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Pakistan - Iran relations

I was talking about Chahbahar project - that could be handed to Chinese.
That shouldnt be of any concern to us.. unless Iranian soil isnt used by third parties against us.. God damn it.. We had very excellent relations with Iran .. Iran ironically was also the first country to recognise Pakistan in 47...
well we'll do whatever we like with our ports but iran will never allow anyone (even its friends like india) to launch any aggression against its neighbors and history is completely clear in that aspect .

show me a timeline that iran has allowed such a shyte .

but unfortunately the same cannot be said about others in the region .

Dafuq ? :what:

Although we did fuk up in the 80s ... but Pak of 80s has long died... even our dumbfuk politicians have realised that... browse through the recent developments and you will see it yourself what im talking about...
That shouldnt be of any concern to us.. unless Iranian soil isnt used by third parties against us.. God damn it.. We had very excellent relations with Iran .. Iran ironically was also the first country to recognise Pakistan in 47...

I see it in different way. The investment from the eastern neighbor of Pakistan to the Western neighbor of Pakistan will bring their influence with investment too. And looking at recent statement and attitude of Iran it is quite visible now.

Pakistanis still love Iran in their hearts and will obviously stand with Iran if any country attacks them. I can guarantee you that Iran will never do the same. I do wish that the relations between the two countries improve and the brotherly relations that the two countries once had, return.
we became an american client state and you became a mullahcracy.... thats how the rot started.

I agree. Also Iran's sometimes hawkish view on Pakistan. They think we are very happy under the US umbrella.

But the clear response of weaker nations to a stronger nation is usually to surrender to them and act as they fit-we have given up foreign policy to the US. The Iranians are right when they call us an American client state or vassal. We have no self respect and are being used by them since forever even when they imposed the Presler amendment onto us- case to note the Iran Pakistan gas pipeline which is under US pressure even though such a deal was only people to people, not military to military.

I partly understand Iran's concerns. I hope we can improve relations. Getting boggled down by US pressure is in neither of our interest nor Iran's. Also note that the Jundullah and LEJ too have spoilt relations which we have been struggling to contain.

It would be interesting if some Iranians can elucidate what they require and how they see relations between our nations.
The attempt to eliminate Iran's nuclear program is steeped with western bias because they have signed a nuke deal with India too and Israel clearly has nuclear weapons about which they have remained mum.
I did not understand India's involvement in all this.Could you explain it clearly?
I did not understand India's involvement in all this.Could you explain it clearly?

US signed a nuclear deal with India. Iran had referred to the deal as western double standards because they opposed Iran's nuclear weapons program but went ahead and signed one with India.

Another incident that damaged relations was the attack in India on the Israeli consul. It was said to be orchestrated by Iran. India and Iran are not as close as Pakistan and Iran are. Even the mullahcracy in Iran would say the same.
That shouldnt be of any concern to us.. unless Iranian soil isnt used by third parties against us.. God damn it.. We had very excellent relations with Iran .. Iran ironically was also the first country to recognise Pakistan in 47...
That's nothing that can't be restored because we don't have any single ideological or strategic problem with Pakistan and before all the Taliban shit happens in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 90s, we had great relations. These bearded scum terrorists (who were flourished with actions of certain governments, Pakistan's government in 90s can also be blamed to some extent) have a lot of say in it, but it can all go back the way it always was. Pakistan today is nowhere near what it could become with its huge potential and is nowhere as peaceful as it was in 60s, 70s and 80s. By peaceful, I mean without all those terrorists, but Pakistan still has very very great people like they were few decades ago, just some political mess has tarnished that image for some ill informed foreign observers.
in Pakistan only shia thinks lran as their brotherly country..and few sufis.. everyone else hates them.
in Pakistan only shia thinks lran as their brotherly country..and few sufis.. everyone else hates them.

Or the American stooges. I am sunni and love Iran. I am impressed by their strong foreign policy. We couldn't even punish those responsible for samjhauata express and the Indians conveniently blamed us. Later Shikhant purohit was found responsible.

Iran doesn't let anyone bully them. They respond to every act of bullying, so when LEJ Jundulallah attacked their forces and cross the Pakistani border they responded. Despite incursions by Afghans we fail to respond. Iran's top nuclear scientist was killed by Israel through a very sophisticated bombing and the Iranians punished the Israelis in their embassy in Thialand and India. Don't blame our lack of foreign policy on Iran.

We need to be strong and chase Fazlullah down even if he is in Uzbekistan let alone Afghanistan. Iran is doing what any sovereign state would do.
All the ill Conjectures will die its own death.....when the economy will catapult to a new High's.....if not in that decade ...then next one....tables willbe turn over (inshallah).....why somene wants to analysse situation according to current situation (micro) analysis.....why not take Big View in Consideration.
I;an 100% syre...America will ally Iran against Arab hegemony in comming decade.....as substitute to confirm presence in our area.....
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