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Pakistan Successfully Tested Babur 3 Cruise Missile launch from Submarine : ISPR

Those Russian SLCMs are VLS launched, not from torpedo tubes.
:lol::lol: first VLS launch missiles goes vertical then they goes horizontal or diagonal you stupid they definately launch from torpedo tube you mentally retard expert:rofl::p:
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Those Russian SLCMs are VLS launched, not from torpedo tubes.
subs can fire missiles from tubes VL is not must to launch missiles .

subs can fire missiles from tubes VL is not must to launch missiles .


In fact just last year a Norwegian Ula Class submarine, KNM Uredd, fired an IDAS anti-aircraft missile, joining Germany as the two nations to have done so:



The Ula Class does not have vertical launch tubes, just eight 533mm torpedo tubes.





No VLS needed, just encapsulation (or in IDAS' case a canister) to fire the missile as you would a torpedo.
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Subs been firing missiles from tubes before vls was conceived... tomahawk and harpoons... since 1950sss....dont waiste time on these morons
Whooaaa ........ Sea of education here that even few pages back I read that water would have dragged extreme force on Babur due to fins...... I mean the high level of expertise indeed...... As I was off the opinion that fins activates/unfolds once Babur is out of water and attained a required height.... However, experts are experts so what can I say.

Though many of friends have done well here but still, it would have been great to hear Arnab on this with all that noisy, insisting and no-logic debate and analysis.

Seems like we are having a field day. The name is BABUR-III.
Because, Tomohawk is fired from a VLS
The 533mm torpedo tube limits the Babur.
Really, how so?

Among 533mm torpedoes a length of 5.5-6.5m (US/NATO) and 7-8m (Russia) is quite common. These weight respectively 1500-2000kg or 1750-2250kg. Russian 650mm torpedoes are 11m and weigh 4 tons.

Diameter 20.4 in (0.5181 m)
Length Without booster: 18 ft 3 in (5.56 m)
Length With booster: 20 ft 6 in (6.25 m)
Weight Without booster 2,900 lb (1,300 kg)
Weight With booster 3,500 lb (1,600 kg)

Weight <1,500 kg (payload >300 kg)
Length 6.25 m (7 m with booster)
Diameter 0.52 m

Club 3M-14E
inertially guided land attack variant; launched from a submarine.
basic length is 6.2 m (20 ft), with a 450 kg (990 lb) warhead.
Its range is 300 km (190 mi).
It has a subsonic terminal speed of 0.8 mach.

Club 3M14K
inertial guidance land attack variant deployed by the Russian Navy. The submarine-launched weapon has
a basic length of 6.2 m (20 ft), with a 450 kg (990 lb) warhead.
range is 1,500–2,500 km (930–1,550 mi).
subsonic terminal speed is Mach 0.8.
The former, but let's just say the dia problem has been solved in a fairly obvious way. You'll see soon hopefully.

Deterrent, Will we see an increase in the stated range of Shaheen-III as well once it is launched with MIRVs? Putting MIRVs on a 2750km missile without any subsequent change (-ve/+ve) in the range of the missile doesn't seem very believable.
No way in hell.
China's current AIP subs implement the 533 mm torpedo tubes.

It would be crazy for the Pak navy to change from 533mm torpedoes considering it uses the DM2A4

Even China's torpedoes are 533mm
Just like you can fire 324mm ASW torpedoes from a 533mm using a sleeve, you could still fire 533mm torpedoes from a 650mm tube. A sleeve would be the naval equivalen of a sabot.
Can anybody tell me how this missile launched at 30-40 degrees from submarine? :o:
The maximum change in canister can be done is 10-15 degree and further change will completely make the submarine big in diameter which is nearly impossible in today's tech.
Explain anyone? Trolls stay away.
Encapsulate missile launch

with YJ-82

with Exocet

with Harpoon


The DGA test fires an MdCN naval cruise missile for surface ships and submarines. The weapon is a variant of the air-launched Storm Shadow/Scalp cruise missile

Submarine horizontal launch tactom capsule

Then obviously if there is no VLS, the babur-3 can't improve range that much - the 533mm torpedo tube will be holding it back.
Are you suggesting thast Tomahawks fired from torpedo tubes of Brit SSNs have lesser range than those fired by US submarine VLS? While the USN operates submarines using one or the other method....
Congrats to Pakistan. Israel tested encapsulated launch technology already in 2000 at German-Dolphin class but later refined it with modified greater torpedo tubes. Instead original 533 mm now 650 mm suited for Turbo-Popeye with estimated 1500 km range and 200 kg nuclear warhead containing 6 kg Plutonium.

Encapsulate missile launch

with YJ-82

with Exocet

with Harpoon


The DGA test fires an MdCN naval cruise missile for surface ships and submarines. The weapon is a variant of the air-launched Storm Shadow/Scalp cruise missile

Submarine horizontal launch tactom capsule

Are you suggesting thast Tomahawks fired from torpedo tubes of Brit SSNs have lesser range than those fired by US submarine VLS? While the USN operates submarines using one or the other method....
The ISPR press release also mentioned "Independent underwater propulsion " system with Babur SLCM.
Any comments on that?

"Launching missiles from torpedo tube and calling it secpnd strike is so shameful."
Then the Israeli navy is also shamefull. And to the extent that USN and Russian Navy rely heavily on tube launched cruisemissiles (many of which are or can be nuclear armed), this is also a silly remark.

"For 1 second even if i believe that its launched from sub. Then its diving up submarine , nose up, and launching this missile from torpedo tube."

See my posts on (or look up) "encapsulated missile launch". The submarine doesn't 'nose up' for launching missile from torped tube.

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