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Pakistan's Enemy USA


Jul 20, 2009
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The war on terror is as much of a confusion fiasco as any thing else.
Till date no one has ever seen the monsters that USA has claimed live
in Afghnistan, Iraq etc.
and suddenly it became Pakistan's war !

Following is a link to USA tactics in Afghanistan.
Please carefully examine the video from minutes 4-6.
Whereby USA is using propaganda naming Pakistan and Punjabis.

I think the Foreign office should take this issue up and challenge the Americans to their so called friendship.

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The advantage of this friendship to Pak is :

1. The moolah it gets.
2. The hand behind the throne - both dictators & non dictators.

To US :

1. A paid base to operate into AF from.
2. A pliable leadership who can cry, growl but do little else.
3. The PA does its ' dirty work' on the E side of the Durand line.

to name a few...
It is time to differentiate between friend and foe. It is time for every individual to assume the role. Keep your eyes open, and remain vigilant. But don't ever losefaith. Work hard for the country. United we stand. PAKISTAN ZINDABAD. May Allah protect us and our country.
Our friend's gifts to us in the video.

USA demeaning Pakistan
USA firing the punjabi rivalry
US forces breaking in a mosque
US Forces abusing the mosque's keeper
US forces burning Taliban bodies facing Kaaba only to instigate.

Some one needs to show this to the foreign office !
I would not count USA as enemy. There is lack of trust between two countries. It can only be reduced by understanding each other problems. There is a large concern in Pakistan that when US will leave it will again put sanctions on Pakistan (Just like after Afghan Soviet War)because it dont need Pakistan help anymore.

On US side they say we had relation with taliban of Afghan side. And most of them think that we are not doing enough because we had these relations.(which i dont agree).
I would not count USA as enemy. There is lack of trust between two countries. It can only be reduced by understanding each other problems. There is a large concern in Pakistan that when US will leave it will again put sanctions on Pakistan (Just like after Afghan Soviet War)because it dont need Pakistan help anymore.

On US side they say we had relation with taliban of Afghan side. And most of them think that we are not doing enough because we had these relations.(which i dont agree).

Did you see the video ?
Can you explain to me why the U.N. has identified the taliban killing 1630 of 2412 civilians in Afghanistan last year but ISAF 596 in the same time- nearly 3:1 with another 186 unattributed?

This despite ISAF's very real preponderance of weaponry and firepower? Odd. The taliban would have to work VERY HARD to achieve such when plenty of legitimate military targets are available. So much for your propaganda when faced with fact.

"UNAMA Human Rights (HR) recorded a total of 2,412 civilian deaths between 01 January and 31 December 2009. This figure represents an increase of 14% on the 2118 civilian deaths recorded in 2008. Of the 2,412 deaths reported in 2009, 1,630 (67%) were attributed to anti-Government elements (AGEs) and 596 (25%) to pro-Government forces (PGF). The remaining 186 deaths (8%) could not be attributed to any of the conflicting parties given as some civilians died as a result of cross-fire or were killed by unexploded ordinance."

Afghanistan: Annual Report On The Protection Of Civilians In Armed Conflict 2009-UNAMA

So...pro-government forces killed 596 afghans. How many from those elements who are not American-perhaps British, ANA, ANP, Germans, Canadians, Australians, Romanians, Danes, Dutch? However few or many, there will certainly be some, correct? So those killed by America's hand was something less than 596? It would seem fair to draw that conclusion.

Can you show me a single accusation ANYWHERE that we have INTENTIONALLY targeted civilians in this war? I ask this because I can confirm for you that the taliban have done EXACTLY that if you wish. Please read-

The Human Cost: The Consequence Of Insurgent Attacks In Afghanistan-April 2007 HRW

Oh! And let me know the purpose behind using civilians as human shields. Is it to avoid destruction at the hands of ISAF?

Get a real education before accusing those by using propaganda created by the taliban and their sympathizers-

"This is how the Americans are now fighting in Afghanistan-loaded with guns and loud music".

Oh really? I've got video too. Quiet, lowkey, patient, hardworking...Hear any music?

Doubt you've the patience or true intellectual curiousity to watch but, if that's the ONLY way you learn, here's an entirely different picture than that which you'd like to paint.

Oh! One last question-Why does the taliban attack school girls with acid? I'd like you to tell me please? That has always confused me. Is it a religious thing?



  • acid attack victim.jpg
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S2, did you watch the video ?

The propaganda is clearly instigating locals against Pakistan and Punjab.

You asked me 100 questions in return, but can you please tell me
why would a friend (USA) use such tactic undermining an ally (Pakistan) ?
"S2, did you watch the video..."

Of course. Did you watch mine?

If so, then you'd already know that the narrator's perspective of our operations is skewed. Terribly so.

Secondly, did you hear the voice? I didn't hear any American. Did you?

Take it up with the afghans. Meanwhile, read some serious information, watch less youtube B.S. and get a real and substantively informed education.

My foot …close ally..Stritejick partner. Friend bla ..bla..
Men. Its a covert war in between CIA..Mosad…Raw and ISI (proPakistani)..:sniper:
:devil:CIA.. Designed this one to grab our neuks..but thanks to Angels(pre defence system)…they kept it safe till
The last men standing…
RAW is expanding it Punjab. by pushing more and more agents+bomers in it..
Yea Be vigilant and aware..coz I see..its coming right to us..
We are Muslims. and to save our self and our loved one and our country. our people..
Is Farz at this time..so get ready..for this cowards covert war….:pakistan::pakistan:
Can you explain to me why the U.N. has identified the taliban killing 1630 of 2412 civilians in Afghanistan last year but ISAF 596 in the same time- nearly 3:1 with another 186 unattributed?

This despite ISAF's very real preponderance of weaponry and firepower? Odd. The taliban would have to work VERY HARD to achieve such when plenty of legitimate military targets are available. So much for your propaganda when faced with fact.

"UNAMA Human Rights (HR) recorded a total of 2,412 civilian deaths between 01 January and 31 December 2009. This figure represents an increase of 14% on the 2118 civilian deaths recorded in 2008. Of the 2,412 deaths reported in 2009, 1,630 (67%) were attributed to anti-Government elements (AGEs) and 596 (25%) to pro-Government forces (PGF). The remaining 186 deaths (8%) could not be attributed to any of the conflicting parties given as some civilians died as a result of cross-fire or were killed by unexploded ordinance."

Afghanistan: Annual Report On The Protection Of Civilians In Armed Conflict 2009-UNAMA

So...pro-government forces killed 596 afghans. How many from those elements who are not American-perhaps British, ANA, ANP, Germans, Canadians, Australians, Romanians, Danes, Dutch? However few or many, there will certainly be some, correct? So those killed by America's hand was something less than 596? It would seem fair to draw that conclusion.

Can you show me a single accusation ANYWHERE that we have INTENTIONALLY targeted civilians in this war? I ask this because I can confirm for you that the taliban have done EXACTLY that if you wish. Please read-

The Human Cost: The Consequence Of Insurgent Attacks In Afghanistan-April 2007 HRW

Oh! And let me know the purpose behind using civilians as human shields. Is it to avoid destruction at the hands of ISAF?

Get a real education before accusing those by using propaganda created by the taliban and their sympathizers-

"This is how the Americans are now fighting in Afghanistan-loaded with guns and loud music".

Oh really? I've got video too. Quiet, lowkey, patient, hardworking...Hear any music?

D4z5JHiwPiw[/media] - 1-508 PIR Patrols Mountains in Afghanistan (B-Roll)

Doubt you've the patience or true intellectual curiousity to watch but, if that's the ONLY way you learn, here's an entirely different picture than that which you'd like to paint.

Oh! One last question-Why does the taliban attack school girls with acid? I'd like you to tell me please? That has always confused me. Is it a religious thing?


why you are so sure S-2 that these are taliban..Not the Midell one?:chilli:
In my view..its only the oil..beeing use to coverup the whole damm war against terror..
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Now Now..
Meanwhile, read some serious information, watch less youtube B.S. and get a real and substantively informed education.

Read serious information.. now that is going over board..

You watching less youtube would mean they would have to loose the best propaganda source of highly reliable :disagree: intel.

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