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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia’s anti-Iran alliance

Well, US welcome everyone, people should learn to behave. If these people are not agree with US system, they can go back to their respective country. But, randomly killing innocent civilian is only hurting Islam and freedom of Muslims.
well there r 350 shootings in US how many muslims were involved in it ?just one the California one ?Well at one shooting ur point in taken but rest 349 ?who brain washed those Morons ?were not any innocent civi got killed in those shootings?think about it ?
Saudi could use these tensions as pretext for conducting nuclear tests. Oil is down, trade is down, not much fear of a blowback. Nuclear Weapons will provide a domestic distraction, and are the best guarantee against western backed arab springs.
Pakistan Joins Saudi-Led Anti-Terror Coalition

Pakistan and Saudi are not going anywhere without each other...

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Source known or unknown, one thing is right that we should not take part instead make them sit together and make peace between them
If Saudi wants to make its conflict with Iran a Shia/ Sunni conflict, it is wise for other Sunnis to stay out of this.

Ofcourse it is wise to keep Nation safe and away from wars But for the traders it is the issue of Money.
they do not think wise, they think money. More money more business. no one think of people.

it is only distraction while in real Pak is part of the alliance. it will be proven when the time comes that pak join or not.
the sad part is that pak is to fight others wars without much benefit.

we can only pray it do not happen. God save Pakistan from Evil.
Tehran, Jan 8, IRNA – Saudi Arabia’s campaign to build a broad Sunni alliance to contain Iran has apparently suffered at least a setback from Pakistan and was instead invited by Sharif to settle the dispute peacefully.

Islamabad has opted, at least for now, to avoid becoming entangled in the sectarian cold war between Riyadh and Tehran, the Al Monitor reported.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has rejected, at least for now, Saudi Arabia’s entreaties for Pakistani troops to help guard the Saudi border with northern Yemen, controlled by native Yemeni revolutionary Houthi forces.

Earlier this month, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was invited to the kingdom for urgent talks with King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud and his advisers.
The embattled king met Sharif at the airport to underscore the importance of the talks. The main topic was the baseless Saudi claim on Iranian aggression in the Arab world and Riyadh’s shared concern with Tel Aviv on the impending deadline for the P5+1 negotiations on Iran’s nuclear project.

The king wanted firm assurances from Sharif that Pakistan would align itself with Saudi Arabia and its Sunni Arab allies against Iran, especially in the unjustly Saudi imposed war now underway in most impoverished and oppressed Yemeni nation.

Salman specifically wanted a Pakistani military contingent to deploy to the kingdom to help defend the vulnerable southwest border with Zaydi Houthi-controlled north Yemen.

There is precedent for a Pakistani army expeditionary force in Saudi Arabia. After the Iranian Revolution, Pakistani dictator Mohammad Zia ul-Haq deployed an elite Pakistani armored brigade to the kingdom at King

Fahd’s request to deter any threats to the country. In all, some 40,000 Pakistanis served in the brigade over most of a decade. Today only some Pakistani advisers and experts serve in the kingdom.

According to Pakistani sources, Sharif has reluctantly decided not to send troops to Saudi Arabia for now. Sharif promised closer counterterrorism and military cooperation but no troops for the immediate future. Pakistan also declined to move its embassy in Yemen from Sanaa to Aden as the Saudis and the Gulf Cooperation Council states have done to distance themselves from the Houthis.

The Pakistanis are arguing their military is already overstretched facing the traditional enemy, India, and the increasing threat from the Pakistani Taliban.

Pakistan has its own serious sectarian tensions and violence. About 20% of Pakistanis are Shi’a and sectarian violence has been intensifying in recent years.

Groups linked to the Saudi-backed al-Qaeda such as Lashkar-e-Jhangvi have targeted Shi’a mosques and schools in suicide bombings.
Decline I have serious doubts about it but still first move should be to try to bring both on s table and start talks
If Saudi wants to make its conflict with Iran a Shia/ Sunni conflict, it is wise for other Sunnis to stay out of this.

That should put the ball in Iran court which took a domestic Saudi politcal case and trying to color it with Shia oppression!
That should put the ball in Iran court which took a domestic Saudi politcal case and trying to color it with Shia oppression!
The same applies to Iran and Shias. It is evil to drive a geopolitical conflict in the name of religion.
"If and big very if" Pakistan doesnt align himself with Saudia, it wont be an open secret. Pakistan doesnt not have such a good relationship with Iran that it will inform IRNA about their decision

You frigging COWARD pakistanis---now was your chance to permanently NEUTRALIZE India for good.

You 100 k force in suadi and Yemen would have changed the playing field---. The threat of imminent war from india would have dissipated and you would have been able to put india right in its place----.

With the saudi and emiratio air force at your disposal----you could have dictated the terms.

With your force allocated for the region---you could have sigend a nato like treaty---you could have asked for more jobs---releasing indians and replacing pakistanis----you could have done a million and one things---.

You know----this was the true moment to prove the claims that you guys made--of being the sons and daughters of fierce warriors----conquerors of lands unknown----.

Now look at them---whimpering and cowering down----ohh pretty please---this is not my war---.

Pakistanis are proving to be sell outs----the saudis and emiratis stood by them thru thick and thin---and what a shameful payback.
Pakistan probably will join but in a limited fashion. we are fighting are own war on terror you know.
No Troops.

You frigging COWARD pakistanis---now was your chance to permanently NEUTRALIZE India for good.

You 100 k force in suadi and Yemen would have changed the playing field---. The threat of imminent war from india would have dissipated and you would have been able to put india right in its place----.

With the saudi and emiratio air force at your disposal----you could have dictated the terms.

With your force allocated for the region---you could have sigend a nato like treaty---you could have asked for more jobs---releasing indians and replacing pakistanis----you could have done a million and one things---.

You know----this was the true moment to prove the claims that you guys made--of being the sons and daughters of fierce warriors----conquerors of lands unknown----.

Now look at them---whimpering and cowering down----ohh pretty please---this is not my war---.

Pakistanis are proving to be sell outs----the saudis and emiratis stood by them thru thick and thin---and what a shameful payback.

saudi arabia will not fight India. they never did when India was weaker in the past. they are not going to start when India is much stronger
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