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Pakistani Lobbyist on Kashmir,Fai sentenced to jail


Feb 20, 2011
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US court sentences Ghulam Nabi Fai to 2 yrs in jail - Hindustan Times

A US court on Friday sentenced Kashmiri separatist Ghulam Nabi Fai to 24 months in jail. Fai's sentencing to be followed by three years of supervised release. According to a report, Fai to surrender after June 25 graduation of his daughter. Fai had pleaded guilty on December 7 to
being a paid lobbyist for Pakistan — handled by its intelligence service the ISI — without declaring himself to the US government as required.

According to a report, he had received over $ 400 million from the ISI over 15 years, through a Pakistani man who was found dead in unclear circumstance within weeks of his arrest.

Fai headed an outfit called Kashmiri American Council, which lobbied US government, lawmakers and opinion-makers on Kashmir, taking a line laid out for him by his ISI handlers.

But Fai claimed in his statement that he was not taking instructions from Pakistan. In fact, he claimed he was not taking orders from Delhi

Fai was a Troll,he use to reside in 5 star's hotel for his own luxury in return of lobbying for Kashmir and Pakistani ISI :argh:

So much for Pakistani love for the Kashmiris.

When push came to shove, they (through their embassy in Washington) were the first ones to abandon the guy.
the dying star US is doing all pathetic things it can to get india in its favour

pakistan must act and throw america out of afghanistan, it should deny air supply to NATO, shouldnt provide oxygen to this great satan
the dying star US is doing all pathetic things it can to get india in its favour

pakistan must act and throw america out of afghanistan, it should deny air supply to NATO, shouldnt provide oxygen to this great satan

Frustration...so evident....frustration :D

After Fai, Indian diaspora around the world should now go on the hunt for such Pakistani stooges.

This case should only motivate us to go for the kill.
convince U.S;)

Do they need to be convinced? Its the US who exposed Fai (of course with some help from........)

So for quite some time; everything seemed to be "going good and Hi-Fai".
Now with the exposure and conviction; its just "Hai-Hai Fai".
How can the Frakkin Americans do anything they have been taken over by AIPAC. Jews be careful you did this in Germany. Be careful of American public 98% who are non Jews don't turn on you. If anyone should be jailed it is the lobbyists who work for AIPAC who is subordinate to Tel Aviv. Israel has taken over America. well done
Yeah... a very easy job, like Pele kicking a football two meters away from him. Pakistan just need to do it. :rolleyes:

who was the country who got america in afghanistan,can you tell the name please?
once again something went down the drain. Ouch

who was the country who got america in afghanistan,can you tell the name please?

as if U.S had not invaded Afganistan without that country. wake up & smell the coffee.
who was the country who got america in afghanistan,can you tell the name please?
Yes, Pakistan give the way to Afghanistan. But why?.... If you did not do it than which country threatened you to bomb back to the Stone Age, can you tell me the name please?

Just like you call for Pakistan to act and throw someone out of Afghanistan is so easy..... think.
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