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Palestinian baby dies in arson attack

hope this ends not too badly for everyone and that the aggrieved mobs stop short of bringing out the unguided rockets, because next come the f-16s... and well, we know the drill.

No response from Gaza yet, but a Palestinian in Gaza was also shot dead. So it may be a few rockets fired to calm angers. Jerusalem though is seeing lots of clashes.

@Saif al-Arab

Condemning attack isn't enough, they need to force their proxy state to end the occupation or otherwise Palestinians need a global revolution.
No response from Gaza yet, but a Palestinian in Gaza was also shot dead. So it may be a few rockets fired to calm angers. Jerusalem though is seeing lots of clashes.

understandable, but just as long as they keep it to protest slogans and stones, anything more might invite a disproportionate response.

what is the Iranian stance now, they patched up after Hamas choose to condemn Bashar in Syria and ally itself with the opposition there ?
understandable, but just as long as they keep it to protest slogans and stones, anything more might invite a disproportionate response.

what is the Iranian stance now, they patched up after Hamas choose to condemn Bashar in Syria and ally itself with the opposition there ?

Iran and Hamas don't have ties anymore. That's not going to impact how Hamas chooses to respond to these events. Maybe this will kickstart demands in West to advance two state solution once Iranian nuclear deal is completed.

Well, Israel for sure needs to take concrete steps to prevent such things from ever happening again. My point here is that repeating the same vicious cycle again and again won't lead anywhere.

If Palestinians only replied symbolically it would increase the criticism towards Israel (the criticism of illegal settlers and their political views) and thus create more pressure for the Israeli regime to change things on the ground.

I don't know man. It has to be one of the most frustrating conflicts out there with no end in sight.
-Palestinian child run over by Israeli vehicle in Jenin


@Saif al-Arab

It is a tough thing, me and you however aren't in their shoes. Most of them are living in harsh conditions hence to them the quieter we are the longer it will go on.
-Palestinian child run over by Israeli vehicle in Jenin


@Saif al-Arab

It is a tough thing, me and you however aren't in their shoes. Most of them are living in harsh conditions hence to them the quieter we are the longer it will go on.

True. If I lived in Gaza or West Bank (already hardly the best places to live in for a human due to the conflict and all the restrictions) who had known nothing else than violence, conflict, misery etc. in my life I too would react in a similar fashion especially after hearing such cases.

Yes, we cannot really relate or at least only partially. Unless we had grown up in such an environment all of our life's.

I just feel sad for all the life's wasted and all the potentially bright people who never were or will be able to fulfill their potential. Angry at the world for its silence, the Arab world, Muslim world, humanity etc. We can say the same thing about most of the conflicts in the ME and world.

If you think too much about such topics you become negative and angry. Hopeless too. I mean even I do that and I don't live in the ME currently.
Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian teen near Ramallah

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian teen late Friday evening near Ramallah during clashes at Atara checkpoint, medical sources said.

Laith al-Khaldi,17, from Jifna village near Ramallah, was shot in the chest late Friday evening and later died from his injuries at Palestine Medical Complex near Ramallah, medical sources told Ma'an.

The teen underwent two surgeries before succumbing to his injuries. Medical sources said he lost a lot of blood on his way to the hospital.

Palestine to lodge ICC complaint over baby's death
- The Palestine Liberation Organisation has said it holds Israel's government "fully responsible" for the death of an 18-month-old baby in an arson attack in the occupied West Bank and will lodge a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC), Al Jazeera reported on Saturday.

The death of the baby boy on Friday morning was roundly condemned around the world, including by Israeli leaders, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ringing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and saying they must fight "terrorism" together.

Abbas said he had ordered his foreign minister to file a complaint at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. "We want true justice, but I doubt that Israel will provide that," he said of the attack in Duma, near the northern city of Nablus.

Earlier, he said: "When the Israeli government encourages settlements everywhere, they're also encouraging these thugs to carry out these attacks. This is a war crime and a tragedy for all of us."

The Hamas government in Gaza has also condemned the latest incident, and called for "a day of fury in response to the relentless Zionist assaults on Jerusalem and the murder of toddler Ali in Nablus".

The US State Department condemned the "vicious terrorist attack" in "the strongest possible terms," urging Israel to "apprehend the murderers" and calling on both sides to "avoid escalating tensions".

Family members buried Ali Saad Dawabsheh on Friday afternoon, as his four-year-old brother and their parents, both in extremely critical condition for major burns, were being treated at an Israeli hospital. It may be mentioned here that hundreds of mourners attended the baby’s funeral.

In the clashes that followed the youngster's death on Friday, Palestinians said 14-year-old Laith Khaldi was wounded by live fire north of Ramallah and died hours later in hospital.


Palestine to lodge ICC complaint over baby's death
- The Palestine Liberation Organisation has said it holds Israel's government "fully responsible" for the death of an 18-month-old baby in an arson attack in the occupied West Bank and will lodge a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC), Al Jazeera reported on Saturday.

The death of the baby boy on Friday morning was roundly condemned around the world, including by Israeli leaders, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ringing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and saying they must fight "terrorism" together.

Abbas said he had ordered his foreign minister to file a complaint at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. "We want true justice, but I doubt that Israel will provide that," he said of the attack in Duma, near the northern city of Nablus.

Earlier, he said: "When the Israeli government encourages settlements everywhere, they're also encouraging these thugs to carry out these attacks. This is a war crime and a tragedy for all of us."

The Hamas government in Gaza has also condemned the latest incident, and called for "a day of fury in response to the relentless Zionist assaults on Jerusalem and the murder of toddler Ali in Nablus".

The US State Department condemned the "vicious terrorist attack" in "the strongest possible terms," urging Israel to "apprehend the murderers" and calling on both sides to "avoid escalating tensions".

Family members buried Ali Saad Dawabsheh on Friday afternoon, as his four-year-old brother and their parents, both in extremely critical condition for major burns, were being treated at an Israeli hospital. It may be mentioned here that hundreds of mourners attended the baby’s funeral.

In the clashes that followed the youngster's death on Friday, Palestinians said 14-year-old Laith Khaldi was wounded by live fire north of Ramallah and died hours later in hospital.


Should I expect any thing less from these cowards who are killing our Palestinian brothers and sisters for past 60 years. The problem is not Israel but coward Muslim leadership who are also puppets of USA. Muslims governments needs to wake up and tell either Israel to leave entire Palestinian territory or face war. Israel would never stop this campgain of mass murder of people of palestine, Muslim Armies led by Pakistan and KSA need to stop Israel by force.
Palestinians should sue israel for illegal occupation and war crimes
The Palestine Liberation Organisation has said it holds Israel's government "fully responsible" for the death of an 18-month-old baby in an arson attack in the occupied West Bank and will lodge a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC), Al Jazeera reported on Saturday
Palestinians should sue israel for illegal occupation and war crimes
Sir ji they have done that
What they should do is not blame Israel but America
  • for funding the settlements with Aid
  • for providing them with weapons
  • for not putting Israel under sanctions
  • for letting the siege of Gaza persist
  • For ignoring every human right organisation which they quote when they want to point out the faults of other countries
  • for not implementing UN laws they are bound to implement
Should I expect any thing less from these cowards who are killing our Palestinian brothers and sisters for past 60 years. The problem is not Israel but coward Muslim leadership who are also puppets of USA. Muslims governments needs to wake up and tell either Israel to leave entire Palestinian territory or face war. Israel would never stop this campgain of mass murder of people of palestine, Muslim Armies led by Pakistan and KSA need to stop Israel by force.

Do you think muslim armies have to fight with Israel and Israel only in that case ?
Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'oon.

"Fierce is My Wrath upon the one who oppresses anyone who can find no ally other than Me."- Allah
They killed a lot more innocent by bombing hospitals and school. It is unfortunate but even ICC has declared Israeilis as war criminals so no shocker there to be honest. World doesnt care as child wasnt a christian or a jew.
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