems on this front.

No regime lasts forever and if they don't change their policy it will be their downfall one way or another. That day will arrive.

Israel has already lost a lot of goodwill in the West and among their most fierce backers. At least among the people.

Such actions and the situation in Palestine is not helping change that.

The point here is that a few million Palestinians confined to tiny Gaza and the West Bank cannot do anything to threaten a nuclear Israel in terms of military actions. At all. Thus a diplomatic solution must be found for everyone involved.

I don't have any illusions and I don't see this conflict being solved anytime soon. Having said that then a diplomatic solution would in all likelihood be the best option.
Its laugh able when i see Ppl saying that Israeli government should do this or that and punish etc When every one knows what Israeli government does when they get the chance.
RIP baby, she had whole world to discover but hatred broke the dream.
8 Palestinians injured in clashes near Jalazun after teen's funeral

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces shot and injured eight Palestinians with rubber-coated steel bullets during clashes near al-Jalazun refugee camp that broke out on Saturday following the funeral of 17-year-old Laith al-Khaldi who was shot dead by Israeli forces the day before.

Israeli forces reportedly fired live and rubber-coated steel rounds at dozens of Palestinian youths as they marched toward the illegal Israeli settlement of Beit El in northern Ramallah district following Khaldi's funeral.

An Israeli army spokesperson said she was looking into the incident.

Witnesses said that settlers also opened fire on the demonstrators.

Palestinian youth threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli forces and settlers in response, and the Molotov cocktails reportedly set fire to grass near the settlement.

@500 from where these orthodox coming ? . Isreali security has any control on them, because time after time create huge mess and totally decline to accept Isreali court orders.
Israeli snipers and special forces deployed in Jenin Refugee Camp after armed clash between IDF and Aqsa Martyr Brigades

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