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Chacha G,

Sir, you mention some Pakistanis loving Iran and supporting her. I'm going to assume they are Shias?

Even in India, our Shias look up to Iran as their spiritual leader of their faith.

However, and this is my doubt and question, all holiest places of Shias are in Iraq. I know because my friend's parents recently (about 2 years ago) went for a pilgrimage.

I know Saddam was Sunni and did genocide on Shias.

Is Iraq (before the current implosion, where no one knows who is who) majority Shia or Sunni and what is the percentage split please?
Why you always bring Shia and Sunni , Well nice try Sir , You only have one line fix Shia , Sunni. And as I said you before , try to find out Iran in 60s and 70s and afterword , And one more thing , Why you always trying to divide Muslims ? And Why Persians (Iran) Always use Shia card?
Pakistan has become a safe heaven of terrorists: Iranian MP
Posted By: News Deskon: April 30, 2017


Tasnim – Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi slammed Pakistan’s government for failing to prevent terror attacks against Iran from its soil, saying the neighboring country has become a “safe haven” for terrorist cells.

In a visit to the southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan, Boroujerdi expressed deep sorrow over the deaths of 10 Iranian border guards in a recent terrorist attack that was launched from inside Pakistan.Given that terror cells’ safe haven is located inside Pakistan and they (terrorists) cross the Islamic Republic of Iran’s borders from there, undoubtedly, the Pakistani government is responsible for the bitter incident and other similar cases,” the parliamentarian said.

He further emphasized that as Islamabad practically lacks the ability to control its borders, Iranian forces have the right to take the necessary actions and respond to such attacks.

Takfiri militants shot to death 10 Iranian border guards who were patrolling on the frontier with Pakistan on Wednesday.

The Iranian troops were martyred in an ambush by the terrorists in Mirjaveh in the Iran-Pakistan border’s zero-point.

A terrorist group calling itself Jaish al-Adl has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency late on Wednesday, Spokesman for the Iranian Police Brigadier General Saeed Montazer-al-Mahdi said the border guards were killed by long-range weapons firing from inside Pakistan.

The Pakistani government is to blame for the incident and they should be accountable for it, he added.

Source: The Iran Project


Why every time an Indian tells us what Iranis think about us?
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Iranian guards kill Pakistani soldier near border
1 FC personnel killed and three injured after Iranian guards blow up a FC vehicle back in october 2014

The most important thing about that incident was its timing; when Indians and afghans were firing on us across their respective borders ,Pakistan was embroiled with protests and Pakistans high command was changing we got something we least expected.what would have we gained back then by making our three frontiers hot?? So was it some sort of backdoor collusion? If not did Iranians question their guards who killed an innocent and injured his three fellows? Islamabad lodged protest back then and nothing happened .
Why you always bring Shia and Sunni , Well nice try Sir , You only have one line fix Shia , Sunni. And as I said you before , try to find out Iran in 60s and 70s and afterword , And one more thing , Why you always trying to divide Muslims ? And Why Persians (Iran) Always use Shia card?

You answered my simple question (about Iraq mainly) with a slew of your own questions (accusations?).

Let me answer.

Indians see Muslims as Muslims. It is you who see them as Shia and Sunni and many other names none if us can understand or even track.

The Shia and Sunni equation becomes important when related to Pakistan. Because it is Pakistan. Not because it is Sunni.

I'd bet if Pakistan were Shia, we Indians would look at these equations in exactly the opposite manner.

What else?

Ok, Iranians. I believe they see themselves mostly as Persian first. I could be wrong. But that's the impression I have always got. From forums as well as those I've met in India and abroad.

They are not really comfortable being Muslim.

Again, these are my impressions. But those are the ones you were questioning, so you get what you ask for.
and that is what your 1 million army personnel are doing in IOK,, Glorifying torture? (off topic) @Pak.one , @maximuswarrior , @Double Barrel
They are only waiting their fate in Kashmir with torturing innocent kashmiri people but this rebellion of Kashmiri people will ruin the indian uni into dust and in future people like seeta(shajida) will cry for ever
You answered my simple question (about Iraq mainly) with a slew of your own questions (accusations?).

Let me answer.

Indians see Muslims as Muslims. It is you who see them as Shia and Sunni and many other names none if us can understand or even track.

The Shia and Sunni equation becomes important when related to Pakistan. Because it is Pakistan. Not because it is Sunni.

I'd bet if Pakistan were Shia, we Indians would look at these equations in exactly the opposite manner.

What else?

Ok, Iranians. I believe they see themselves mostly as Persian first. I could be wrong. But that's the impression I have always got. From forums as well as those I've met in India and abroad.

They are not really comfortable being Muslim.

Again, these are my impressions. But those are the ones you were questioning, so you get what you ask for.
First I did not touch Iraq , Sadam was brutal killer as all other dictators are or were!!!! And Sir , many many many Sunni Muslims also died In Iraq . Iraq war was not Shia , Sunni war!!!
And to me all who died are Muslims (no shia or sunni ),
Now we Pakistani (especially me) we don't look things in Shia or Sunni matter, Its persians who do that , Reason of occurs smithy. Sir try to find out what happened in 79 and also please try to find out How Persians fought that war??? Let me know who start using Shia , Sunni first ? And try to find out how many Indians Muslims (Shia) Iran recruited for her different wars .
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Pakistan has a past of supporting suppressed people around the globe,they always support freedom movement of african countries, people of Bosnia, Afghanistan, Kosovo and other parts of world who were tortured by occupied forces. but now people like iran india israel calling Pakistan heaven of terrorist. But we still stand with our opinion, support for people freedom of Kashmir, Palestine, Chechenia, Burma and Morro Philippines we don't care what others called us
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Aurangzeb was a Mughal, has nothing to do with modern day Pakistan. That bloodline is all but lost. What Pakistani do not realize is that they were subjects even in Mughal rules and not the rulers. Accepting the religion of rules does not make US rulers. I am a muslim too but I do not claim to be among ruling elites of Mughal period. That is like any christian from Kerala claiming that they ruled over India in British period.

The funniest thing is Mughals looked down upon Punjabi Muslims. No Punjabi had a high position in the Mughal court while even Hindu Rajputs and Afghan Pashtuns (who openly rebelled against Mughals) found places in the courts. Several writings speak about Mughals disdain for Punjabis yet people on this forum claim Mughal identity.
The funniest thing is Mughals looked down upon Punjabi Muslims. No Punjabi had a high position in the Mughal court while even Hindu Rajputs and Afghan Pashtuns (who openly rebelled against Mughals) found places in the courts. Several writings speak about Mughals disdain for Punjabis yet people on this forum claim Mughal identity.

(Off topic)

I was once listening to Hassan Nisar and one of the best comment he made about it was something like this.

"Doosraon ki kamyaabi ko apana batana ek mashk shuda jehniyat ka ikrar hei" "Hamare yahan tareekh ko marod kar pesh kiya jata hei"

See some of his episodes on how certain Pakistani think that they once ruled Spain and while discussing this with Turks they make an *** of themselves.

In his opinion the present day Pakistani are facing the biggest crisis of identity. Some feel that they are having a certain 'Turkish Connection', Some feel it is 'Arabic and KSA' connection. No one wants to own the real identity of Muslims from subcontinent because that will connect them with their most hated enemy, Indian and specially Indian Hindus.

It is so hilarious to see that there are people like @PaklovesTurkiye who suggest that most of Pakistani are 'Whiter' than Indians while not even looking at their own railway stations to see the masses of their own people. Weird to say the least. The reality is that both the countries share too many commonalities INCLUDING people and language. Had the terms been better it would have been US-Canada kind of situation.
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