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Pakistan is in talks with TTP splinter groups and we can forgive them if they lay arms: Imran Khan to TRT World

He has run out of usefulness and is becoming a full-time liability for the Pakistani state.

The earlier he is sent home, the better it will be.
If TTP members fighting on behalf of India lay their arms it is a bonus. Those who don't are going to perish anyway.
Imran Khan: Guys pls you have to surrender, we don't have guts to avenge the souls we lost because of you. Pls guys
Understandable have a Nice Day. - YouTube
Another terrorist attack has occured in Mir Ali, NWTD. Good going.
I fear Imran Khan will end his tenure with an official pardon. He's always been a terrorist sympathiser.
Most Pakistanis conveniently blame everything on India without looking at complete picture. India maybe financially supporting them but to say that it plays huge part in TTP formation and its operations is clear cut stupidity . All of TTP leadership and foot soldiers are ethnic Pashtun of primarily deobandi sect. Non of them are indians or hindu.

The fact is TTP is a sum of Ethno fascist Pasthun supremacy + deobandi extremism + pashtunwali + extreme barbarism.
Blaming India or America is easy. It's hard for them to deal with the cognitive dissonance that the Afghans they have idolized as mighty warriors of faith all their lives are behind the suicide bombings. That TTP is not a Western conspiracy but our own Frankenstein.
He has run out of usefulness and is becoming a full-time liability for the Pakistani state.

The earlier he is sent home, the better it will be.
If you think the state is not onboard with this I have a bridge to sell you that being said its really disappointing how we are sending signals of weakness at such a critical time in history
What he would offer them??
Dont know about him ..but given the situation and appeasement of terrorist by IK ..what would be the answer to mother of kids killed by these terroist in APs and other policemen ...this would only enforce a negative view that in future public servant like policemen should not fight and save there life ..because state will left them ...same goes for any one who provide information and raise voice against these barbarians..and no tribesman should organize people against these TTP because state will not stand with them ..so better stay silent ..
Sometime it really gets strange that what's the policy of state ..
If you think the state is not onboard with this I have a bridge to sell you that being said its really disappointing how we are sending signals of weakness at such a critical time in history

Doesn't change the fact that he is a terrorist sympathiser. He has always been one. He will always be one.

Anyways the state may be on board with the divide and rule strategy of dealing with the TTP but it is definitely not on board with giving them a national platform and terming the issue "political".

The idiot also called termed the recent deaths of our soldiers as "just a spate of attacks".
Doesn't change the fact that he is a terrorist sympathiser. He has always been one. He will always be one.

Anyways the state may be on board with the divide and rule strategy of dealing with the TTP but it is definitely not on board with giving them a national platform and terming the issue "political".

The idiot also called termed the recent deaths of our soldiers as "just a spate of attacks".
Just like the Afghan refugee citizenship issue this too will force him to change policy

The rest of his interview was spot on but he had to mess it up on TTP when we had such good ammunition against others

Also by terming BLA issues political he is not only pissing off Army but also China

Even if the aim was to divide and rule over them a bit of strategic silence wouldve conveyed this message more clearly

Not everything needs to be announced on international media
Clear shows, PA and FC has no surveillance and intelligence network in the area despite 20 years of WoT and 70k dead.

Agreed, unfortunately this could be the case.

I don't know how many more causalities you are going to take.

Imagine if India attacked you, what would you do? Do the same with these lot.

US have left afghanistan and Taliban are in power, why are TTP still active? They have no reason to be.

Escalate this.
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