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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia’s anti-Iran alliance

Pakistan should place 2 div army in KSA outside of holy sites of makkah n madina to only protect them not to protect their border n their conflicts
Source is very biased. News is being reported out of context as it was favouring Iran. I have looked up on internet it is true that Pakistan has decided to be neutral but at the same time they vowed to protect Saudi Arabia if ever holly cities come under attack. Pakistan has already welcomed Anti terror alliance but it is only restricted to anti terror ops and that has been made very clear since day one. We are not favouring anyone here which is a very wise move.

Let Saudis and Iranians pluck their own feather we shouldnt get involved in this egoistic dicck measuring contest.

1. Please explain the point underlined, is it whole of Saudi Arabia or simply the holy sites? I thought it was only the latter and does not include other areas/regions of the country.

2. And exactly the point you are saying in your post is what the article says. Either you failed to comprehend what is written in the article or you are calling it biased and favoring Iran just for the heck of it (read: because of flag of poster)
1. Please explain the point underlined, is it whole of Saudi Arabia or simply the holy sites? I thought it was only the latter and does not include other areas/regions of the country.

2. And exactly the point you are saying in your post is what the article says. Either you failed to comprehend what is written in the article or you are calling it biased and favoring Iran just for the heck of it (read: because of flag of poster)

To sum it all up we are not interested in this house wife series of Iran and Saudi Arabia. We are already busy at afghan border and keeping india and bay so no way we are in position to send even 100 soldiers to save their arse.
Saudi up to something , which is not clear. Something cooking inside Saudi Arabia or inside Royal family. West and American has said something between the line. Saudi extremely unhappy,because of Iran US nuclear deal, which will be implemented in next few weeks. But something is cooking big.

What is so unclear? US is the winner here. They have ramped up oil production (shale is booming) and bottomed out the oil prices (SA posting its first of the budgetary deficits; in the process sorting out Russian economy too), agreed a nuclear deal with Iran (and that will improve economic abilities of Iran), cooperating indirectly with them against ISIS (in direct opposition to Saudis and Turkey), effectively pitting Sunnis vs Shias and in the process putting muslims against each other. On the other hand, the Saudi Emir needs to protect himself, as a shrinking economy will severely affect them in the due course of time. So the request for Pakistani Army. Bankrolling your nuclear program was done keeping this in mind. But PA and GoP are showing sensibility. It wont do for you to antagonize Iran. And ... well be prepared for problems in Baluchistan now. You will have problems in it now .... you are the next. Its either toe US line or you pay the price and Pakistan, my dear friend, has outlived its utility now. China will be strangled economically ... their market upheaval is just the start. LOL

To sum it all up we are not interested in this house wife series of Iran and Saudi Arabia. We are already busy at afghan border and keeping india and bay so no way we are in position to send even 100 soldiers to save their arse.

In short ... too busy saving your own collective behinds to bother about someone else's. Oh by the ways ... you can relax on Indian front, we are too lazy to even get off it .... I do not see any chance of Indian army 'rolling' in ..... not ever!
The Kingdom without Pakistan = Nothing

Saudi's can get unofficial support of Pakistan and can get professionals, especially ex-PAF pilots and retired army men. They can be volunteers or on contractual employment, but there sure are ways.
Muslim world is already in turmoil so last thing we want is another two important Muslim countries ending up in hostilities.
No matter how tempting a few squadrons of Rafale may sound, Pakistan will never make the mistakes of the 80s and 90s. As the Foreign Office said, Pakistan will use it's good offices to ease tension between it's two brotherly nations.
I don't think Pakistan will decline, Pakistan will be very careful with this situation & will chose what to do wisely. PA & Intel Agencies are watching everything closely.
1. Please explain the point underlined, is it whole of Saudi Arabia or simply the holy sites? I thought it was only the latter and does not include other areas/regions of the country.

Its the holy cities that we will protect in case of any threat which is our duty as Muslims and not because of our relations with the Saudis.
If Pakistan stab Iran then it would be Pakistan's worst error in the history.

Iran and Pakistan as two big neighbour countries should be friends.

What is so unclear? US is the winner here. They have ramped up oil production (shale is booming) and bottomed out the oil prices (SA posting its first of the budgetary deficits; in the process sorting out Russian economy too), agreed a nuclear deal with Iran (and that will improve economic abilities of Iran), cooperating indirectly with them against ISIS (in direct opposition to Saudis and Turkey), effectively pitting Sunnis vs Shias and in the process putting muslims against each other. On the other hand, the Saudi Emir needs to protect himself, as a shrinking economy will severely affect them in the due course of time. So the request for Pakistani Army. Bankrolling your nuclear program was done keeping this in mind. But PA and GoP are showing sensibility. It wont do for you to antagonize Iran. And ... well be prepared for problems in Baluchistan now. You will have problems in it now .... you are the next. Its either toe US line or you pay the price and Pakistan, my dear friend, has outlived its utility now. China will be strangled economically ... their market upheaval is just the start. LOL

In short ... too busy saving your own collective behinds to bother about someone else's. Oh by the ways ... you can relax on Indian front, we are too lazy to even get off it .... I do not see any chance of Indian army 'rolling' in ..... not ever!
Deficit is pushing to situation where they are now selling Armco shares. US it self is now producing oil, so it start drifting away from middle east. Plus, GCCl are very unhappy after Iran-US nuclear deal. So, GCC is building new alliance against Iran, before signing Iran nuclear deal. This is kings alliance nothing else. Unfortunately , Pakistan can get oil and gas from next door Iran, but Nawaz is keeping happy Arabs and fail to protect Pak economy.
They kick out all King Abdullah advisers. Those advisers has decades of regional experience and they been handling the situation with extreme sensibility

Any source?
I think there should be a high level visit to Iran. Iran should be informed to stop totally the support for MQM, Shia parties, shouldering Indian interests, Balochistan troubles and accept Pakistan as a good neighbour. In return for Pakistan remaining neutral. Remaining neutral here means pro Iran because of Past Saudi help for Pakistan. If Iran does not mend its way with Pakistan. Logical thinking dictates give 100% support to SA. If Iran forments troubles treat the miscreants with same iron hands. Sectarian identities should not dictate the type of response by the state. If Pakistan can handle Taleban Pakistan can handle likes of Sipah Muhammadi and Al Zulfiqar

You frigging COWARD pakistanis---now was your chance to permanently NEUTRALIZE India for good.

You 100 k force in suadi and Yemen would have changed the playing field---. The threat of imminent war from india would have dissipated and you would have been able to put india right in its place----.

With the saudi and emiratio air force at your disposal----you could have dictated the terms.

With your force allocated for the region---you could have sigend a nato like treaty---you could have asked for more jobs---releasing indians and replacing pakistanis----you could have done a million and one things---.

You know----this was the true moment to prove the claims that you guys made--of being the sons and daughters of fierce warriors----conquerors of lands unknown----.

Now look at them---whimpering and cowering down----ohh pretty please---this is not my war---.

Pakistanis are proving to be sell outs----the saudis and emiratis stood by them thru thick and thin---and what a shameful payback.
Calm down @MastanKhan , the military provides plenty of experienced contractors to the Saudis and to other Gulf countries especially Bahrain, for the time being they should be sufficient as I highly doubt the Houthis are going to launch a blitzkrieg into the kingdom. Beside I highly doubt the UAE and Saudis would provide their cutting edge Block 60s and F-15s in the event of a conflict with Hindia.kudos
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