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Pakistani spy held from Delhi

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This is single most important reason y i don't visit India... what if i m caught and branded a spy from Pakistan . I wonder who would want to spy on military installations in this age now that google earth shows you everything.

vice versa!!
Local Police remand is the worst place to be held while being interrogated, he will sing like a koyal.


Will the crows like the koyal's singing ???

;) BTW only if India could have focused on its security instead of terming every Pigeon as ISI trained agent then we might have not seen the shooting on two foreigners few days back.

Your might PULC aka Police failed to trace the attackers i wonder if Indians are even dreaming about ISI in day time too
This is single most important reason y i don't visit India... what if i m caught and branded a spy from Pakistan . I wonder who would want to spy on military installations in this age now that google earth shows you everything.
:lol:Then all nations wouldnt have had a Satelitite program...
Your might PULC aka Police failed to trace the attackers i wonder if Indians are even dreaming about ISI in day time too

What to do, we have a competent force to cope with, cant let go of sight, even in dreams.:)
Yep...........ISI spy nabbed finally by India


This is single most important reason y i don't visit India... what if i m caught and branded a spy from Pakistan . I wonder who would want to spy on military installations in this age now that google earth shows you everything.

google earth ll not show the real time data.. it ll show only the pre cached images. atleast 1 year old pic.
Pigeon or monkey ??

remote controlled praying-mantis; carrying a rare diamond which was to be used to fund bridge collapses in the New Delhi

the nerve of these Pakistanis!!!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:
This is single most important reason y i don't visit India... what if i m caught and branded a spy from Pakistan . I wonder who would want to spy on military installations in this age now that google earth shows you everything.

You will be coming with a visa, right?
Though it's not advisable to visit India now because of the tension between Indo-Pak. May be in future when sanity prevails. I'd love to host Pakistanis.
This is single most important reason y i don't visit India... what if i m caught and branded a spy from Pakistan . I wonder who would want to spy on military installations in this age now that google earth shows you everything.

Like we are asking you to come. Anyways we have enough Pakistani's visiting India for economic opportunities & medical services - not all of them are branded spies and thrown behind bars.
yes my friend !!!! you should only travel to countries like UK nd US and striptease in the name of being ASIAN .....

hmm. i wasn't strip-searched.....they just asked me if i accepted packages from anyone; i had to remove my shoes and belt; apart from that, small conversation here and there

guess i was lucky, or the TSA guy won the lottery or something and was in good mood

Like we are asking you to come. Anyways we have enough Pakistani's visiting India for economic opportunities & medical services - not all of them are branded spies and thrown behind bars.

if what you say is to be believed, perhaps they are just going for the cheap costs....

economic opportunities --that is pure garbage and nonsense.
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