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Pakistan to launch another Satellite in 2014

I would not put much faith in SUPARCO. in 10 years since Musharraf's tenure(or rather Zia's "rape" of the military by stuffing it with Bureucrats and Nutjobs; stale leadership whose sole purpose is landing relatives government contracts.. they have managed to crash one sat.. rent a derelict one.. design a rocket engine that blew up in their faces.. and bought expensive cars for their bosses.

Why? Arent there intelligent people in Pakistan? Well, not if you keep putting retired Gen at the helm of every other organization on the supposition that they are the only god gift to Pakistan when it comes to Patriotic thought. Stale, Bureaucratic mindsets give you nothing. By contrast, India's ISRO is a world class show.. why? are Indians more intelligent than us or something? Or perhaps they realized that fresh ideas and innovation comes from places other than just the military.
@Oscar, crashed a sat? Really?

Yup, the much vaunted Badr blew a fuse and is either space junk or going around to what might be uranus.

My understanding is that most of the work for building the satellite is being done by a Canadian company.

SUPARCO is just writing the check.
You may be quite right. SUPARCO is incapable of putting even a Monkey in orbit(pun intended towards the south western border).
Yup, the much vaunted Badr blew a fuse and is either space junk or going around to what might be uranus.

You may be quite right. SUPARCO is incapable of putting even a Monkey in orbit(pun intended towards the south western border).

It had a design life of 2 years anyway, did it live that long?
No, we cant use because Ballistic Missiles because they can not hit moving targets and we dont have DF-21Ds, the only reason Pakistan is going to use against sea target / CBG is when we decided to nuke them.

US and Russia have tested the tech and they may had them in space already, do you think both are so nice that they will implement those treaties fully? China don't have this tech fully matured but they may try to develop it if it is in their interest.

No, I was talking about launching the Satellite using Shaheen III. You misread my Post.
5 years.. and in those 2 years a lot of was spent guessing if the Sat was still there or not.

But even the official site states around 2 years.


Plus, I am pretty sure I read the same in press release at the time of launch.
You may be quite right. SUPARCO is incapable of putting even a Monkey in orbit(pun intended towards the south western border).

@Oscar; I doubt that they were monkeys. Probably they were ayatullahs.
Which may be the same thing.
@Oscar; I doubt that they were monkeys. Probably they were ayatullahs.
Which may be the same thing.

Regardless, the serious issue is the stuffed chair mentality that haunts all of Pakistan's major institutions. The SPD for e.g. has one man at the helm who seems to be for Pakistan's nuclear deterrent what Mycroft Holmes was purportedly in Conan Doyle's words: "..He is the British government" ..well.. here one man is Pakistan's nuclear policy.
Trust me on this.. You will never hear of SUPARCO publishing on what exactly happened to Badr B.
Salman Siddiqui » Lagging behind: 2040 – Pakistan’s space od[d]yssey

Anybody who's worked with or in the defence industry of Pakistan knows about the "planned" failure of Badr B

You are right but still the design life of badr b was around 2 years. Here are some news articles from 2001 stating the same posted on another forum:

Pakistan's second satellite successfully launched from Russia - Page 2 - Military & Strategic Forum - PakDef.org : Pakistan Military Consortium

In any case my hope is with the students who are getting involved in sat design and student satellite projects from different universities of Pakistan, they are the future leaders of Pakistan's space program not some retired major general hopefully.
Regardless, the serious issue is the stuffed chair mentality that haunts all of Pakistan's major institutions. The SPD for e.g. has one man at the helm who seems to be for Pakistan's nuclear deterrent what Mycroft Holmes was purportedly in Conan Doyle's words: "..He is the British government" ..well.. here one man is Pakistan's nuclear policy.

I see also that SUPARCO was headed by a non-scientist Chief from 2001-2010. Now that is a long stint, which any capable Head could have used very effectively to lead some outstanding work.
I also feel that not all Scientists are ideal Heads or Project Administrators. While we have an example of Brig.Gen. Leslie Groves who so ably managed the "Manhattan Project". But this person at SUPARCO apparently did not achieve anything either.

About the Gent at helm of SPD; he has been compared to Adm.Hyman G.Rickover of the USN also in some place.
Is that comparison justified?
We should also start research in launching nuclear weapons from space,that will give us the capability for striking india from space.

There is already a treaty for not developing nuclear strike capability from space.

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