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Pakistan Defence twitter handle suspended

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Is a Gandhoo Gangeticus allowed to disagree, @Kaptaan, or will I be shot at dawn tomorrow? Things have got from bad to worse on PDF for Indians, and clearly, this forum has taken on board what your country at large has not: there are no good Indians and bad Indians, there are Indians, and the quicker they are eliminated, the better for us all. Even if we try to be fair and even-handed, and to handle things within the rules of civilised discussion (not debate; that presupposes some parity), we are and always will be, within PDF, gutless wimps, small men with nothing going for them.

There is NOTHING wrong with your management taking that attitude. The only comment needed is that you need not be so full of self-pity; when the opportunity presents itself, there is nothing to choose between the way the world treats Pakistan - unfairly - and the way Pakistan treats those within its power for a temporary period - unfairly.

There is everything wrong with management taking the same self-contradictory confused attitudes, that there is no conspiracy afoot, but the playing field is not level; that Pakistan has failed policies but nobody can be allowed to criticise or change them for sake of a false image; that Twitter is being biased but the team is doing a great job and it should be thanked for doing more of the same that has ended up in its account being suspended.

This should be a moment for serious introspection about the direction PDF should take next if it is to serve Pakistan's interests at all. More of the same is an option, but not a good one.
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Account was not suspended for posting any pictures i guess. But for starting twitter campaign of tweeting this picture to nerender modi.
Everything started with this one picture?

Indians must really hate secularism to go full retard to ban a small handle.

Even Twitter is milking the Indian cow.

What a mob!

There have been previous problems with content as well, including profanities from the management team's accounts. Surely a better job can, and should, be done.
And before I hear any Pakistani's cry "Oh it's not fair'. Well get used to it. It's a dirty world out there. Hell look inside Pakistan even. Right now the federal capital of a nuclear power is in "lockdown" because some mullahs have managed to get huge crowds of people to protest in the streets. They have managed to do it not because of "fair" or the right thing to do but because they have the numbers.


Everything started with this one picture?

Indians must really hate secularism to go full retard to ban a small handle.

Even Twitter is milking the Indian cow.

What a mob!
It's not Indians, it's the girl whose picture was photoshopped who complained along with her Left wing "SECULAR" Kashmiri activist.
Some of their tweets are ok

But I miss those comedy tweets from defence pk.
I agree with Shehla Rashid that such picture (morphed one) could put that girl's life in danger.
Loads of women/girls roam around street with banners across India almost everyday with relevant issues,specially women like Sheila Rashid who earns daily wage this way.It's neither blasphemous nor against constitution.But trying to earn brownies over a morphed image of a little girl is literally shameful.
There have been previous problems with content as well, including profanities from the management team's accounts. Surely a better job can, and should, be done.


Like when they quoted respected trump's speech grab them by the pussy much of today's youths i have a dream speech from Martin Luther.

This is just Indians boasting that they are rich these days. How many Twitter users are active in Kashmir?
The Twitter account and Facebook page of Pakistan Defence Forum, one of the longest running forums devoted to Pakistan’s armed forces, were suspended on Saturday shortly after it posted fake news involving Kulbhushan Jadhav and a morphed image of a Delhi University activist.

Over the years, Pakistan Defence Forum, which describes itself as “a one stop resource for Pakistan defence, strategic affairs, security issues, world defence and military affairs” and is better known by its website url of “defence.pk”, has been repeatedly accused of putting out anti-India propaganda.

Though retired and serving Pakistani military personnel are among the forum’s members, it is not an official website of the armed forces.

Searches for the forum’s Twitter handle, which was verified, and Facebook page turned up messages that they had both been suspended.


The message showing that Pakistan Defence Forum’s Facebook page has been suspended. (Facebook)
On Saturday, numerous Indian Twitter users complained about Pakistan Defence Forum’s Twitter handle when it posted a doctored image of Kawalpreet Kaur, a student activist of Delhi University that purported to show her standing in front of Delhi’s Jama Masjid with a poster that read: “I am an Indian but I hate India…”

The poster used by Kaur in an image that she had herself posted on Twitter on June 27 this year had read: “I am a citizen of India and I stand with secular values of our Constitution.” At the time, Kaur had said she was asking Indians to change their profile images to “protest mob lynching”.

Naila Inayat


True story, there goes the Defence of Pakistan. pic.twitter.com/HV4K9bwpUm

Naila Inayat


Other than running malicious campaigns against several Pakistani journalists/activists, defencepk was also morphing photos to further its propaganda: pic.twitter.com/qK7ZLQM29G

10:02 PM - Nov 18, 2017

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The issue of Kaur’s photo being doctored by flagged by Shehla Rashid, the former vice president of JNU Students Union, who contended that forum should not use such images in the name of the Kashmir issue.

Kawalpreet Kaur @kawalpreetdu
Replying to @defencepk

I hope this is not official defence page of Pakistan otherwise there is a real security concern if you use morphed pictures just to spread hate across nations. Please put it down.

4:27 PM - Nov 18, 2017

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Also on Saturday, Pakistan Defence Forum had tweeted that India had “refused to avail the generous offer made by #Pakistan to facilitate a meeting” between Kulbhushan Jadhav, sentenced to death by a military court for alleged involvement in espionage, and his wife.


The tweet posted by Pakistan Defence Forum about India purportedly refusing Pakistan’s offer to arrange a meeting between Kulbhushan Jadhav and his wife. (Twitter screengrab)
The reality was that India had accepted the offer and asked for Jadhav’s mother to be included in the meeting. Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesman had even acknowledged, in a tweet, that India had sent in a reply to the offer to facilitate the meeting.

Dr Mohammad Faisal


Indian Reply to Pakistan's Humanitarian offer for Commander Jadhav received & is being considered

3:24 PM - Nov 18, 2017

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Following the suspension of the Twitter handle and Facebook pages, a thread on Pakistan Defence Forum was devoted to discussing the matter and numerous members hurled abuse at India and Indian nationals.

The various threads in Pakistan Defence Forum are devoted to discussing issues such as Pakistan’s politics, operations against terrorists, and also problems faced by Muslims around the world. The threads are also replete with the conspiracy theories that often find space in mainstream Pakistani media and discussions about India’s domestic politics.

In the past, Pakistan Defence Forum has also been accused of running malicious campaigns against Pakistani journalists, commentators and activists who have been critical of the powerful military and intelligence agencies.
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