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Pakistan has friends in Kabul

Why have you been dragged into this debate?
Now stop licking the colour of your tongue is changed now :lol: You proved your indian loyalty to her.Now stop
I'm NOT speaking on behalf of her, never come across her before. I am speaking to mr Nationalist who decided it was appropriate to start a confrontation with me.
I carefully read your posts and they are anti-pakistan indirectly .Since you are an indian you have all the right to hate pakistan i do not mind but please back your posts with some proof at least don,t just jump into the scene to protect her.
@Sarah Ahmadzai
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i dont know what your beef is with him and ive never come across him before but he's absolutely doing the right thing by calling her out. why use our posts from this forum to push her agenda on breaking up pakistan on twitter.

Her twitter account is racist, creates ethnic divisions and she seems to be a terrorist sympthaiser as well taking pride and joy when innocent people are killed in Pakistan. We should all send screen shots of @Sarah Ahmadzai racist and ethnic cleansing tweets to ministry of foreign affairs in France, lets see how long her asylum lasts after that.
I posted a comment of how the Pak government has increased charges of visas and overseas cards for overseas Pakistanis while it lets in people of other nationalities. The chap decided I was attacking Pakistan and accused me of being an Indian or an afghan. Regarding Afghans I've had personal interaction with them as I've taught and mentored refugees in UK. Afghans from Peshawar, Quetta, Islamabad and they certainly do have extreamly negative views about Pakistan mainly Punjabis. I usually laugh it off and correct them that Pak Punjabis didn't destroy the Afghans it was the Sikh Punjabis, Hari Singh Nalwa. Then t times they've resorted to calling me a 'Dhaal khor' which I don't mind as I enjoy eating daal just like Kabli Pilou as well as Indian Gujrati Biryani.

@Samurai_assassin is her pimp so expect him to behave like that.

Now stop licking the colour of your tongue is changed now :lol: You proved your indian loyalty to her.Now stop

I carefully read your posts and they are anti-pakistan indirectly .Since you are an indian you have all the right to hate pakistan i do not mind but please back your posts with some proof at least don,t just jump into the scene to protect her.
@Sarah Ahmadzai
You've not understood my post and i dont expect you to. Anti government on their failed policy to ease visa charges of overseas Pakistanis. How on earth does this make me anti Pakistani? If only Pakistan forever was here, unfortunatly he's been banned.
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@Sarah Ahmadzai You too got some russian facial features who knows your mama is been through the same tragedy or simply she was too friendly with the soviet soldiers ;););)
There is nothing to be proud of afghan girl.you belonged to a raped,humiliated and defeated nation.Now after france find some other welfare state.

Please stop no matter who much the person's opinion and arguments are flawed, personal attacks will only you make yourself seem dumber and damage your credibility. Though it does make for some good entertainment...
or how the bomb yesterday was in an Afghan army medical ambulance. @Sarah Ahmadzai
Low life people are hiding bombs in ambulances and yet she has the audacity to give lecture on morals in her twitter account.She is probably doing engineering in france so she can reverse engineer more mini sized bombs which can easily be hidden in ambulances :lol:
Man she never in her wild dreams never imagined i will expose her that bad on this forum by finding her twitter account :lol: Now she is in complete shock.
She thought she will make posts on this forum like a true munafiq hypocrite and people will never find out.I am happy now everyone here knows about her ,if she get banned or not does not matter my mission is fulfilled.

Please stop no matter who much the person's opinion and arguments are flawed, personal attacks will only you make yourself seem dumber and damage your credibility. Though it does make for some good entertainment...
I have zero respect for namak haram afghans.
And you too should stop speaking her language.20 year olds like you are not mature enough to understand things.
Does telling a reality makes me a dumber person??What personal attacks? What i said is reality.
I have zero respect for namak haram afghans.
And you too should stop speaking her language.20 year olds like you are not mature enough to understand things.
Does telling a reality makes me a dumber person??What personal attacks? What i said is reality.

I am not speaking her language and I have very little respect for the namak haram afghans... they have been leeching of our country for decades and all we get in return for our hospitality is hostility enough with them...
But what you said went too far...
@Sarah Ahmadzai Since you own us till attock and swabi is your land.Can you please share to plan to get your so called stolen lands from our punjabi state?
You have almost no army full of opium addicts ,no infrastructure no economy ,almost all of your country is dying from starvation.How you will fulfill your wet dream little girl? :lol:
You know how patriotic our pashtuns are and how much they hate afghans?How you will defeat a regional and nuclear power? After 70 years what have you achieved as compared to us?Afghans are worthless people,your country is cursed.You people never learn from your mistakes and always blame on those who gives you a refuge or provide you welfare.
And afghans are no longer afghans after decades of rape from invading forces.More than half of afghan youth today is a product of soviet and american rape.You too got some russian facial features who knows your mama is been through the same tragedy or simply she was too friendly with the soviet soldiers ;););)
There is nothing to be proud of afghan girl.you belonged to a raped,humiliated and defeated nation.Now after france find some other welfare state.

Your post was of off topic and intentions were not good. The thread is about pak afghan relations not about the visa fee of overseas pakistanis who are robbed from their dignity according to you.
Apparently after seeing her fair white skin your indian instinct kicked in which made your little freind really uncomfortable and you started defending her in high hopes.Well advise her to next apply in UK for asylum so you will have a better chance ;);)
No it was on topic relating to how unjust the Pak government is with its own people. Looks like you have a thing for her. I haven't defended her anywhere but targeted your patetic accusations.
I am not speaking her language and I have very little respect for the namak haram afghans... they have been leeching of our country for decades and all we get in return for our hospitality is hostility enough with them...
But what you said went too far...
And i went far telling the reality.
No it was on topic relating to how unjust the Pak government is with its own people. Looks like you have a thing for her. I haven't defended her anywhere but targeted your patetic accusations.
Glad you accepted your trolling gupta :)
The thread is not about how unjust the Pak government is with its own people.
I have a thing for her? :lol: I would not touch her with a barge pole
No it was on topic relating to how unjust the Pak government is with its own people. Looks like you have a thing for her. I haven't defended her anywhere but targeted your patetic accusations.
It is off topic... Visa entry fee's and Pakistan relations with Afghanistan have no relationship once so ever. End of Sentence. Full stop. However If you can give a better reason than "how unjust the Pak government is with its own people then I might reconsider my stance." I highly doubt you will be able to though...
It is off topic... Visa entry fee's and Pakistan relations with Afghanistan have no relationship once so ever. End of Sentence. Full stop. However If you can give a better reason than "how unjust the Pak government is with its own people then I might reconsider my stance." I highly doubt you will be able to though...
Thats why i went mad on him.And later he repeated her words and said i am not readily carefully.He is no doubt defending her
No Sarah think deeply before you make your tweets.
why should we have a hate mongerer on our forum.

Knowing the reality of you Afghans yo probably studied in our schools and colleges used our hospitals and out entire country only to spit in our faces now. Raping women and children in Germany and france is this why Europe gave you asylum.
Don't get angry at her. What do you expect from those who hold ethnic arrogance in their hearts? Can you be angry at the Devil when he tricks Adam (PBUH)?

Get angry at those Pakistani officials who allow citizens from a State which does not accept Pakistan to eat, sleep and be merry at the expense of Pakistanis.
And i went far telling the reality.

Glad you accepted your trolling gupta :)
The thread is not about how unjust the Pak government is with its own people.
I have a thing for her? :lol: I would not touch her with a barge pole
glad you also accepted your paranoid state of mind surjeet.

Thats why i went mad on him.And later he repeated her words and said i am not readily carefully.He is no doubt defending her
Exactly how am I defending her? I don't know her don't wish to. I suppose Pakistan is forever grateful to have a Gulu Butt defender as yourself. A cartoon sketch for sure. As a nationalist have you formed a defence council?

It is off topic... Visa entry fee's and Pakistan relations with Afghanistan have no relationship once so ever. End of Sentence. Full stop. However If you can give a better reason than "how unjust the Pak government is with its own people then I might reconsider my stance." I highly doubt you will be able to though...

Lol got mad by calling me an afghan or an Indian. Very original only in your small deluded mind.
glad you also accepted your paranoid state of mind surjeet.

Exactly how am I defending her? I don't know her don't wish to. I suppose Pakistan is forever grateful to have a Gulu Butt defender as yourself. A cartoon sketch for sure. As a nationalist have you formed a defence council?

Lol got mad by calling me an afghan or an Indian. Very original only in your small deluded mind.
They’re rushing into the conclusion and label opponent as RAW or NDS agent even if he/she is Pakistani... they will call him/her as "on payroll of RAW and NDS"... we can debate but we shouldn’t stoop to the level to of disgrace others... its only when someone doesn’t have logic and left with no decent words.... lemme confess.. I don’t have a problem with a common Pakistani because i know they’re innocent and don’t have any kinda of authority in policy... we can only debate and hopefully in future we will be the leaders and will be serving our own states... but my @SecularNationalist neighbor is miles away from decency!

@SecularNationalist ... A common saying...
" Age doesn’t mean maturity... it means sensitivity, manners and how you react when something goes against your expectation"
Afghanistan is a terrorist nation and we need to fence and mine the border as soon as possible. Let the Afghans kill each other covered in Indian cow urine and shit. We need to keep our borders safe.
I don’t have a problem with a common Pakistani because i know they’re innocent and don’t have any kinda of authority in policy... we can only debate and hopefully in future we will be the leaders and will be serving our own states... but my @SecularNationalist neighbor is miles away from decency!

@SecularNationalist ... A common saying...
" Age doesn’t mean maturity... it means sensitivity, manners and how you react when something goes against your expectation"
Wow now you have changed the tone of your speech and narrative.Like i said before you munafiq namak haram afghans change colors like a chameleon. How come you are not against a common pakistani when you are not respecting their country?You want to invade pakistan till attock and swabi and you have no problem with a common pakistani?
Decency does not apply to indecent people like you.Do you think it,s a decent thing to bark against a country which hosted you during difficult times,fed your big mouth and provided you with education?And in turn what you gave us?Insults in online communities,asss kissing of india,heroin,AK47 culture ,kidnappings for ransom,bomb blasts and terrorism?
Is it a decent thing to commit crimes in a country which provides you with welfare?
Is speaking truth a indecent thing?You tell me were your women mass raped during soviet occupation or not?
You pathetic woman do you have any idea how much we suffered because of you?
No we cannot debate with indecent people with no honor and dignity.The only solution is you get out from my country and from this forum.And do not call me your neighbor we feel ashamed in calling afghans our neighbor.The so called neighbours who gave us bad name worldwide.
They’re rushing into the conclusion and label opponent as RAW or NDS agent even if he/she is Pakistani... they will call him/her as "on payroll of RAW and NDS"... we can debate but we shouldn’t stoop to the level to of disgrace others... its only when someone doesn’t have logic and left with no decent words.... lemme confess.. I don’t have a problem with a common Pakistani because i know they’re innocent and don’t have any kinda of authority in policy... we can only debate and hopefully in future we will be the leaders and will be serving our own states... but my @SecularNationalist neighbor is miles away from decency!

@SecularNationalist ... A common saying...
" Age doesn’t mean maturity... it means sensitivity, manners and how you react when something goes against your expectation"
Racism aside let's discuss and come to some common understanding. Name calling, exaggerated remarks and threats serve no purpose. We understand you are deeply hurt and angered by the recent spate of attacks in Afghanistan, do you think we see joy in witnessing innocent Afghans murdered and their children left as orphans? Do you think Pakistan is immune to such horrific incidents? December 2014 we lost over a hundred innocent school children to barbaric terrorist. Year in year out Pakistan has lost thousands of its citizens in every province from every faith and social class. We have bled and have deep wounds for the past 17 years like the Afghans. Pakistan is making positive steps to secure and seal the border and has played a significant role in flushing out vast militant and terrorist groups from its border regions with Afgnaistan. terrorists who were Pakistani, Afghan, Uzbek, Arab, Chechen etc. It is time for Afghnaistan to do more and secure their side of the border.

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