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Pakistan—the Ship is Sinking - Lt Gen Tariq Khan (R)


Aug 17, 2012
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Pakistan—the Ship is Sinking​

By Lt Gen Tariq Khan (R) : Kashmir Newsline March 2, 2023

I see chaos before me and confusion all around – the future dark and hope illusive. People have become irrelevant. The judiciary is an accessory to crime and the government an accomplice to anarchy.

US senator Frank Lautenberg famously said: “One thing I have learned in my politics is that if one of the parties is shameless, the other party cannot afford to be spineless.”

PTI, the most popular party in the country entrusted with the hopes and expectations of the people, is slowly becoming irrelevant. PTI has erred, as it blundered in response to machinations of the PDM and their supporters. It resigned from the national assembly allowing the PDM to play a one-sided match. This was followed by resignations from the Punjab and KP provincial assemblies. The ‘Azadi March’ was halted. They volunteered to go to jail, which has been called off after the SC verdict that the elections in Punjab and KP have to be held in 90 days.

These are valid steps that are taken in a conventional political environment where moral appeal has weightage. The PDM has no qualms about being labelled as liars, cheats and thieves. You cannot insult a cockroach by calling it a cockroach.

Their speciality is blackmailing through illegal, clandestine videos made on all those individuals and their families who have anything to do with the judiciary, the police, the government regulatory bodies or the law enforcement agencies. The people of this country are hostage to bribery, extortion, coercion and threats by their own government. Any probability of a wrong being addressed or righted through a moral, ethical, judicial, administrative or an act of governance is highly remote and next to impossible.

So who can the people appeal to? None! No such office exists today in this ‘land of the pure’ that prides itself in the label that it has accredited to itself: ‘The Islamic Republic of Pakistan’. It is far from being an Islamic entity and even farther from being a republic of any kind. It must rename itself as ‘the lawless land of crime and corruption’, with its coat-of-arms changed to display the three proverbial monkeys – see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

It is a travesty of democracy where the media is muzzled, opinions considered libellous and any criticism labelled as a terrorist threat. The blatant lies of the government, though so transparently public, still suggest and insist that they only took this government position to provide relief to the people. That a 6% growth in the GDP has floundered to less than 2 % and inflation has reached over 40 % has no appeal to anyone’s conscience. The government, in an unprecedented exhibition of callous perfidy, unmoved by the misery that they caused to the people of this country, brazenly and shamelessly, amended laws so as to extricate themselves from the cases of theft and corruption. They then proceeded to accommodate the largest cabinet in the history of this hapless nation: 76 ministers of which 23 do not even have a portfolio since there were no ministries left. Thus, the political responses and the peaceful reactions of the PTI may look reasonable and reflect a high moral pedestal but they will remain ineffective.

So are there any corrective measures for such an aberration? I cannot find any conventional steps that can shake the conscience of the government or the powers that be, other than the integral power of the people. It is the people who are sovereign. It is the people who first make up a State and its territories and then agree to be served by a government that is representative of the majority. It is the people who then approve the Constitution which is a document limiting the powers of the government thus protecting the people.

When the ethos of the State is lost, it spawns separatist movements and the country is plagued by insurgencies. When the Constitution is violated, it leads to tyranny where injustice prevails. When the government is incompetent, indifferent and corrupt, an economic collapse is inevitable. Insurgency, anarchy, economic instability and injustice are the ingredients that make a failed State.

Is Pakistan a failed State? The people and the leadership can see all the mess unfold before them. Yet, there is no sign of remorse. There is an overwhelming indifference as people go about their business as if nothing has happened and what may happen will pass. It will not. The ship is sinking and we are all going down with it.

The country is struggling to remain afloat as it is disowned by its own people, abandoned and set adrift in an ocean flooded by disloyalty, corruption and selfishness. One wonders who could measure up to the task of saving the State. Is there anyone who can stand tall, above board, with courage and moral standing?

PTI needs to understand that their centre of gravity is the people of this country. The State belongs to the people. People matter and it is they who define Pakistan, not some ruling elite, dubious bureaucrat, self-righteous mullah or government mandarin. If these people, the multitudes that follow PTI, are not organised to come out on to the street to express their outrage, nothing will happen and it will lead to political failure and PTI’s undoing.

It’s now, when all else has failed, that only the people on the street, can make a difference. Unless a physical display of anger, frustration and resentment is projected, the political preferences as being assessed and measured, will never be translated into reality. The Government has to be overwhelmed by the shock and awe that huge crowds can evoke.

Lt. Gen. Tariq Khan retired as head of Pakistan’s Central Command and has led the Frontier Corps to victory against TTP.

Pakistan—the Ship is Sinking​

By Lt Gen Tariq Khan (R) : Kashmir Newsline March 2, 2023

I see chaos before me and confusion all around – the future dark and hope illusive. People have become irrelevant. The judiciary is an accessory to crime and the government an accomplice to anarchy.

US senator Frank Lautenberg famously said: “One thing I have learned in my politics is that if one of the parties is shameless, the other party cannot afford to be spineless.”

PTI, the most popular party in the country entrusted with the hopes and expectations of the people, is slowly becoming irrelevant. PTI has erred, as it blundered in response to machinations of the PDM and their supporters. It resigned from the national assembly allowing the PDM to play a one-sided match. This was followed by resignations from the Punjab and KP provincial assemblies. The ‘Azadi March’ was halted. They volunteered to go to jail, which has been called off after the SC verdict that the elections in Punjab and KP have to be held in 90 days.

These are valid steps that are taken in a conventional political environment where moral appeal has weightage. The PDM has no qualms about being labelled as liars, cheats and thieves. You cannot insult a cockroach by calling it a cockroach.

Their speciality is blackmailing through illegal, clandestine videos made on all those individuals and their families who have anything to do with the judiciary, the police, the government regulatory bodies or the law enforcement agencies. The people of this country are hostage to bribery, extortion, coercion and threats by their own government. Any probability of a wrong being addressed or righted through a moral, ethical, judicial, administrative or an act of governance is highly remote and next to impossible.

So who can the people appeal to? None! No such office exists today in this ‘land of the pure’ that prides itself in the label that it has accredited to itself: ‘The Islamic Republic of Pakistan’. It is far from being an Islamic entity and even farther from being a republic of any kind. It must rename itself as ‘the lawless land of crime and corruption’, with its coat-of-arms changed to display the three proverbial monkeys – see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

It is a travesty of democracy where the media is muzzled, opinions considered libellous and any criticism labelled as a terrorist threat. The blatant lies of the government, though so transparently public, still suggest and insist that they only took this government position to provide relief to the people. That a 6% growth in the GDP has floundered to less than 2 % and inflation has reached over 40 % has no appeal to anyone’s conscience. The government, in an unprecedented exhibition of callous perfidy, unmoved by the misery that they caused to the people of this country, brazenly and shamelessly, amended laws so as to extricate themselves from the cases of theft and corruption. They then proceeded to accommodate the largest cabinet in the history of this hapless nation: 76 ministers of which 23 do not even have a portfolio since there were no ministries left. Thus, the political responses and the peaceful reactions of the PTI may look reasonable and reflect a high moral pedestal but they will remain ineffective.

So are there any corrective measures for such an aberration? I cannot find any conventional steps that can shake the conscience of the government or the powers that be, other than the integral power of the people. It is the people who are sovereign. It is the people who first make up a State and its territories and then agree to be served by a government that is representative of the majority. It is the people who then approve the Constitution which is a document limiting the powers of the government thus protecting the people.

When the ethos of the State is lost, it spawns separatist movements and the country is plagued by insurgencies. When the Constitution is violated, it leads to tyranny where injustice prevails. When the government is incompetent, indifferent and corrupt, an economic collapse is inevitable. Insurgency, anarchy, economic instability and injustice are the ingredients that make a failed State.

Is Pakistan a failed State? The people and the leadership can see all the mess unfold before them. Yet, there is no sign of remorse. There is an overwhelming indifference as people go about their business as if nothing has happened and what may happen will pass. It will not. The ship is sinking and we are all going down with it.

The country is struggling to remain afloat as it is disowned by its own people, abandoned and set adrift in an ocean flooded by disloyalty, corruption and selfishness. One wonders who could measure up to the task of saving the State. Is there anyone who can stand tall, above board, with courage and moral standing?

PTI needs to understand that their centre of gravity is the people of this country. The State belongs to the people. People matter and it is they who define Pakistan, not some ruling elite, dubious bureaucrat, self-righteous mullah or government mandarin. If these people, the multitudes that follow PTI, are not organised to come out on to the street to express their outrage, nothing will happen and it will lead to political failure and PTI’s undoing.

It’s now, when all else has failed, that only the people on the street, can make a difference. Unless a physical display of anger, frustration and resentment is projected, the political preferences as being assessed and measured, will never be translated into reality. The Government has to be overwhelmed by the shock and awe that huge crowds can evoke.

Lt. Gen. Tariq Khan retired as head of Pakistan’s Central Command and has led the Frontier Corps to victory against TTP.

Your army of Faujistan is the root cause. Idiot!

This has been a 50 years in the making process. The downfall didn't start 2 to 4 years ago!... Schmuck!

Pakistan—the Ship is Sinking​

By Lt Gen Tariq Khan (R) : Kashmir Newsline March 2, 2023

I see chaos before me and confusion all around – the future dark and hope illusive. People have become irrelevant. The judiciary is an accessory to crime and the government an accomplice to anarchy.

US senator Frank Lautenberg famously said: “One thing I have learned in my politics is that if one of the parties is shameless, the other party cannot afford to be spineless.”

PTI, the most popular party in the country entrusted with the hopes and expectations of the people, is slowly becoming irrelevant. PTI has erred, as it blundered in response to machinations of the PDM and their supporters. It resigned from the national assembly allowing the PDM to play a one-sided match. This was followed by resignations from the Punjab and KP provincial assemblies. The ‘Azadi March’ was halted. They volunteered to go to jail, which has been called off after the SC verdict that the elections in Punjab and KP have to be held in 90 days.

These are valid steps that are taken in a conventional political environment where moral appeal has weightage. The PDM has no qualms about being labelled as liars, cheats and thieves. You cannot insult a cockroach by calling it a cockroach.

Their speciality is blackmailing through illegal, clandestine videos made on all those individuals and their families who have anything to do with the judiciary, the police, the government regulatory bodies or the law enforcement agencies. The people of this country are hostage to bribery, extortion, coercion and threats by their own government. Any probability of a wrong being addressed or righted through a moral, ethical, judicial, administrative or an act of governance is highly remote and next to impossible.

So who can the people appeal to? None! No such office exists today in this ‘land of the pure’ that prides itself in the label that it has accredited to itself: ‘The Islamic Republic of Pakistan’. It is far from being an Islamic entity and even farther from being a republic of any kind. It must rename itself as ‘the lawless land of crime and corruption’, with its coat-of-arms changed to display the three proverbial monkeys – see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

It is a travesty of democracy where the media is muzzled, opinions considered libellous and any criticism labelled as a terrorist threat. The blatant lies of the government, though so transparently public, still suggest and insist that they only took this government position to provide relief to the people. That a 6% growth in the GDP has floundered to less than 2 % and inflation has reached over 40 % has no appeal to anyone’s conscience. The government, in an unprecedented exhibition of callous perfidy, unmoved by the misery that they caused to the people of this country, brazenly and shamelessly, amended laws so as to extricate themselves from the cases of theft and corruption. They then proceeded to accommodate the largest cabinet in the history of this hapless nation: 76 ministers of which 23 do not even have a portfolio since there were no ministries left. Thus, the political responses and the peaceful reactions of the PTI may look reasonable and reflect a high moral pedestal but they will remain ineffective.

So are there any corrective measures for such an aberration? I cannot find any conventional steps that can shake the conscience of the government or the powers that be, other than the integral power of the people. It is the people who are sovereign. It is the people who first make up a State and its territories and then agree to be served by a government that is representative of the majority. It is the people who then approve the Constitution which is a document limiting the powers of the government thus protecting the people.

When the ethos of the State is lost, it spawns separatist movements and the country is plagued by insurgencies. When the Constitution is violated, it leads to tyranny where injustice prevails. When the government is incompetent, indifferent and corrupt, an economic collapse is inevitable. Insurgency, anarchy, economic instability and injustice are the ingredients that make a failed State.

Is Pakistan a failed State? The people and the leadership can see all the mess unfold before them. Yet, there is no sign of remorse. There is an overwhelming indifference as people go about their business as if nothing has happened and what may happen will pass. It will not. The ship is sinking and we are all going down with it.

The country is struggling to remain afloat as it is disowned by its own people, abandoned and set adrift in an ocean flooded by disloyalty, corruption and selfishness. One wonders who could measure up to the task of saving the State. Is there anyone who can stand tall, above board, with courage and moral standing?

PTI needs to understand that their centre of gravity is the people of this country. The State belongs to the people. People matter and it is they who define Pakistan, not some ruling elite, dubious bureaucrat, self-righteous mullah or government mandarin. If these people, the multitudes that follow PTI, are not organised to come out on to the street to express their outrage, nothing will happen and it will lead to political failure and PTI’s undoing.

It’s now, when all else has failed, that only the people on the street, can make a difference. Unless a physical display of anger, frustration and resentment is projected, the political preferences as being assessed and measured, will never be translated into reality. The Government has to be overwhelmed by the shock and awe that huge crowds can evoke.

Lt. Gen. Tariq Khan retired as head of Pakistan’s Central Command and has led the Frontier Corps to victory against TTP.
I stopped reading the moment he wrote PTI has become irrelevant. Entire Politics is running around Khan. Everyone is looking what Khan will do and this man is delusional enough to say PTI is irrelevant.
If these people, the multitudes that follow PTI, are not organised to come out on to the street to express their outrage, nothing will happen and it will lead to political failure and PTI’s undoing. It’s now, when all else has failed, that only the people on the street, can make a difference. Unless a physical display of anger, frustration and resentment is projected, the political preferences as being assessed and measured, will never be translated into reality. The Government has to be overwhelmed by the shock and awe that huge crowds can evoke.

Khan can’t be wished away, and shouldn’t be. The author should be glad there is a figure most people clearly want to lead the nation, and the rest are prepared to mostly tolerate. It would be better to advise IK on his mistakes, because he and his party are clearly not irrelevant.

If elections are less than 8 months away won’t this strategy of street protests undermine PTIs support? PTI organized mass rallies all over Pakistan. PTI would probably be better suited to find economic agreements with local and foreign investors as well as lobby foreign organizations once they have an economic plan, to convince the powers that be that should PTI return to power this fall, it will be the solution the nation needs, economically and politically.

Former PTI ministers with the 3+ years of experience in government could organize shadow ministries that could meet with local and foreign experts to figure out the best way to rebound the country from this mess (and protecting the most vulnerable), while still implementing austerity related reforms.
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... The PDM has no qualms about being labelled as liars, cheats and thieves. You cannot insult a cockroach by calling it a cockroach.

But these cockroaches were given "carte blanche" to swarm the house in the first place by none other than the Pak Army itself
I stopped reading the moment he wrote PTI has become irrelevant. Entire Politics is running around Khan. Everyone is looking what Khan will do and this man is delusional enough to say PTI is irrelevant.
It is irrelevant we all know why
I stopped reading the moment he wrote PTI has become irrelevant. Entire Politics is running around Khan. Everyone is looking what Khan will do and this man is delusional enough to say PTI is irrelevant.

I think he has to say that to make sure the establishment doesn't make sex tape of him and torture him. If you read between the lines... He is closet Imran Khan supporter.

In a fascist state you have to write in code.
It is irrelevant we all know why
IK was a dissappointment!

He should have let Bajwa go after his term and then clean the house (GHQ) of any jurnails with connections to big business, real estate, Sharif, Zardari etc. He should have reshuffled the middle layer and kept quiet on anything related to India, not give any interviews etc, but he displayed any lack of strategic thinking and action.

A person with such short sightedness shouldn't be let near the helm. It will only bring false sense of change, which is not what Pakistan needs.
IK did what he did and he has majority support amongst the public.

If he had tried to clean up the GHQ during his tenure, culminating in a coup, who knows, you and me would be cheering the Generals with our proverbial veil still intact.

The establishment stands naked. That fact trumps everything else.

Pakistan—the Ship is Sinking​

By Lt Gen Tariq Khan (R) : Kashmir Newsline March 2, 2023

I see chaos before me and confusion all around – the future dark and hope illusive. People have become irrelevant. The judiciary is an accessory to crime and the government an accomplice to anarchy.

US senator Frank Lautenberg famously said: “One thing I have learned in my politics is that if one of the parties is shameless, the other party cannot afford to be spineless.”

PTI, the most popular party in the country entrusted with the hopes and expectations of the people, is slowly becoming irrelevant. PTI has erred, as it blundered in response to machinations of the PDM and their supporters. It resigned from the national assembly allowing the PDM to play a one-sided match. This was followed by resignations from the Punjab and KP provincial assemblies. The ‘Azadi March’ was halted. They volunteered to go to jail, which has been called off after the SC verdict that the elections in Punjab and KP have to be held in 90 days.

These are valid steps that are taken in a conventional political environment where moral appeal has weightage. The PDM has no qualms about being labelled as liars, cheats and thieves. You cannot insult a cockroach by calling it a cockroach.

Their speciality is blackmailing through illegal, clandestine videos made on all those individuals and their families who have anything to do with the judiciary, the police, the government regulatory bodies or the law enforcement agencies. The people of this country are hostage to bribery, extortion, coercion and threats by their own government. Any probability of a wrong being addressed or righted through a moral, ethical, judicial, administrative or an act of governance is highly remote and next to impossible.

So who can the people appeal to? None! No such office exists today in this ‘land of the pure’ that prides itself in the label that it has accredited to itself: ‘The Islamic Republic of Pakistan’. It is far from being an Islamic entity and even farther from being a republic of any kind. It must rename itself as ‘the lawless land of crime and corruption’, with its coat-of-arms changed to display the three proverbial monkeys – see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

It is a travesty of democracy where the media is muzzled, opinions considered libellous and any criticism labelled as a terrorist threat. The blatant lies of the government, though so transparently public, still suggest and insist that they only took this government position to provide relief to the people. That a 6% growth in the GDP has floundered to less than 2 % and inflation has reached over 40 % has no appeal to anyone’s conscience. The government, in an unprecedented exhibition of callous perfidy, unmoved by the misery that they caused to the people of this country, brazenly and shamelessly, amended laws so as to extricate themselves from the cases of theft and corruption. They then proceeded to accommodate the largest cabinet in the history of this hapless nation: 76 ministers of which 23 do not even have a portfolio since there were no ministries left. Thus, the political responses and the peaceful reactions of the PTI may look reasonable and reflect a high moral pedestal but they will remain ineffective.

So are there any corrective measures for such an aberration? I cannot find any conventional steps that can shake the conscience of the government or the powers that be, other than the integral power of the people. It is the people who are sovereign. It is the people who first make up a State and its territories and then agree to be served by a government that is representative of the majority. It is the people who then approve the Constitution which is a document limiting the powers of the government thus protecting the people.

When the ethos of the State is lost, it spawns separatist movements and the country is plagued by insurgencies. When the Constitution is violated, it leads to tyranny where injustice prevails. When the government is incompetent, indifferent and corrupt, an economic collapse is inevitable. Insurgency, anarchy, economic instability and injustice are the ingredients that make a failed State.

Is Pakistan a failed State? The people and the leadership can see all the mess unfold before them. Yet, there is no sign of remorse. There is an overwhelming indifference as people go about their business as if nothing has happened and what may happen will pass. It will not. The ship is sinking and we are all going down with it.

The country is struggling to remain afloat as it is disowned by its own people, abandoned and set adrift in an ocean flooded by disloyalty, corruption and selfishness. One wonders who could measure up to the task of saving the State. Is there anyone who can stand tall, above board, with courage and moral standing?

PTI needs to understand that their centre of gravity is the people of this country. The State belongs to the people. People matter and it is they who define Pakistan, not some ruling elite, dubious bureaucrat, self-righteous mullah or government mandarin. If these people, the multitudes that follow PTI, are not organised to come out on to the street to express their outrage, nothing will happen and it will lead to political failure and PTI’s undoing.

It’s now, when all else has failed, that only the people on the street, can make a difference. Unless a physical display of anger, frustration and resentment is projected, the political preferences as being assessed and measured, will never be translated into reality. The Government has to be overwhelmed by the shock and awe that huge crowds can evoke.

Lt. Gen. Tariq Khan retired as head of Pakistan’s Central Command and has led the Frontier Corps to victory against TTP.
Tone deaf...general sahab has given his alma mater a free pass...no mention of the machinations of the "sepoy" kind...

I think he has to say that to make sure the establishment doesn't make sex tape of him and torture him. If you read between the lines... He is closet Imran Khan supporter.

In a fascist state you have to write in code.
There may very well be one out there...

As it is his daughter is supposedly married to a white american, not sure the veracity or the appropriateness of this, but none the less scandalous in Pakistani public's eye.
I think he has to say that to make sure the establishment doesn't make sex tape of him and torture him. If you read between the lines... He is closet Imran Khan supporter.

In a fascist state you have to write in code.
He isn't a closet Imran supporter, he openly supports him and criticised Bajwa too.

He released a video regarding TTP blaming Bajwa and Khan lol, but he wanted to lead the cipher committee but sounds like he was threatened to leave it

These are valid steps that are taken in a conventional political environment where moral appeal has weightage. The PDM has no qualms about being labelled as liars, cheats and thieves. You cannot insult a cockroach by calling it a cockroach.

This is the crux of the issue.

You can't bring a fist to a gunfight.
Stoking passions or grief... should read the dead horse theory!

Instead, him and likes want to keep people interested. Ex-premier pleads to same powers that be to let him back... showing them the crowds he still gathers... smothering the revolutionary fervor of the masses. Dragging them from one pole to the other... until no breath is left.

It is a sad tale... but not unseen.
Pakistan sadly has nothing but Manchurian candidate(s). And, a regime that doesn't want to dismount.

Institutions are akin to nerves serving the body... the masses. Yet, these powerful and overbearing enough colluding with outsiders and eating it's host like parasites...
Move on when they've taken their fill... while keeping the corpse in the clutches of it's masters.

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