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Pakistanis watch Emirati troop march in India with disbelief

Sorry no need to improve relations with India Kashmir issue is the main Issue and will always remain the main Issue. Iran China Russia and Pakistan is the future of Asia. If you don't believe me just keep an eye on Pakistani Military.

Note: This is not my analysis. It is a report of Times of India.
Here is the link http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...aliban-india-ignored/articleshow/56228906.cms

The source is indian: "times of india" therefore it is completely null, void and worthless. A complete distortion of facts and full of lies. indian sources are ALWAYS lies or completely unreliable as far as Pakistan is concerned.
ISLAMABAD: A Pakistani student, Haroon Tariq, has broken the current world record by securing a total of 47 As in his International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) O Level and A Level exams from the University of Cambridge International Examinations.

GSE O and A level are not Pakistani education they are British Education...
GCSE is roughly close to CBSE of Indian board..
It's just another example of who these Arabs are. To them Islam is something to exploit for worldly gains in the name of national interest. Their mission is to make way for terrorists like modi so that other terrorists can make fun of 'ummah chummah'. These wahabi terrorists and their indian minions will get what they deserve, that day is not too far.

Who cares what the Arabs or other Muslims do? It's got nothing to do with us. It's their prerogative. Pakistan is moving fast ahead. We are well on the way to becoming a major world military and economic power. We are ALREADY the most advanced and powerful Muslim nation by a long distance. The concern of me and other Pakistani patriots is WHEN will Pakistan become a major GLOBAL power. Us Pakistanis need to aim for the stars not lower ourselves by concerning ourselves with the Gulfis/Middle East & other Muslim nations. Pakistan is the ONLY Muslim nation that is becoming self sufficient in indigenous advanced weapons production. That is a MASSIVE MASSIVE achievement that can never be praised or awed enough. That should be our ONLY concern.

UAE itself failed in Yemen war and had their ground troops face mass casualties..beside the heavy weight of GCC is Saudi Arabia and Pakistan has strong alliance with the Saudis already..however Saudis also have good releations with India...King Abdullah was guest at Republic Day and Indian airforce came over for air exercises with Saudi Airforce..

I strictly hate this we against them black and white type of attitude which does not work in global diplomacy or personal life..to start with even I attained my early education at Indian schools because put it honestly..Pakistan education sucks..and my brother attained his entire education upto 8th grade at Indian school...I believe Indians are great people and great potential..we should pick commonalities for mutual benefit rather than differences to fall apart...India is a huge economy and consumer market..everyone from China to Europe is rushing to sell their goods in Indian markets...we should also seek to boost our exports to India..especially when India has already accorded us MFN status while we have not reciprocated the same..! Arabs are even trading with Israel..we are lone example who hacks their bread and butter in the name of sentimental politics...

Arabs have centuries old releations with various parts of Indian subcontinent while the partition only happens to come in 1947...the history cannot be erased..and Arabs will not wipe out their historic releations either..for Pakistan to compete on Arab-Indian releations in immature to begin with.. and a disaster of foreign policy..!

WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!........Pakistan is the most powerful & advanced Muslim nation by a long shot. We can produce SLCMS, MIRVs & Thermonuclear weapons yet we are worried about some retarded bedouins.......:disagree:

We are in the way in becoming a major global military power yet we concern ourselves with inferior matters.........:disagree:

Why worry about lowering ourselves when we can marvel at ourselves?.........:disagree::


UAE itself failed in Yemen war and had their ground troops face mass casualties..beside the heavy weight of GCC is Saudi Arabia and Pakistan has strong alliance with the Saudis already..however Saudis also have good releations with India...King Abdullah was guest at Republic Day and Indian airforce came over for air exercises with Saudi Airforce..

I strictly hate this we against them black and white type of attitude which does not work in global diplomacy or personal life..to start with even I attained my early education at Indian schools because put it honestly..Pakistan education sucks..and my brother attained his entire education upto 8th grade at Indian school...I believe Indians are great people and great potential..we should pick commonalities for mutual benefit rather than differences to fall apart...India is a huge economy and consumer market..everyone from China to Europe is rushing to sell their goods in Indian markets...we should also seek to boost our exports to India..especially when India has already accorded us MFN status while we have not reciprocated the same..! Arabs are even trading with Israel..we are lone example who hacks their bread and butter in the name of sentimental politics...

Arabs have centuries old releations with various parts of Indian subcontinent while the partition only happens to come in 1947...the history cannot be erased..and Arabs will not wipe out their historic releations either..for Pakistan to compete on Arab-Indian releations in immature to begin with.. and a disaster of foreign policy..!

indians are great people?????????............a Pakistani saying that is like a Jewish saying that the Nazis in WW2 were great people........:disagree:
The source is indian: "times of india" therefore it is completely null, void and worthless. A complete distortion of facts and full of lies. indian sources are ALWAYS lies or completely unreliable as far as Pakistan is concerned.
The 5th most popular newspapers is untrustworthy , but some random Pakistani commenter on a random site is?:o:o_O

Who cares what the Arabs or other Muslims do? It's got nothing to do with us.

GeoPolitics says otherwise.

Pakistan is moving fast ahead. We are well on the way to becoming a major world military and economic power.

In which universe is this happening? Last time i checked Pakistan's GDP was lower than south Africa, and ranked 13 in gfp
We are ALREADY the most advanced and powerful Muslim nation by a long distance.

Turkey is laughing historically somewhere, economically & geopolitically speaking nearly every oil state are laughing.
The concern of me and other Pakistani patriots is WHEN will Pakistan become a major GLOBAL power.

Pakistans economy ranks 42 , while being the 5th most populous country. Global power is only in the top 5 m8

Pakistan is the ONLY Muslim nation that is becoming self sufficient in indigenous advanced weapons production.

Congrats guess who else is doing that , north korea .

indians are great people?????????............a Pakistani saying that is like a Jewish saying that the Nazis in WW2 were great people........:disagree:

Funny because i don't think even the nazis would have killed 3 million Bangladeshi & raped 300,000 women .
UAE is capable enough to deal with internal rebels, terrorists or isis.
Anyways how many terrorists attack have you heard in uae in last 25 years ? And how many in pakistan ?
You pakistan are in no position to scare others of terrorists when you are bleeding from top to bottom.

well we are fighting terrorism specially from terrorism sponsered by Indian bastards!

and how many terrorist attacks did you hear about in europe before 2014? world is changing bad things are happening and UAE sucking balls of some random ball sucker itself with no history isnt a smart move!
Pakistan has the capability to indigenously build advanced high tech weapons systems like MIRVs, SLCMs & thermonukes/H-bombs:


And despite all the evidence pointing to Pakistan having the capability to become a major global military power/superpower some Pakistanis here are still over eager to be slaves of or please an inferior desert people...........:disagree:
WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!........Pakistan is the most powerful & advanced Muslim nation by a long shot. We can produce SLCMS, MIRVs & Thermonuclear weapons yet we are worried about some retarded bedouins.......:disagree:

And export slave labour to same bedouins? buddy...if weapons of destruction were measure of economic might then soviet union would rule the world today...it is all about individual wealth which matters..
Many people were believing that UAE is also involve for unrest in Pakistan so the investors can move there and it is proving that
The 5th most popular newspapers is untrustworthy , but some random Pakistani commenter on a random site is?:o:o_O

GeoPolitics says otherwise.

In which universe is this happening? Last time i checked Pakistan's GDP was lower than south Africa, and ranked 13 in gfp

Turkey is laughing historically somewhere, economically & geopolitically speaking nearly every oil state are laughing.

Pakistans economy ranks 42 , while being the 5th most populous country. Global power is only in the top 5 m8

Congrats guess who else is doing that , north korea .

Funny because i don't think even the nazis would have killed 3 million Bangladeshi & raped 300,000 women .

In what world???????????.... ...lol.........lol....IN THE REAL WORLD...:lol:.....not the indian world that said Pakistan WOULD NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. Or the indian world that laughed and ridiculed the idea of Pakistan having MIRVs or SLCMs. If Pakistan wasn't a major global military power than why was india so powerless and weak to attack Pakistan militarily after mumbai 2008? That too when Pakistan is more than 7x smaller than india and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does?:azn:

If the above can become reality despite all impossible odds than it is easy for us to become a major global military power

No indian can EVER criticize Pakistan's economy. Especially since India has 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor:





Believe indian newspapers!!!!!!!.......lol.......the same ones that claimed it was impossible for Pakistan to become a nuclear weapons state......lol.......:lol:

PS: whatever economic problems Pakistan has had in the past is becoming eliminated by CPEC......:azn:

By the way as far as Pakistanis are concerned, the ONLY eternal and mortal enemies we have are indians and the indian nation. We view you the same way as the Jews viewed the Nazis. All other comparisons are null, void and meaningless.

And export slave labour to same bedouins? buddy...if weapons of destruction were measure of economic might then soviet union would rule the world today...it is all about individual wealth which matters..

Better than being having your nation and race annihilated by the americans and being powerless to do anything about it. Just ask the Iraqis and Syrians, they'll tell you. Oil wealth doesn't change that fact.

The Soviet Union may not be ruling the world today but their successors are pulling the strings on the global stage and no one including the americans can mess with them. I'd rather that than being a bunch of inferior opulent, retarded, obese and dribbling slobs who can't even write a simple sentence.
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In what world???????????.... ...lol.........lol....IN THE REAL WORLD...:lol:.....not the indian world that said Pakistan WOULD NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance.

Yes , which is why the Chinese spoon fed the blueprints to your country , the declassified CIA documents explained that in detail .



Or the indian world that laughed and ridiculed the idea of Pakistan having MIRVs or SLCMs.

When ?wtf kind of inferiority complex is this ,Pakistan was a nato ally, India was in the NAM block , if anyone had the upper hand to develop it , it was Pakistan.

If Pakistan wasn't a major global military power than why was india so powerless and weak to attack Pakistan militarily after mumbai 2008?

When did we say we will invade Pakistan over a terrorist attack ? And the logic lol , why hasn't massively superior U.S. & south korean military taken over north Korea yet ?

That too when Pakistan is more than 7x smaller than india

USA is 100x bigger than n korea
and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does?:azn:

So? Unlike some, India isn't a warmongering nation , do you really think the world's fastest growing economy is looking for war ?

No indian can EVER criticize Pakistan's economy.

Anyone can criticize anyone , its called freedom of speech.

Especially since India has 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor:
Considering India is 20% of the world population so yes.

Tell me why your Pakistani brothers are flying in flock to treat in indian hospitals , tell me why India is the 2nd most popular medical tourism destination in the world. Tell me why i can buy cancer drugs with spare change while a average Pakistani would have to spend his life savings to buy the same. Look at me yapping when Pakistan doesn't even have free healthcare.

Believe indian newspapers!!!!!!!.......lol.......the same ones that claimed it was impossible for Pakistan to become a nuclear weapons state......lol.......:lol:

India has superior soft power m8 , more people will believe Indian media than any Pakistani sources. That's a fact , credibility of the 5th most popular newspapers>>>>> credibility of Pakistani trolls
PS: whatever economic problems Pakistan has had in the past is becoming eliminated by CPEC......:azn:

Yes i heard day dreaming solves everything.
Its good to see that uae is not any more in pakistani camp :) lol one of their supporter already left the camp and joined the enemy before the so called world war 3 ...:p
Yes , which is why the Chinese spoon fed the blueprints to your country , the declassified CIA documents explained that in detail .



When ?wtf kind of inferiority complex is this ,Pakistan was a nato ally, India was in the NAM block , if anyone had the upper hand to develop it , it was Pakistan.

When did we say we will invade Pakistan over a terrorist attack ? And the logic lol , why hasn't massively superior U.S. & south korean military taken over north Korea yet ?

USA is 100x bigger than n korea

So? Unlike some, India isn't a warmongering nation , do you really think the world's fastest growing economy is looking for war ?

Anyone can criticize anyone , its called freedom of speech.

Considering India is 20% of the world population so yes.

Tell me why your Pakistani brothers are flying in flock to treat in indian hospitals , tell me why India is the 2nd most popular medical tourism destination in the world. Tell me why i can buy cancer drugs with spare change while a average Pakistani would have to spend his life savings to buy the same. Look at me yapping when Pakistan doesn't even have free healthcare.

India has superior soft power m8 , more people will believe Indian media than any Pakistani sources. That's a fact , credibility of the 5th most popular newspapers>>>>> credibility of Pakistani trolls

Yes i heard day dreaming solves everything.

YAWN......YAWN......YAWN......blueprints??????........yeah right. Because indians are the inventors, pioneers, designers and producers of the world's most advanced sciences and technologies in the world. Even more so than the West, Russia and China......:disagree:. They've NEVER EVER had any foreign assistance or purchased anything advanced from abroad.......lol........:lol:

Daydreaming??????......That's what indians said about Pakistanis becoming a nuclear weapons state, having MIRVs and SLCMs.

As far as Pakistan's economic woos are concerned, they are being taken care of thanks to CPEC and other similar less talked about initiatives.

Why should we care what the rankings the indian newspapers have? When we know that they were proven to be complete retards by claiming that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance but the exact opposite happened......lol.......:lol:

No matter what you say, despite all the hot air and bluster it doesn't hide the fact that india was too weak and powerless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008 despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege.......:lol:......:azn:

If the americans weren't so bogged down in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc and were not sabre rattling with the Russians perhaps they could then face the North Koreans......:azn:

Soft power means nothing. It's what you can do in the REAL world that matters. Actions speak louder than words. Just ask the Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians and Libyans. They'd tell you that.

You indians must be retarded and mad if you are treating foreign patients yet have 30-40% of the ENTIRE EARTH'S most severely malnourished and extreme poor.....lol.....:rofl::




It means that indians regard other indians as inferior..........:lol:
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indians are great people?????????............a Pakistani saying that is like a Jewish saying that the Nazis in WW2 were great people........:disagree:

Sorry to say mate I have a lot of Indian friends, Indian relatives and my father was also born in India and moved to Pak at the age of 3. If you hate somebody, prove your mettle by being better than them...blind hate is one sided affair..and only leads to self destruction...it is the obsession with blind hate which is ripping apart out society...yesterday we hated Indians..today everybody hates everybody in the country...minorities, majorities, men, women they are all surrounded by blind hates towards everyone different from them...

It is a fact..that India over the years have grown economically, militarily and politically..yes we can make fun of their LCA and AMCA but the fact stands...can Pakistan even operate shadows of such military gear? What stops India from acquiring latest F16, SU35, F18 or EF2000 is not foreign weapon control restrictions but its own state policies..there is a very big "difference" being pointed out here...the Indians hate the Chinese and vice versa....but there is no tirade of political diarrhea on both ends..the relationship in whatever course and condition someone works as a big economic partnership..over the years India has learned to navigate its own course in global politics...put Pakistan on the back burner and reach out to countries strategically important for Pakistan...

In 2015 India staged war games with Saudi Air-force..


In 2017 UAE forces marched on Indian republic day...


Lets not forget...India is not some aboriginal backwater like Australia or Canada just discovering civilization from European immigrant colonies...rather..just less than a century ago..all European powers were battling for their share of Indian pie..

All countries in global politics are a combination of strength and weakness...its up to us to make the best of situation...
the sooner Pakistan get rid of this Muslim Ummah thing the better, we r moving in right direction...the headline made me laugh thou.......
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