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Palestinian baby dies in arson attack

Should I expect any thing less from these cowards who are killing our Palestinian brothers and sisters for past 60 years. The problem is not Israel but coward Muslim leadership who are also puppets of USA. Muslims governments needs to wake up and tell either Israel to leave entire Palestinian territory or face war. Israel would never stop this campgain of mass murder of people of palestine, Muslim Armies led by Pakistan and KSA need to stop Israel by force.
Yeah right. Keep dreaming and hallucinating.

Why don't you go yourself? Don't drag Pakistan Army into this ummah bullcrap.

I am all for diplomatic recognition of Israel. To hell with Arab sentiments. They deserve to be shown the middle finger.
Terrible and sick. I hope and sure that the perpetrators will be found and rot in jail.

Actually it was reported on all major news.

Did you hear about 2 year old Adele killed by Palestinian stone throwers:


Or 11 year old Ayala severely injured by Palestinian firebomb?


I am sure not. Not talking about hundreds dying in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan... daily.

Palestinians who throw firebombs are described as heroes in Palestinian press and poor innocent stone thrower kids in Western press

One cant even call u shameless. Just getlost.

And from what can be gleaned from media reports, both parents are very critical and have third degree burns over most of their bodies and are on life support. Sad world we live in where the death of animals garners more attention then the death of children
80 pc burns on father and 90 pc on mother.
Being a doc u wud know with this pc of burns how high are chances of survival , doctors give up on 60 pc and they are...above that..and even if they survive their lives and healing will not be easy.
To hell with terrorist state.
Yeah right. Keep dreaming and hallucinating.

Why don't you go yourself? Don't drag Pakistan Army into this ummah bullcrap.

I am all for diplomatic recognition of Israel. To hell with Arab sentiments. They deserve to be shown the middle finger.
To hell with liberals their would be no diplomatic relations with Israel. Israel will have to leave territory of Palestine and Jerusalem. As for Ummah it would be always part of every Muslim including Army.
Rip to kids of all parties first Palestinian terrorists killed Jews kids.
To hell with liberals their would be no diplomatic relations with Israel. Israel will have to leave territory of Palestine and Jerusalem. As for Ummah it would be always part of every Muslim including Army.
Ro Zarvan Ro

By the way relations with Israel can be clandestine so that people like you don't get upset.
Never gonna happen and I can tell you Army leadership knows they would have to deal with Israel sooner or later. And recent involvement of MOSSAD in terrorism in Pakistan along with RAW made Army leadership more firm in their belief that Israel is the enemy
You think that the Army Generals think like you? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
You think that the Army Generals think like you? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I know what they think and read post of Lt General Tariq Khan on India you what know How they think

Copied from post by Lt Gen retd Tariq Khan on WhatsApp:

The Indians keep talking of having got hold of damning evidence in the Dinanagar Case. Let's examine it and I do not think our intelligence needs me to defend them. First, it is obvious that it is not in Pakistan's interest to escalate matters now but it is in India's interest to create some sort of a confusion for the following reasons:

1. Pakistan is about to take the India to the cleaners in the Baluchistan matter in the Security Council.

2. Apparently some progress was being made in the Afghan reconciliation which at its conclusion is not likely to allow an Indian role in Afghanistan.

3. The CPEC and it's effects.

4. The uprising of the Sikhs in Punjab.

5. The MQM factor and stabilisation of Karachi.

These are some of the major points to consider whereas more can also be proffered. Some questions for the Indians to consider:

1. Claiming they have irrefutable GPS data seems to look as if these jokers have seen a GPS for the first time. Data can be added and the GPS could also be planted, which in this case is probable. After all, they are so smart and we so foolish that we infiltrate into enemy territory with a sign posted to say, 'I am from Pakistan' and of all people they discover it.

2. How did these infiltrators cross the River Ravi when it's in full flood, spanning 1000 meters with a massive discharge of water?

3. If the fence is so ineffective why spend so much on it. It maybe preferable to spend it on the thousands starving in the nude on Delhi's streets

This brings me to the threats: I think we have heard enough from these bastards, they should put their money where their mouth is; ' come and get it', we have never threatened them, so what's stopping this declared terrorist who is their PM to come and get his backside massaged from us.

As for Kashmir, it shall never be their's and the matter will be resolved. To the Indians I would say it's a question of time. Our own weaknesses and internal bickering has delayed the matter; when we are ready I can promise you we shall come to get what's ours. Hopefully you will not have to wait too long.

Leaving aside the war that they won by supporting a separatist movement in East Pakistan, they, who are 8 times are size have nothing to brag about. In 1948 we got most of our Kashmir by the Pushtuns alone, in '65 we got the rest of what we have through Gen Akhtar Malik's offensive. Have they forgotten Ran of Kutch? Sialkot was the largest tank battle after world war two and they got thrashed; must have been the largest thrashing in military history by that equation and that too by one regiment alone, 25 Cavalry? ???
Do they remember M. M Alam, in case they need a reference they need to look at the Guinness book of records, a Pakistani fighter pilot who took out 5 Indian hijras in one engagement. So, yes, I for one would welcome an Indian adventure, haven't been to India and would love to see the monuments attributed to our forefathers in Delhi and Agra etc.

The other issue is of the waters that the Indians are trying to choke off. Well I would welcome any investment in dams and other such projects. We have never been good at these but since we are likely to inherit these structures I would request that we should closely supervise them for good quality and not cutting edges here and there.

Last of all; every dog has his day and we will come for you Indians. You will have to destroy us if you do not want that to happen.
We are not an ordinary Army, we have our moments of glory too. We moved 3.5 million people out of Swat and relocated them. Cleared the Valley of militants in 3 months and moved the people back to their homes. Unprecedented in military history and the closest to this was the international community trying to move 3 million Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan and failing even after 30 years. We are the Army that has cleared 3500 kms of road in the conflict zone and control our lines of communications unlike the Coalition of 35 countries, hunkered down in static garrisons, whimpering, frightened and awaiting relief every six months while they paid the Taliban goodwill money not to attack them. They, the conquerors of Afghanistan have now run with their tail between their legs while we are here to stay. What of the Cambrian Patrol where our Army was pitched against the best, UK, USA, Russia, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Italy and you, India. We stood first in the world. No we are not an ordinary Army and rue the day when you the Indians have to face us again.

I would request for maximum sharing. Some may think I am India centric, well yes I am and proud of it. I have considered them to be my enemy for 35 years and was paid to do so. I have no other way of looking at it. I am neither a politician or a diplomat and thus am liberated from the pseudo intellectual debate of 'how it would benefit both of us to improve relations'. This is an enemy state and this ambiguity must be addressed, we work against each other's interests and who ever does it better, wins. QED.
Never gonna happen and I can tell you Army leadership knows they would have to deal with Israel sooner or later. And recent involvement of MOSSAD in terrorism in Pakistan along with RAW made Army leadership more firm in their belief that Israel is the enemy
You think that the Army Generals think like you? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
take this on a different thread....

@Zarvan please remove the comment of yours also
I know what they think and read post of Lt General Tariq Khan on India you what know How they think
Arabs tried to take on Israel and they suffered a catastrophic defeat. Nobody in this damn world cares about human rights, justice, law blah blah blah.

The victor will administer justice the way he likes. Arabs should have either not confronted Israel or won the damn wars. They failed at both. Now the defeated people unfortunately have to suffer.
Arabs tried to take on Israel and they suffered a catastrophic defeat. Nobody in this damn world cares about human rights, justice, law blah blah blah.

The victor will administer justice the way he likes. Arabs should have either not confronted Israel or won the damn wars. They failed at both. Now the defeated people unfortunately have to suffer.
okay you seem to want to continue...
no one cares about human rights is something a person who has no regard for human life says. For you what is blah blah is very important for normal people. the victor can not administer justice as he sees fit, it is against every code humanity lives by. Israel is losing at something that it was so good at, war of words which shapes public opinion.
The level of disenchantment in western countries which used to favour Israeli policy is something which should show you how the world is shaping.
And like I said, this is not an historically oriented thread.
Rest In Peace innocent child.

One cant even call u shameless. Just getlost.

Actually,he is right and i congratulate him for his position.Also,the Israeli authorities have immediately called this act as barbaric terrorism and they will deal with it according to the full severity of the law.This is more than some Palestinian organisations do when they target civilians,all our respects to the Israeli authorities.No need for you to scream at the poster just because he's rational.Every time somebody calls muslims terrorists you're butthurt but you dare to put a colective guilt on all Jews for the acts of a gang of retards,better said monsters.
Actually,he is right and i congratulate him for his position.Also,the Israeli authorities have immediately called this act as barbaric terrorism and they will deal with it according to the full severity of the law.This is more than some Palestinian organisations do when they target civilians,all our respects to the Israeli authorities.No need for you to scream at the poster just because he's rational.Every time somebody calls muslims terrorists you're butthurt but you dare to put a colective guilt on all Jews for the acts of a gang of retards,better sid monsters.
tell me where the stone throwers are, where according to the UN decisions whose land is that supposed to be. I come to your neighbourhood park and stay there with guns deciding when you can and can not leave, slowly demolish houses and move the residents out and then when you throw stones would you be the one at fault. Also look at the rate of actual arrests against complaints made for burning down mosques, churches and homes. Rule of law is when those who do wrong are punished, not let go without any sentencing.
tell me where the stone throwers are, where according to the UN decisions whose land is that supposed to be. I come to your neighbourhood park and stay there with guns deciding when you can and can not leave, slowly demolish houses and move the residents out and then when you throw stones would you be the one at fault. Also look at the rate of actual arrests against complaints made for burning down mosques, churches and homes. Rule of law is when those who do wrong are punished, not let go without any sentencing.

That's another discussion,and,YES,the building of new settlements should immediately stop.
That's another discussion,and,YES,the building of new settlements should immediately stop.
List of Israeli price tag attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
this is a list of price tag attacks which did not catch the world medias attention. Go to the link and read it.... there are no arrests made and it is the norm just not known by most

each has references from media sources mostly american news papers but did not grab the world attention before

However, in spite of recommendations made by the attorney general, the justice and internal security ministers, and even the Shin Bet, the governmental cabinet has decided not to deem 'price tag' attacks as acts of terror, rather opting to enhance the defense minister's ability to curb such attacks by deeming their organizers as illegal associations.
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