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Pakistan develops smallest nuclear weapon the size of a tennis ball

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@Oscar Sir don't ruin our fun. Me and @Hyperion plan to create an empire over the ashes of the nuked out subcontinent and currently everything is going as per our plans- well aside from sinking Bangladesh- that part of the plan seems to be taking time. @Secur you shall join us I presume?

Can I join the plan? I can increase smoking to cause more global warming and expedite the sinking of Bangladesh!! :D
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Sounds like a fake news. Who is coming up with this bull crap, and why would Pakistan threaten to distribute Nuclear Weapons to friendly nations?Maybe its one those chronic liars conspiracy theorists on the internet who make bull crap up ...

Can you even put enough nuclear material in a tennis ball to reach critical mass?

And even if you could, what about the rest of the device? The shielding, the trigger mechanism, etc?

This sounds like a fake news.. probably someone trolling.
Sounds like a fake news. Who is coming up with this bull crap, and why would Pakistan threaten to distribute Nuclear Weapons to friendly nations?Maybe its one those chronic liars conspiracy theorists on the internet who make bull crap up ...

This sounds like a fake news.. probably someone trolling.

Now are you saying all those things about Terminal X ?
Imagine suicide bombers replacing their balls with nuclear balls. That would definitely be undetectable..:devil:
@mods: This thread is nothing but a trollers paradise. Please shut it down.
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Terminal X, is a bad source they tend to stir up unsubstantiated claims and rumors. This is a bogus story, sounds like fictional Hollywood.
Which is worse? Terminal X or PKKH? Both.

Terminal X, wildest stories come out of that network. However, not all of the stories they publish are untrue, some of the articles are sound, they tend to discuss things mainstream media shys away from.
It must be. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves sounded scared.
Apart from that......

A suitcase nuke spells the end for the country that employs it.. Even if they make the most effort to not show it.. they forget that radioactive fallout can be traced.
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