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Pakistan's isloation in the near future; fiction or truth?


Jan 24, 2011
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Ever since the OBL fiasco and other recent developments in the international geo-strategic arena thing have gotten very unpredictable especially for our Pakistan and the prospect of Pakistan isolation seems to carry more and more momentum behind it then it has ever before and according to some it may be the turning point of the long predicted RAW-CIA-MOSSAD conspiracy that came into force the day we went nuclear but lets just focus on the prospect of Pakistan isolation first.


History is witness that when it comes to Pakistan's allies almost all of them have a tendency to chew her up and spit her out when their needs are met and when she is of low or no use to the interests of that country the only exception to this case being China, but lets face it the Chinese are also in it for their own goals and nothing more, the goals of the Chinese being a counter balance against India and US in the region but still we cant deny the fact that China has been with us through thick and thin and for that Pakistan and all Pakistanis are grateful. As for the fact of Pak isolation in the past we have seen it many times how we were abandoned by US many times which we considered as our prime ally after the Afghan fiasco and many other times, and lets not forget the sanctions that were slapped after we went nuclear.

As is evident that Pakistan has rougher roads ahead of it as far as int. relations are concerned and certain developments predict so some if the following are:-

1.French defiance to supply heavy mly. arms:
Thanks to our neighbors to the east the french are denying supplying mly. material to Pakistan which mortally needs it if it is to fight against the terrorists I am not saying that we only depend on France for mly. supply but this is like a crystal ball into the future and I wouldn't be surprised if eventually more countries give us a cold shoulder. The reason France has to comply with the Indian demand is simple, it is that India is in the final stages of buying the not so wanted french raffelle fighter jet the deal is to bet 126 jets for $11 billion. Thus the french don't really want to piss off an scarce customer.

2:The western frontier:
Things are not so bright on the west either, some would argue that we got Muslim brothers on the west so there is no issue but lets face it with the involvement in Afghan politics and social things I wouldn't be surprised if we soon find a pro-India policy in Kabul which in turn isolates Pakistan in its own neighborhood. Some would argue that this would never happen but in lets face it in the 21st century ''money talks'' so if the Afghans see their benefit in being pro-India then nothing can stop them from being pro-India.The reason for Indian interests in Afghanistan is basically it vast resources, economic potential and strategic importance and in the worst case during a Sino-Pak war we may be facing a dual frontal assault and if not that we cant rely on Afghanistan as previously thought as a strategic retreat in case all thing went wrong.

3.The American factor:
Another thing as a result of the OBL fiasco is that the US may be wanting to go out of Afghanistan by declaring that they are victorious even tough the realities are alot grimmer and as we know about the US it has strong tendencies to abandon Pakistan and we know it is going to happen sooner or later.

4.Lets not forget the Indians:
Don't think that I am some war junkie who has just played Medal/Delta force of honor and cant wait for a real war to fight in but the ground realities are that the
Pakistani as well as Indian masses want peace but the governments don't because the politicians are using the rivalry for the campaigns and other stuff so peace in this state is highly unlikely and the Indian government as well as Pakistani counterparts are involved in a silenced war with each other.

In the present volatile situation the only way open to us is to further befriend China as our friend but lets learn from our mistakes we made with the US and not completely rely on China and do some things on our own. May Allah help us in our path towards self reliance and prosperity. Ameen.

About the writer:
The writer is a home based keen analyst and has just given his matric exams.
The only friend Pakistan has left is China. Now dont screw this friendship up, Pakistan like you screwed up everything else.
if pakistan gets isolated that will be good for pakistan.
Terrorist were pushed into Pakistan due to botched up war plans in Afghanistan and failure of ISAF / NATO to secure the border perimeter on Afghan side giving an open access to terrorist for infiltrate in Pakistan. If blame game has to be played everyone should share it equally!
even average people with common sense knows, China is our savior.

China is not the US, don't compare.

China need Pakistan when it still on the process of rising( take lead of the world from america), countering India, using our strategic location for connection with Africa and Oil, showing China's support of developing nations, etc.

China will treat Pakistan as its forever brother even after China become the only superpower in the world. Fortifying its west border and checking India.
or just simply put, As long as India exist, Pakistan can count on China.
So i
No foreign country is anyone's saviour.

One has to chart one's own destiny.
Our peoples must need that Isolation from US .......then we can develop better........otherwise our political leaders will be all the time begging from them and making properties in UK and Dubai.................
Once we will be isolated.......beleive me our Nation will develop bettter.............we have more resources than Malasyia...........If Malasyia can become Asian Tiger..........why not we....................and it is proven in History whenever disaster came in Pakistan...........Pakistani Peoples who are in Abroad sent more money to recover that disaster........
And also Pakistani Nation is 3rd Largest Nation in Word who gave charity.........I am not saying about Govt Level i am saying the public level charity.
About the writer:
The writer is a home based keen analyst and has just given his matric exams

except for point 3 everything relates to India-phobia......rather than focusing on the real terrorist threat inside your country....when you guys are able to beat the crap out of the terrorists you ill find a lot of problems disappear and would find nations dealing with you in equal terms. China has been your friend -----not because of love but because of its own strategic needs...kind of like how the US did till USSR broke.....
Our peoples must need that Isolation from US .......then we can develop better........otherwise our political leaders will be all the time begging from them and making properties in UK and Dubai.................
Once we will be isolated.......beleive me our Nation will develop bettter.............we have more resources than Malasyia...........If Malasyia can become Asian Tiger..........why not we....................and it is proven in History whenever disaster came in Pakistan...........Pakistani Peoples who are in Abroad sent more money to recover that disaster........
And also Pakistani Nation is 3rd Largest Nation in Word who gave charity.........I am not saying about Govt Level i am saying the public level charity.

Malaysia became Asian Tiger because they dont butt into every one's problems, the day Pakistanis realizes that their job is to serve Pakistan and not Islam(coz religions dont need protecting), pakistan will become andother Asian Tiger...Stop treating Indians as ur enemy or trying to divide our lands on the basis of religion, u will have peace and prosperity which is necessary for the growth of every nation..But if Pakistanis think that fighting india is their religious duty, then u should be ready to face the consequences..my point here is development of Pakistan and not bringing down India should be the first & fore-most concern of Paksitanis..
except for point 3 everything relates to India-phobia......rather than focusing on the real terrorist threat inside your country....when you guys are able to beat the crap out of the terrorists you ill find a lot of problems disappear and would find nations dealing with you in equal terms. China has been your friend -----not because of love but because of its own strategic needs...kind of like how the US did till USSR broke.....

Exactly !!! Pakistanis need to do only one thing to resolve most of their problems..MAKE PEACE WITH INDIA..and when i say peace, i dont mean give up all ur concerns or disputes with us....There are better ways to resolve disputes than creating terrorists or jihadists...stop creating monsters to hurt us..because history has shown it harmed u more than us..
Ever since the OBL fiasco and other recent developments in the international geo-strategic arena thing have gotten very unpredictable especially for our Pakistan and the prospect of Pakistan isolation seems to carry more and more momentum behind it then it has ever before and according to some it may be the turning point of the long predicted RAW-CIA-MOSSAD conspiracy that came into force the day we went nuclear but lets just focus on the prospect of Pakistan isolation first.


History is witness that when it comes to Pakistan's allies almost all of them have a tendency to chew her up and spit her out when their needs are met and when she is of low or no use to the interests of that country the only exception to this case being China, but lets face it the Chinese are also in it for their own goals and nothing more, the goals of the Chinese being a counter balance against India and US in the region but still we cant deny the fact that China has been with us through thick and thin and for that Pakistan and all Pakistanis are grateful. As for the fact of Pak isolation in the past we have seen it many times how we were abandoned by US many times which we considered as our prime ally after the Afghan fiasco and many other times, and lets not forget the sanctions that were slapped after we went nuclear.

Don't think that I am some war junkie who has just played Medal/Delta force of honor and cant wait for a real war to fight in but the ground realities are that the
Pakistani as well as Indian masses want peace but the governments don't because the politicians are using the rivalry for the campaigns and other stuff so peace in this state is highly unlikely and the Indian government as well as Pakistani counterparts are involved in a silenced war with each other.

I am not sure about the bolded part. I think, at least in Pakistan, the current ruling alliance of secular are considered fairly pro--India-peace. And I don't see any evidence that Manmohan Singh and his party ran the election 'campaign' based on anti-Pakistan platform.
In case of Pakistan it is the military which calls the shots in Kashmir. Don't know about India? Some Indians here have implied that military in India is pretty hawkish as well?

Anyway, in my best understanding, Pakistan should have equally good relationships with both India and China. Not zero sum. Not some temporary point scorings. But genuine peace. And I think that will not suit the West too well because India might buy fewer weapons and Pakistan can pursue its own policies, knowing that Pakistan's eastern as well as western borders are secure.
It is going to happen. Make it happen now instead of 50 years down the road. Have we not anything from the past 60+ years?
except for point 3 everything relates to India-phobia......rather than focusing on the real terrorist threat inside your country....when you guys are able to beat the crap out of the terrorists you ill find a lot of problems disappear and would find nations dealing with you in equal terms. China has been your friend -----not because of love but because of its own strategic needs...kind of like how the US did till USSR broke.....

What does this have to do with quoting my data about my matric and p.s i never implied that I or Pakistan want war with India and lets face it with people like you and me on each side of the border we cant have peace because you will continously mess with me and i will retaliate.......
Hell man what do you mean by this
The only friend Pakistan has left is China. Now dont screw this friendship up, Pakistan like you screwed up everything else.

For all I know you are probably just some person who just sat on his ___ when our country was being introduced to the $hit it is in now and you say i screwed it up,
P.S you have screwed your own profile description how can you be in north america yet your location is Pakistan, first unscrew your own description and then talk to others about screwing things.
even average people with common sense knows, China is our savior.

China is not the US, don't compare.

China need Pakistan when it still on the process of rising( take lead of the world from america), countering India, using our strategic location for connection with Africa and Oil, showing China's support of developing nations, etc.

China will treat Pakistan as its forever brother even after China become the only superpower in the world. Fortifying its west border and checking India.
or just simply put, As long as India exist, Pakistan can count on China.
So i

My Personnel view Pakistan is doing a big mistake to rely on China. Time will prove it.

1. learn from US , Israel Relation
2, US Nato relation
3, US India relation
4, India Russia relation

I am scared of the day when china will ditch Pakistan for its interest. Today age, no one is friend of anyone. Thats the key to success.

Good ex: India was overdependent on Russia and because of that its need to change its policy now and in far better environment.

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