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Pakistan may get F-16s by July: experts

Its seems, eventually, the yanks have to cough up the F16s the way Pakistan wanted. Why do so much randi rona to begin with? Pakistan is not going to do anything these prostitutes called congressmen want. And in the process, stoked plenty of anti-American sentiments in 200 million strong nation. What kind of fools are allowed to run American foreign policy really!

Its like in a dysfunctional marriage where husband (Pakistan) beat the shit out of moaning and bitching wife (America), yet still screwing her and keeping the marriage intact for the sake of the children (Taliban).
F-16 carrot dangled again :yahoo::crazy::coffee:....May I suggest a moratorium on all F-16 related threads until the situation becomes totally clear and we do not use all our emotional energies on discussing troll-condusive threads.
Pakistan also needs to look for alternative sources for F-16, such as Turkey, Jordan and other countries flying F-16

PAF- India's worst nightmare
Pakistan also needs to look for alternative sources for F-16, such as Turkey, Jordan and other countries flying F-16

PAF- India's worst nightmare


Welcome to the forum---. You still need the permission from the U S to get any F16's or get any upgrades or maintenance.
The fact is deep down even the Indians know that there's no such thing as ''kill switch''....as for the rest, the on going developments prove that now US realise that this is not the 90s any more.

Yeah keep begging to us
WASHINGTON: Defence experts in the US capital believe that Pakistan may get the disputed F-16s by the end of July, despite a strong opposition from American lawmakers.

The experts, who spoke to Dawn, said that the Obama administration would ultimately succeed in convincing Congress that it was in America’s interest to enable Pakistan to buy the aircraft.

Earlier this year, the Obama administration informed Islamabad that it was ready to sell eight F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan, as it wanted. The US Senate, however, prevented the administration from subsidising the deal, although it endorsed the sale.

On Tuesday, the White House warned Congress that its effort to restrict US military assistance to Pakistan would hurt US interests in the region and would “unnecessarily complicate progress” in ties with Pakistan.

Earlier this month, the House Armed Services Committee endorsed another move to block $450 million in aid to Pakistan for allegedly failing to take action against Afghanistan’s militant Haqqani network.

Defence experts in Washington say that the Obama administration has reached out to several key lawmakers in both chambers of the US Congress, urging them to reconsider both restrictions --- on the F-16s and military assistance.

During a recent visit to India, US Defence Secretary Ash Carter strongly defended the proposed sale, saying that “Pakistan has used F-16s in its operations in the Fata ... we approve of those operations... and where we can cooperate with Pakistan in that regard, we do”.

The defence experts here say that such statements indicate improvement in relations between the defence establishments of the two countries. They argue that the Obama administrations fears that “bringing too much pressure” on Pakistan may have negative consequences and may also increase anti-American sentiments in the country.

On Wednesday, State Department’s spokesman John Kirby noted that “the Pakistani people have suffered at the hands of terrorists for far too long”, while underlining Washington’s desire to stay engaged with Pakistan.

Diplomatic observers in Washington pointed out that both sides were being “pragmatic” in seeking to revive their ties.

“Both sides know that they cannot go back to the relationship they had during the cold war or after 9/11,” said a senior diplomat while talking to Dawn.

“The Americans envisage a greater role for India in the region and Pakistanis are willing to work with that, provided it’s not at the cost of their national interest,” he added.


I think all this should be seen as an early warning for Pakistan. Today with Obama administration, the Congress initially denied Pak the F-16's. Tomorrow with either Hillary/Trumpet (another foreign policy) we probably wont get any F-16, neither new or used one. Pakistan should still look somewhere else.

(Dont put all the eggs in one basket)
AS EXPECTED Uncle sam will throw bone to our Sh*t Beggar's politician's to shut their Stinky mouth and they will take it with smile.
we are here for one more F16's thread and this is really Awful to read same story again and again.
This is just to stop looking somewhere else as Mr. AZIZ keep saying BullSh*ts on news if US will not allow we have other options blah blah blah. now he won't say a single word.

Guys really hats off to you all that you guys really taking it this much serious.
Is anyone here who really knows what is going on in our Forces? or we are just here to keep our dreams alive that yes one day yes one day PAF will have something interesting. :cheesy:
waste of time , money , resources , Dignity , and everything that is left ..
I wish someone put a 440Watt shock to these Congressmen , again so they can completely block this deal once and for all ..
@MastanKhan hello Sir,

Do you really have an idea what is going on? are we really going to get this Mighty Jets? or this is just US strategy to not let us move for other options?

waste of time , money , resources , Dignity , and everything that is left ..
I wish someone put a 440Watt shock to these Congressmen , again so they can completely block this deal once and for all ..

I am with you my friend. and i would say to put 1000watt shock to our people so they will not be able to think again about this jet.
I am with you my friend. and i would say to put 1000watt shock to our people so they will not be able to think again about this jet.

Not to people but those Generals who have their kick backs in such deals .. more PAF housing societies will be make :D and we will be shouting " Pakistan Zindabad " :D
Not to people but those Generals who have their kick backs in such deals .. more PAF housing societies will be make :D and we will be shouting " Pakistan Zindabad " :D

Yes, i was pointing to that general's. I REALLY WISH TO STOP THIS DEAL. and let them cry who is in love with this fighter.

Its time to seriously look for new options. or wait till we kicked out badly by our enemy. than i will start new topic Here for our Capable PAF so called ACM for their Honor and capabilities.
@MastanKhan hello Sir,

Do you really have an idea what is going on? are we really going to get this Mighty Jets? or this is just US strategy to not let us move for other options?

I am with you my friend. and i would say to put 1000watt shock to our people so they will not be able to think again about this jet.


More F16's you get---the more control U S has over you.
The White House understands that the F-16 is a key foreign policy tool for maintaining influence in Pakistan. In the end, I think the FMF will come through, there's a lot at stake in terms of the long-term.

More F16's you get---the more control U S has over you.

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, But as you are our PAF Chief - you would still go with that option. especially when you already knows that at the time when you are in WAR and you need to defend your Nation/Country. and US put sanction on you? and you are unable to use this junk.

if people like us knows and understand this fact. why our higher authorities not taking it seriously?
just crying that we do not have funds and blah blah.

The White House understands that the F-16 is a key foreign policy tool for maintaining influence in Pakistan. In the end, I think the FMF will come through, there's a lot at stake in terms of the long-term.

Sir, Not just White House understands this, but whole PAKISTAN nations understands this. but they will never ever do anything.
Thank you for your reply.

Yes, But as you are our PAF Chief - you would still go with that option. especially when you already knows that at the time when you are in WAR and you need to defend your Nation/Country. and US put sanction on you? and you are unable to use this junk.

if people like us knows and understand this fact. why our higher authorities not taking it seriously?
just crying that we do not have funds and blah blah.

Sir, Not just White House understands this, but whole PAKISTAN nations understands this. but they will never ever do anything.


Sometimes people give too much credit to people with high ranks. Until and unless you don't talk to them---you would not know how ignorant they are.

As I have already stated---pAF has already sabotaged the defence of pakistan----. They have decided that they are not going to fight---that is why---they did not buy any air superiority aircraft in the last 25 years.

Again---their insistence on getting the F16---without getting another aircraft to compliment it---is again disasterous.

The reason they don't listen is that no one has held their feet to the fire on a live TV discussion. Unless the nation does not know----they will do what they have been doing.

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