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Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

Pakistanis might want to recall that the same U.N. Security Council Resolution which justifies drone attacks in North Wazirstan can also be applied to justify Indian attacks against "stateless" mujahideen fighters in Pakistan. So if the P.A. did it and is trying to blame the mujas I have to wonder what their motivation for doing so is.

Its difficult to know.

From our POV we must only try to make sense of stuff that's of strategic value. Like our hold on Kashmir for example. The rest is either senseless or of too little importance.

This is not importance unless it has strategic value, like terrorism in Pakistan is affecting their economic situation, investment, health, education and unity and there is tremendous confusion in Pakistanis. Apparently that's not important enough for PA, but its important enough for us.
Some questions arose in my mind on day 1 when all the standard finger-pointing and media spice and drama was being proliferated on the air-waves.......questions which even that guy Chaudry Nisar was asking.

How can indian govt. or the media it reports to implicate Pakistani soldiers in this attack on the indian unit --going across the heavily militarized LoC where human detection systems and various outposts are set up. They did that undetected and with no alarm? I didnt realize we had such super-human abilities.

Furthermore - out of the 5 dead, 1 soldier escaped by running and hiding in a bush. If it were Pakistan soldiers, why would they allow him to live and not shoot him too? Why would they leave a hot trail and a witness?

The core issue is Kashmir. Without delving into a historical debate, lets just remember that days back 5 Azad Kashmiri locals were kidnapped mercilessly by the occupation forces. This could very well be retaliation by some element or group in Kashmir (or just individuals acting as individuals) ---nerves always get frayed when stories of kidnapping, rapes, fake encounters or other such brutal acts take place. This cycle has gone on so many times and still indian fail to learn from it.

hindustan cannot solve its internal (naxal/ULFA/etc) or external problems (like Kashmir) by blaming Pakistan for every misfortune it suffers.

This old trick is not going to solve the problem. Kashmiris are living in prison and they need emancipation like any other people. "****-BASHING" would not end the problem; Ending the occupation of Jammu & Kashmir and sincere discussion between both countries without chest-thumping and empty saber-rattling will be needed.
And we start another round of hatred, conspiracy of mujahid regiments (btw, for heavens sakes, we indians should stop referring to terrorists as mujahids. They are teerorists/milltants or whateva, but not mujahids for us. Our friends from the other side may continue to keep their eyes closed till it consumes them) and then getting a lecture from people on how India has occupied Kashmir and bla bla.

Fact is, 5 of our men got butchered in an unthinkable way, fact is our politicians are making a mess out of it, fact is that no amount of whining and shouting will change anything till we change those who make laws - our politicians.

Point is simple - We get our own house in order, get some politicians who gave some cajones and minds, we will see that yhese skirmishes will die down. Then the whole terrorist theory and indegenous struggle marketing won't work. But, first, we have to get there.

For this incident. This cycle will also complete along the same border. The good news, both sides know it. The bad part... We again lost good men for bad politics!
Lastly, I agree Indian Military(overall) is gaining weight, but that comes from People of India listening to the military and forcing the politicians to heed them, instead of the Military gaining weight in the Govt hierarchy. However I see that as a good sign, Indian Military was anemic till now wrt the influence it carried in govt policy. The GoI has now and only very slowly started listening the Military. I dont see how that can be a bad sign.

no it wont be a bad sign for you because you are an established , old and big democracy
but with us its wrong because democracy is the best revenge

ok pun aside
I would at the level of this forum take the lead to defuse the tension among us, I must commend you guys to show your response over this incident whereas hundreds of soldiers are killed in conflict with TTP and no one even bothered to offer a condolence.

by the way what you say about unity might have been true back in the 90s and early 2000. the game has passed a long way now and LeJ and TTP together have gone so deep in our society that Malala , Soleman Taseer and the like are disliked and ridiculed and terrorists like Dr Afiya and and Molana Burka of Red Mosque are declared "daughters of Islam"

TTP and LeJ hold the ultimate weapon to play with the mind of our nation, the "Islam".. god forbid if your army one day starts playing Quranic verses and puts Quran on the Bayonets and start marching towards us, we will just drop to our knees and submit to your Islamicness (it has worked in the past where a section of "Muslims" successfully employed that during our civil war).

Today, on Dawn on the news about our DGMO discussions, I read a message of an Indian and I cant ignore it. he maintains that due to low popularity the Congress has thrown this stunt.


if this anti India trick work wonders with our emotions.. then so does with the Indians

dont you see Pakistani flags being burnt. Politicians demanding blood? and all that media hoo Haa?
so, if our leadership (Military or civilan) can throw this stunt then so can yours.

my personal view?
I say it doesnt really matter if we did indeed cross the border to kill Indians.


because your leadership (military or civilian) will do what it has always done in the past whenever such allegations were leveled

we believe every single thing you say and brace ourselves for the "reprisal".. well thats why we have this hundreds of kilometer long disputed border dont we?
The core issue is Kashmir. Without delving into a historical debate, lets just remember that days back 5 Azad Kashmiri locals were kidnapped mercilessly by the occupation forces. This could very well be retaliation by some element or group in Kashmir (or just individuals acting as individuals) ---nerves always get frayed when stories of kidnapping, rapes, fake encounters or other such brutal acts take place. This cycle has gone on so many times and still indian fail to learn from it.

the Indians came all the way into Kotli suburbs and raided a house and executed all the occupants of a family. it was few years back, I wonder you are talking about that one. the family was asleep and and consisted of women and children and there was no chance of a fight with the trained Indian executioners. I recall entire village and people from Kotli went to that mass funeral.
the Indians came all the way into Kotli suburbs and raided a house and executed all the occupants of a family. it was few years back, I wonder you are talking about that one. the family was asleep and and consisted of women and children and there was no chance of a fight with the trained Indian executioners. I recall entire village and people from Kotli went to that mass funeral.

There's even a thread about that incident I think.

But there are too many idiots on the forum whose emotions cause them major memory loss. Incredibly - our own idiotic media isn't - in a mature fashion - doing anything to counter indias media 'bravado' which they have become so world famous for

I can name other incidents too - whether it be the same 'barbarity' as bharatis here call it - against Kashmiria civilians as well as soldiers. Ok you fight a soldier that's one thing but don't rape and mutilate civilians for Gods sakes and then bring up Geneva Conventions!

These people are beyond delusional
15-20 Pakistani soldiers of 101 Mujahideen Regiment, aided by a few terrorists


101 WTF would have been a better designation.

for whatever it's worth correcting you, "Times Now" confirmed it as "801 Mujahideen Regiment"


but what's a few numbers and digits and names off when you're pulling facts from out of the arse
We have a Mujaheddin regiment now? Photos pls............


BHIMBER, PAKISTAN, APR 04: Corps Commander Rawalpindi, Lt.Gen.Khalid Nawaz reviews the passing out parade ceremony of Mujahid recruits held at Mujahid Force Centre in Bhimber on Monday, April 04, 2011.


picture is of Pakistan mujahid force in 23rd march Pakistan day.
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